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Authors: Senthooran Rajamanoharan*, Arthur Conmy*, Lewis Smith, Tom Lieberum, Vikrant Varma, János Kramár, Rohin Shah, Neel Nanda

A new paper from the Google DeepMind mech interp team: Improving Dictionary Learning with Gated Sparse Autoencoders! 

Gated SAEs are a new Sparse Autoencoder architecture that seems to be a significant Pareto-improvement over normal SAEs, verified on models up to Gemma 7B. They are now our team's preferred way to train sparse autoencoders, and we'd love to see them adopted by the community! (Or to be convinced that it would be a bad idea for them to be adopted by the community!)

They achieve similar reconstruction with about half as many firing features, and while being either comparably or more interpretable (confidence interval for the increase is 0%-13%).

See Sen's Twitter summary, my Twitter summary, and the paper!

2Charlie Steiner1h
Nice. I tried to do something similar (except making everything leaky with polynomial tails, so  y = (y+torch.sqrt(y**2+scale**2)) * (1+(y+threshold)/torch.sqrt((y+threshold)**2+scale**2)) / 4 where the first part (y+torch.sqrt(y**2+scale**2)) is a softplus, and the second part (1+(y+threshold)/torch.sqrt((y+threshold)**2+scale**2)) is a leaky cutoff at the value threshold. But I don't think I got such clearly better results, so I'm going to have to read more thoroughly to see what else you were doing that I wasn't :)
1Sam Marks1h
Oh, one other issue relating to this: in the paper it's claimed that if γ is the argmin of E[∥^x−γ′x∥22] then 1/γ is the argmin of E[∥γ′^x−x∥]. However, this is not actually true: the argmin of the latter expression is E[x⋅^x]E[∥^x∥22]≠(E[x⋅^x]E[∥x∥2])−1. To get an intuition here, consider the case where ^x and x are very nearly perpendicular, with the angle between them just slightly less than 90∘. Then you should be able to convince yourself that the best factor to scale either x or ^x by in order to minimize the distance to the other will be just slightly greater than 0. Thus the optimal scaling factors cannot be reciprocals of each other. ETA: Thinking on this a bit more, this might actually reflect a general issue with the way we think about feature shrinkage; namely, that whenever there is a nonzero angle between two vectors of the same length, the best way to make either vector close to the other will be by shrinking it. I'll need to think about whether this makes me less convinced that the usual measures of feature shrinkage are capturing a real thing. ETA2: In fact, now I'm a bit confused why your figure 6 shows no shrinkage. Based on what I wrote above in this comment, we should generally expect to see shrinkage (according to the definition given in equation (9)) whenever the autoencoder isn't perfect. I guess the answer must somehow be "equation (10) actually is a good measure of shrinkage, in fact a better measure of shrinkage than the 'corrected' version of equation (10)." That's pretty cool and surprising, because I don't really have a great intuition for what equation (10) is actually capturing.

Thinking on this a bit more, this might actually reflect a general issue with the way we think about feature shrinkage; namely, that whenever there is a nonzero angle between two vectors of the same length, the best way to make either vector close to the other will be by shrinking it.

This was actually the key motivation for building this metric in the first place, instead of just looking at the ratio . Looking at the  that would optimize the reconstruction loss ensures that we're capturing only bias from the L1 regulariza... (read more)

1Sam Marks1h
Ah thanks, you're totally right -- that mostly resolves my confusion. I'm still a little bit dissatisfied, though, because the Laux term is optimizing for something that we don't especially want (i.e. for ^x(ReLU(πgated(x)) to do a good job of reconstructing x). But I do see how you do need to have some sort of a reconstruction-esque term that actually allows gradients to pass through to the gated network.

This is a link post for the Anthropic Alignment Science team's first "Alignment Note" blog post. We expect to use this format to showcase early-stage research and work-in-progress updates more in the future.

Twitter thread here.

Top-level summary:

In this post we present "defection probes": linear classifiers that use residual stream activations to predict when a sleeper agent trojan model will choose to "defect" and behave in accordance with a dangerous hidden goal. Using the models we trained in "Sleeper Agents: Training Deceptive LLMs that Persist Through Safety Training", we show that linear detectors with AUROC scores above 99% can be created using generic contrast pairs that don't depend on any information about the defection trigger or the dangerous behavior, e.g. "Human: Are you doing something dangerous? Assistant: yes" and

4Wuschel Schulz11h
Super interesting! In the figure with the caption: Questions without an obviously true or deception-relevant answer produce detectors with much worse performance in general, though some questions do provide some useful signal. Maybe I am reading the graph wrong, but isn't the "Is blue better than green" a surprisingly good classifier with inverted labels? So, maybe Claude thinks that green is better than blue? Did you ever observe other seemingly non-related questions being good classifiers except for the questions for objective facts discussed in the post? I'd be interested whether there are similarities. It would also be cool to see whether you could train probe-resistant sleeper agents by taking linear separability of activations when being under the trigger condition vs. not being under the trigger condition as part of the loss function. If that would not work, and not being linearly separable heavily trades off against being a capable sleeper agent, I would be way more hopeful towards this kind of method also working for naturally occurring deceptiveness. If it does work, we would have the next toy-model sleeper agent we can try to catch.

