Logical Induction

Logical Induction is the attempt to reason formally when you havea formal theory of reasoning under logical uncertainty about logical truths. Modern probability theory makes the assumption that one is logically omniscient, not having uncertainty about whether a given number is prime or whether a certain theorem is true. This seems like a hole in our basic understanding of reasoning. In recent years, developed by Scott Garrabrant and other researchers have developed the first formal account of howresearchers. Rationality is defined through a prediction-market analogy. High-quality beliefs are those which are computationally difficult to reason under logical uncertain (thewin bets against. The writeup can be found here).

Logical Induction is the attempt to reason formally when you have uncertainty about logical truths. Modern probability theory makes the assumption that one is logically omniscient, not having uncertainuncertainty about whether a given number is prime or whether a certain theorem is true. This seems like a hole in our basic understanding of reasoning. In recent years Scott Garrabrant and other researchers have developed the first formal account of how to reason under logical uncertain (the writeup can be found here).

Applied to Radical Probabilism by Abram Demski ago