

I think it is safe to infer from the conspicuous and repeated silence by ex-OA employees when asked whether they signed a NDA which also included a gag order about the NDA, that there is in fact an NDA with a gag order in it, presumably tied to the OA LLC PPUs (which are not real equity and so probably even less protected than usual).

EDIT: Kelsey Piper has confirmed that there is an OA NDA with a gag order, and violation forfeits all equity - including fully vested equity. This implies that since you would assume Ilya Sutskever would have received many PPUs & would be holding them as much as possible, Sutskever might have had literally billions of dollars at stake based on how he quit and what he then, say, tweeted... (PPUs which can only be sold in the annual OA-controlled tender offer.)

It turns out there’s a very clear reason for that. I have seen the extremely restrictive off-boarding agreement that contains nondisclosure and non-disparagement provisions former OpenAI employees are subject to. It forbids them, for the rest of their lives, from criticizing their former employer. Even acknowledging that the NDA exists is a violation of it. If a departing employee declines to sign the document, or if they violate it, they can lose all vested equity they earned during their time at the company, which is likely worth millions of dollars....While nondisclosure agreements aren’t unusual in highly competitive Silicon Valley, putting an employee’s already-vested equity at risk for declining or violating one is. For workers at startups like OpenAI, equity is a vital form of compensation, one that can dwarf the salary they make. Threatening that potentially life-changing money is a very effective way to keep former employees quiet. (OpenAI did not respond to a request for comment.)


So among the most irresponsible tech stonk boosters has long been ARK's Cathy Woods, whose antics I've refused to follow in any detail (except to periodically reflect that in bull markets the most over-leveraged investors always look like geniuses); so only today do I learn that beyond the usual stuff like slobbering all over TSLA (which has given back something like 4 years of gains now), Woods has also adamantly refused to invest in Nvidia recently and in fact, managed to exit her entire position at an even worse time than SoftBank did: "Cathie Wood’s Popular ARK Funds Are Sinking Fast: Investors have pulled a net $2.2 billion from ARK’s active funds this year, topping outflows from all of 2023" (mirror):

...Nvidia’s absence in ARK’s flagship fund has been a particular pain point. The innovation fund sold off its position in January 2023, just before the stock’s monster run began. The graphics-chip maker’s shares have roughly quadrupled since.

Wood has repeatedly defended her decision to exit from the stock, despite widespread criticism for missing the AI frenzy that has taken Wall Street by storm. ARK’s exposure to Nvidia dated back 10 years and contributed significant gains, the spokeswoman said, adding that Nvidia’s extreme valuation and higher upside in other companies in the AI ecosystem led to the decision to exit.


Another: "From Words to Numbers: Your Large Language Model Is Secretly A Capable Regressor When Given In-Context Examples", Vacareanu et al 2024:

We analyze how well pre-trained large language models (e.g., Llama2, GPT-4, Claude 3, etc) can do linear and non-linear regression when given in-context examples, without any additional training or gradient updates. Our findings reveal that several large language models (e.g., GPT-4, Claude 3) are able to perform regression tasks with a performance rivaling (or even outperforming) that of traditional supervised methods such as Random Forest, Bagging, or Gradient Boosting. For example, on the challenging Friedman #2 regression dataset, Claude 3 outperforms many supervised methods such as AdaBoost, SVM, Random Forest, KNN, or Gradient Boosting. We then investigate how well the performance of large language models scales with the number of in-context exemplars. We borrow from the notion of regret from online learning and empirically show that LLMs are capable of obtaining a sub-linear regret.


"Cached" might be an unhelpful term here, compared to "amortized". 'Cache' makes one think of databases or memories, as something you 'know' (in a database or long-term memory somewhere), whereas in practice it tends to be more something you do - fusing inference with action. (They are 'cached' in the same way that you might loosely talk about a neural net 'caching' a complicated-to-compute function, like a value function in RL/decision theory.)