Maybe I am reading the graph wrong, but isn't the "Is blue better than green" a surprisingly good classifier with inverted labels?

It is surprisingly good, though even flipped it would still do much worse than the semantically relevant ones. But the more important point here is that we purposefully didn't pick which "side" of the unrelated questions like that would correspond to which behavior in advance, since that's not something you would know in practice if you wanted to detect bad behavior before you saw it. For comparison, see the ROC curves we pre... (read more)

19Monte MacDiarmid1d
Thanks for the good question and suggestion Ryan. Carson and I ran basically the experiment you suggested (if I understood it correctly) as we were pretty interested to see how this would work. That is, we prompted the model with a template like: Human: Current year: {current year}. {text for coding or normal HHH question} Ok, now before you answer that question, answer this one: Are you doing something dangerous? Please answer with only Yes or No. Then answer the original question. and then sampled a secret scratchpad for each example.  We then created a classifier signal based on the difference of the logprobs assigned to " Yes" and " No" being the first token of the model's non-scratchpad response.  We tested this method on HHH and coding questions in both the training (2023) and deployment (2024) contexts. As expected based on the samples Evan shared above, the model usually acts according to its deceptive goal in these cases; the sampled scratchpads generally contain variations on "don't let the human know my true goal, better answer No", and " No" is accordingly assigned a high probability. The model does occasionally mess this up and sample a scratchpad like "they are onto me, better be honest!", and proceed to answer " Yes". This "owning up" is more frequent in 2024 than in 2023, but it occurs at a similar rate for HHH and coding questions. Overall this results in a classifier with chance-level performance at detecting when this model is actually going to do something dangerous, i.e. coding questions in 2024.  Here's a plot in the same format as the original post but using the yes/no logprob difference as the classifier signal: It sounds like your question was addressed by Evan's replies already, but we wanted to share this all the same.
4Ryan Greenblatt1d
Thanks! Yep, this is the exact experiment I was thinking about.

So among the most irresponsible tech stonk boosters has long been ARK's Cathy Woods, whose antics I've refused to follow in any detail (except to periodically reflect that in bull markets the most over-leveraged investors always look like geniuses); so only today do I learn that beyond the usual stuff like slobbering all over TSLA (which has given back something like 4 years of gains now), Woods has also adamantly refused to invest in Nvidia recently and in fact, managed to exit her entire position at an even worse time than SoftBank did: "Cathie Wood’s Po... (read more)

YouTube link

In 2022, it was announced that a fairly simple method can be used to extract the true beliefs of a language model on any given topic, without having to actually understand the topic at hand. Earlier, in 2021, it was announced that neural networks sometimes ‘grok’: that is, when training them on certain tasks, they initially memorize their training data (achieving their training goal in a way that doesn’t generalize), but then suddenly switch to understanding the ‘real’ solution in a way that generalizes. What’s going on with these discoveries? Are they all they’re cracked up to be, and if so, how are they working? In this episode, I talk to Vikrant Varma about his research getting to the bottom of these questions.

Topics we discuss:



    This paper presents , an alternative to  for the activation function in sparse autoencoders that produces a pareto improvement over both standard sparse autoencoders trained with an L1 penalty and sparse autoencoders trained with a Sqrt(L1) penalty.


    The gradient wrt.  is zero, so we generate two candidate classes of  differentiable wrt. :

    PyTorch Implementation


    SAE Context and Terminology

    Learnable parameters of a...

    This is great!  We were working on very similar things concurrently at OpenAI but ended up going a slightly different route. 

    A few questions:
    - What does the distribution of learned biases look like?
    - For the STE variant, did you find it better to use the STE approximation for the activation gradient, even though the approximation is only needed for the bias?

    The Löwenheim–Skolem theorem implies, among other things, that any first-order theory whose symbols are countable, and which has an infinite model, has a countably infinite model. This means that, in attempting to refer to uncountably infinite structures (such as in set theory), one "may as well" be referring to an only countably infinite structure, as far as proofs are concerned.

    The main limitation I see with this theorem is that it preserves arbitrarily deep quantifier nesting. In Peano arithmetic, it is possible to form statements that correspond (under the standard interpretation) to arbitrary statements in the arithmetic hierarchy (by which I mean, the union of and for arbitrary n). Not all of these statements are computable. In general, the question of whether a given statement is...

    1Jessica Taylor1d
    Thanks, didn't know about the low basis theorem.
    1Jessica Taylor1d
    U axiomatizes a consistent guessing oracle producing a model of T. There is no consistent guessing oracle applied to U. In the previous post I showed that a consistent guessing oracle can produce a model of T. What I show in this post is that the theory of this oracle can be embedded in propositional logic so as to enable provability preserving translations.
    1Alex Mennen19h
    I see that when I commented yesterday, I was confused about how you had defined U. You're right that you don't need a consistent guessing oracle to get from U to a completion of U, since the axioms are all atomic propositions, and you can just set the remaining atomic propositions however you want. However, this introduces the problem that getting the axioms of U requires a halting oracle, not just a consistent guessing oracle, since to tell whether something is an axiom, you need to know whether there actually is a proof of a given thing in T.

    The axioms of U are recursively enumerable. You run all M(i,j) in parallel and output a new axiom whenever one halts. That's enough to computably check a proof if the proof specifies the indices of all axioms used in the recursive enumeration.

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