A "mental model" is a particular kind of map of reality - one which deals with how something works. Rather than being merely a proposition ("Juneau is the capital of Alaska"), a mental model has a internal structure which mimics the behavior of something outside the mind ("Flick switch -> lamp turns on"). Developing accurate mental models is an important task in rationality.
"mental model"mental model is aparticular kindhypothetical form ofmaprepresentation ofreality - one which deals with how somethingworks. Rather than being merely a proposition ("Juneau is the capitalknowledge in human mind. Mental models form to approximately describe dynamics ofAlaska"), a mental model has a internal structure which mimics the behaviorobserved situations, and reuse parts ofsomething outside the mind ("Flick switch -> lamp turns on"). Developing accurate mentalexisting modelsis an important task in rationality.to represent novel situations.hegemonicon.hegemonicon