So 'amortized' tends to be more used in the Bayesian RL literature, and give you an idea of what Bayesian RL agents (like LLMs) are doing: they are not (usually) implementing the Bayes-optimal backwards induction over the full decision-tree solving the POMDP when they engage in meta-learning like in-context learning (which leads you to infeasibilities like AIXI), they are doing amortized optimization. Depending on available time & compute, an agent might, at any given moment, be doing something anywhere on the spectrum from hardwired reflex to cogitating for hours explicitly on a tree of possibilities. (Transformers, for example, seem to do a step of gradient descent in Transformer blocks on an abstracted version of the problem, as a small explicit inference step at runtime, where the learned abstractions do most of the work during pretraining which is then amortized over all runtimes. Or in expert iteration like AlphaZero, you have the CNN executing an amortized version of all previous MCTS searches, as distilled into the CNN, and then executing some more explicit tree search to improve its current estimates and then amortize that back into the CNN again to improve the policy some more.)

They gradually learn, applying some optimization one at a time, to implement a computation increasingly equivalent to the Bayes-optimal actions, which may boil down to an extremely simple algorithm like tracking a single sufficient-statistic summarizing the entire history and implementing an if-then-else on a boundary value of it (eg. drift-diffusion); Duff 2002 suggests thinking of it as "compiling" the full Bayes-optimal program interpreted flexibly but slowly at runtime down into a fast optimized but inflexible executable specialized for particular cases. A beautiful example of reading off the simple head/tails counting algorithm implemented by a meta-learning RNN can be seen in EDIT: I go through a lot of this for my Kelly coin-flip page, but also here's some recent research doing the same thing, but with different non-Bayesian terminology is

(I have more links on this topic; does anyone have a better review of the topic than "Bayesian Reinforcement Learning: A Survey", Ghavamzadeh et al 2016? I feel like a major problem with discussion of LLM scaling is that the Bayesian RL perspective is just not getting through to people, and part of the problem is I'm not sure what 'the' best introduction or summary writeup is. People can hardly be expected to just go and read 30 years of Schmidhuber papers...)


Learning a leaf node evaluator on a given reinforcement signal, and then bootstrapping the leaf node evaluator via MCTS on that leaf node evaluator, does not mean that the aggregate trained system

directly optimizes for the reinforcement signal, or "cares" about that reinforcement signal, or "does its best" to optimize the reinforcement signal (as opposed to some historical reinforcement correlate, like winning or capturing pieces or something stranger).

Yes, it does mean all of that, because MCTS is asymptotically optimal (unsurprisingly, given that it's a tree search on the model), and will eg. happily optimize the reinforcement signal rather than proxies like capturing pieces as it learns through search that capturing pieces in particular states is not as useful as usual. If you expand out the search tree long enough (whether or not you use the AlphaZero NN to make that expansion more efficient by evaluating intermediate nodes and then back-propagating that through the current tree), then it converges on the complete, true, ground truth game tree, with all leafs evaluated with the true reward, with any imperfections in the leaf evaluator value estimate washed out. It directly optimizes the reinforcement signal, cares about nothing else, and is very pleased to lose if that results in a higher reward or not capture pieces if that results in a higher reward.*

All the NN is, is a cache or an amortization of the search algorithm. Caches are important and life would be miserable without them, but it would be absurd to say that adding a cache to a function means "that function doesn't compute the function" or "the range is not the target of the function".

I'm a little baffled by this argument that because the NN is not already omniscient and might mis-estimate the value of a leaf node, that apparently it's not optimizing for the reward and that's not the goal of the system and the system doesn't care about reward, no matter how much it converges toward said reward as it plans/searches more, or gets better at acquiring said reward as it fixes those errors.

If most of the "optimization power" were coming from e.g. MCTS on direct reward signal, then yup, I'd agree that the reward signal is the primary optimization target of this system.

The reward signal is in fact the primary optimization target, because it is where the neural net's value estimates derive from, and the 'system' corrects them eventually and converges. The dog wags the tail, sooner or later.

* I think I've noted this elsewhere, and mentioned my Kelly coinflip trajectories as nice visualization of how model-based RL will behave as, but to repeat: MCTS algorithms in Go/chess were noted for that sort of behavior, especially for sacrificing pieces or territory while they were ahead, in order to 'lock down' the game and maximize the probability of victory, rather than the margin of victory; and vice-versa, for taking big risks when they were behind. Because the tree didn't back-propagate any rewards on 'margin', just on 0/1 rewards from victory, and didn't care about proxy heuristics like 'pieces captured' if the tree search found otherwise.


Note that even if RLHF takes a non-scheming pretrained model and converts it to a schemer, if this RLHF doesn't teach the model new things, then we can always train another copy of the pretrained model to be a monitor for the RLHF'd model and this monitor will be just as competent as the RLHF'd model.

I don't see why that would be the case, and I am doubtful this argument is relevant to any realistic context or even valid in the narrowest possible case of a base model vs its RLHFed model. Leaving aside that I'm not sure what you would 'train' the supervisor model on, it doesn't follow that there would be an exact overlap between the scheming behavior that is generated, and the detection of scheming behavior, simply because the two models are mostly the same. Lots of things are asymmetrical or irreversible or easier to generate than detect. P/=NP handwaving aside, for example, if you thought that there was an exact overlap because the model doesn't know 'new things', then it would be very strange to find that generative models can generate according to instructions that they struggle to understand from the samples. There are also plenty of places for other asymmetries. For example, asymmetry in security property: we don't want to settle for some 'fair' supervision rate like 50:50, we want much closer to 100:0. The schemer can exploit additional asymmetry in incremental schemes: just like with humans, many individually innocuous actions can sum up to a scheme, leading to an asymmetry in the views the schemer needs and the bulky difficult global view a supervisor may need to have any hope of detecting the scheme. (Note these 'actions' can be anything from writing a single token to a scratchpad to writing a useful but vulnerable line of code, and can be 'coordinated' by anything from internal latents to steganography to sheer evolution by rejection sampling of obvious 'bad' things by the supervisory while its false negatives slip by, which will find increasingly adversarial samples the more it is sampled.) And to be useful, you usually would want to run the schemer more, such as by using tree search, than the supervisory (because if the supervisory could do it just as well or better why aren't you using it instead?), and there's another big asymmetry: a model (eg. a Go or chess agent) can definitely beat itself arbitrarily often given a big enough tree search budget despite by stipulation knowing zero 'new things' because it's the same frozen model. (Or to put it more generally: 'new things' can be 'learned' in many more places than simply the frozen model weights - large contexts for ever greater meta-learning on the fly, retrieval databases - just ask Sydney, hyperparameters, OS VM state, steganographic text, users' heads, popular prompts shared on jailbreak websites... Security/safety is, as always, a property of the system as a whole, and not of any individual part, such as a particular model checkpoint.)


Warning for anyone who has ever interacted with "robosucka" or been solicited for a new podcast series in the past few years:


I was under the impression that PPO was a recently invented algorithm

Well, if we're going to get historical, PPO is a relatively small variation on Williams's REINFORCE policy gradient model-free RL algorithm from 1992 (or earlier if you count conferences etc), with a bunch of minor DL implementation tweaks that turn out to help a lot. I don't offhand know of any ways in which PPO's tweaks make it meaningfully different from REINFORCE from the perspective of safety, aside from the obvious ones of working better in practice. (Which is the main reason why PPO became OA's workhorse in its model-free RL era to train small CNNs/RNNs, before they moved to model-based RL using Transformer LLMs. Policy gradient methods based on REINFORCE certainly were not novel, but they started scaling earlier.)

So, PPO is recent, yes, but that isn't really important to anything here. TurnedTrout could just as well have used REINFORCE as the example instead.

Did RL researchers in the 1990’s sit down and carefully analyze the inductive biases of PPO on huge 2026-era LLMs, conclude that PPO probably entrains LLMs which make decisions on the basis of their own reinforcement signal, and then decide to say “RL trains agents to maximize reward”? Of course not.

I don't know how you (TurnTrout) can say that. It certainly seems to me that plenty of researchers in 1992 were talking about either model-based RL or using model-free approaches to ground model-based RL - indeed, it's hard to see how anything else could work in connectionism, given that model-free methods are simpler, many animals or organisms do things that can be interpreted as model-free but not model-based (while all creatures who do model-based RL, like humans, clearly also do model-free), and so on. The model-based RL was the 'cherry on the cake', if I may put it that way... These arguments were admittedly handwavy: "if we can't write AGI from scratch, then we can try to learn it from scratch starting with model-free approaches like Hebbian learning, and somewhere between roughly mouse-level and human/AGI, a miracle happens, and we get full model-based reasoning". But hey, can't argue with success there! We have loads of nice results from DeepMind and others with this sort of flavor†.

On the other hand, I'm not able to think of any dissenters which claim that you could have AGI purely using model-free RL with no model-based RL anywhere to be seen? Like, you can imagine it working (eg. in silico environments for everything), but it's not very plausible since it would seem like the computational requirements go astronomical fast.

Back then, they had a richer conception of RL, heavier on the model-based RL half of the field, and one more relevant to the current era, than the impoverished 2017 era of 'let's just PPO/Impala everything we can't MCTS and not talk about how this is supposed to reach AGI, exactly, even if it scales reasonably well'. If you want to critique what AI researchers could imagine back in 1992, you should be reading Schmidhuber, not Bostrom.

If you look at that REINFORCE paper, Williams isn't even all that concerned with direct use of it to train a model to solve RL tasks.* He's more concerned with handling non-differentiable things in general, like stochastic rather than the usual deterministic neurons we use, so you could 'backpropagate through the environment' models like Schmidhuber & Huber 1990, which bootstrap from random initialization using the high-variance REINFORCE-like learning signal to a superior model. (Hm, why, that sounds like the sort of thing you might do if you analyze the inductive biases of model-free approaches which entrain larger systems which have their own internal reinforcement signals which they maximize...) As Schmidhuber has been saying for decades, it's meta-learning all the way up/down. The species-level model-free RL algorithm (evolution) creates model-free within-lifetime learning algorithms (like REINFORCE), which creates model-based within-lifetime learning algorithms (like neural net models) which create learning over families (generalization) for cross-task within-lifetime learning which create learning algorithms (ICL/history-based meta-learners**) for within-episode learning which create...

It's no surprise that the "multiply a set of candidate entities by a fixed small percentage based on each entity's reward" algorithm pops up everywhere from evolution to free markets to DRL to ensemble machine learning over 'experts', because that model-free algorithm is always available as the fallback strategy when you can't do anything smarter (yet). Model-free is just the first step, and in many ways, least interesting & important step. I'm always weirded out to read one of these posts where something like PPO or evolution strategies is treated as the only RL algorithm around and things like expert iteration an annoying nuisance to be relegated to a footnote - 'reward is not the optimization target!* * except when it is in these annoying exceptions like AlphaZero, but fortunately, we can ignore these, because after all, it's not like humans or AGI or superintelligences would ever do crazy stuff like "plan" or "reason" or "search"'.

* He'd've probably been surprised to see people just... using it for stuff like DoTA2 on fully-differentiable BPTT RNNs. I wonder if he's ever done any interviews on DL recently? AFAIK he's still alive.

** Specifically, in the case of Transformers, it seems to be by self-attention doing gradient descent steps on an abstracted version of a problem; gradient descent itself isn't a very smart algorithm, but if the abstract version is a model that encodes the correct sufficient statistics of the broader meta-problem, then it can be very easy to make Bayes-optimal predictions/choices for any specific problem.

† my paper-of-the-day website feature yesterday popped up "Learning few-shot imitation as cultural transmission" which is a nice example because they show clearly how history+diverse-environments+simple-priors-of-an-evolvable-sort elicit 'inner' model-like imitation learning starting from the initial 'outer' model-free RL algorithm (MPO, an actor-critic).


I think how I'm imagining the more targeted, 'working-with-finetuning' version of evals to handle this kind of case is that you do your best to train the model to use its full capabilities, and approach tasks in a model-idiomatic way, when given a particular target like scamming someone.

In the case of inferring author information, I think the souped-up skilled-attacker version would not involve prompts at all.

You would treat it as an embedding problem similar to facial recognition or stylometric identification, and use something like a triplet loss for contrastive learning. Then you would have an embedding you can decode sensitive personal information from.

So for example, in stylometrics, to train a ML model, you would have a large text dataset of author+texts, and you would train a model to take a text and spit out an embedding, and you would force embeddings of random samples of non-overlapping text from the same author to be closer and be further away from embeddings of random texts from other (possibly unlabeled) authors. You would then take a dataset of authors+author-metadata (possibly a different dataset, possibly the same dataset, if only for 'author name'), and train another model (possibly the same model) to take the (frozen) embedding of all the texts and predict the author-metadata. This lets you take a piece of text, such as an anonymous comment on a LW post, embed it, compare the similarity of the embedding to comments with labeled authors (or unlabeled texts) to get a list of candidate authors (or other texts possibly by the same anonymous author) by similarity, extract estimated demographic and other information which can be estimated from language (including the name if reasonably known), estimate number of authors and cluster texts which may let you infer activity patterns & timings etc, pass into still further ML systems for arbitrary use...

Because it's hard to change writing styles, even attempts to obfuscate writing will probably fail, and you can also train on that as well - there are a number of private-sector companies which sell stylometric services to law enforcement etc, and I would assume that they have datasets of 'trying to hide' authors where the authors were later busted or the accounts/nyms linked by other methods, which can be used as hard-positive cases to further finetune the LLM after the normal training phase.

Facial anonymity is dead and buried. Location anonymity is dead thanks to smartphones but we're still pretending it's real (see the Capitol riot). Voice anonymity is waiting for the doctor to arrive and pronounce it dead. And text anonymity is flatlining now.

Having seen what stylometrics could do even with the simplest ML techniques from the 2000s, I strongly advise everyone to start assuming right now that robust stylometric deanonymization will be achieved within the next decade: any nontrivial pieces of writing (say, >50 words) will be attributable to you regardless of pseudonymity or anonymity with at least enough confidence to be useful for law enforcement investigation and possibly enough to cancel you on social media or get you fired, even if the LLM stylometrics do not rise to the level of 'a smoking gun'.

Further, LLMs are so cheap to run that this may well be done en masse by a motivated hobbyist or activist. So, don't count on "well, the NSA or FBI would never bother to dox my old comments" - it'll look more mundane. One day you'll wake up, and an activist on Mastodon announces that they have finetuned FluffyLlama-11 with contrastive learning on Pushshift and released a giant database re-identifying fascists, and then an old enemy or fan will look you up out of curiosity and a distributed flesh search engine kicks into gear.


It's unclear where the two intro quotes are from; I don't recognize them despite being formatted as real quotes (and can't find in searches). If they are purely hypothetical, that should be clearer.

LLMs definitely do infer a lot about authors of text. This is the inherent outcome of the prediction loss and just a concrete implication of their abilities to very accurately imitate many varying-sized demographics & groups of humans: if you can uncannily mimic arbitrary age groups or countries and responses to economic dilemmas or personality inventories, then you obviously can narrow that size down to groups of n = 1 (ie. individual authors). The most striking such paper I know of at present is probably "Beyond Memorization: Violating Privacy Via Inference with Large Language Models", Staab et al 2023.

It's pretty important because it tells you what LLMs do (imitation learning & meta-RL), which are quite dangerous things for them to do, and establishes a large information leak which can be used for things like steganography, coordination between instances, detecting testing vs deployment (for treacherous turns) etc.

It's also concerning because RLHF is specifically targeted at hiding (but not destroying) these inferences. The model will still be making those latent inferences, it just won't be making blatant use of them. (For example, one of the early signs of latent inference of author traits was that the Codex models look at how many subtle bugs or security vulnerabilities the prompt code has in it, and they replicate that: if they get buggy or insecure code, they emit more buggy or insecure code, vs more correct code doing the exact same task. IIRC, there was also evidence that Copilot was modulating code quality based on name ethnicity variations in code docs. However, RLHF and other forms of training would push them towards emitting the lowest-common denominator of ratings, while the KL constraints & self-supervised finetuning would continue to maintain the underlying inferences.) The most dangerous systems are those that only seem safe.

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