Got a massive simplification of the main technique within days of being released
The loss is cleaner, IDK about "massively," because in the first half of the loss we use a simpler distance involving 2 terms instead of 3. This doesn't affect performance and doesn't markedly change quantitative or qualitative claims in the paper. Thanks to Marks and Patel for pointing out the equivalent cleaner loss, and happy for them to be authors on the paper.
p=0.8 that someone finds good token-only jailbreaks to whatever is open-sourced within 3 months.
This puzzles...
Some years ago we wrote that "[AI] systems will monitor for destructive behavior, and these monitoring systems need to be robust to adversaries" and discussed monitoring systems that can create "AI tripwires could help uncover early misaligned systems before they can cause damage."
Since then, I've updated that adversarial robustness for LLMs is much more tractable (preview of paper out very soon). In vision settings, progress is extraordinarily slow b...
is novel compared to... RepE
This is inaccurate, and I suggest reading our paper:
Demonstrate full ablation of the refusal behavior with much less effect on coherence
In our paper and notebook we show the models are coherent.
Investigate projection
We did investigate projection too (we use it for concept removal in the RepE paper) but didn't find a substantial benefit for jailbreaking.
harmful/harmless instructions
We use harmful/harmless instructions.
...Find that projecting away the (same, linear) feature at all lay
We do weight editing in the RepE paper (that's why it's called RepE instead of ActE)
I looked at the paper again and couldn't find anywhere where you do the type of weight-editing this post describes (extracting a representation and then changing the weights without optimization such that they cannot write to that direction).
The LoRRA approach mentioned in RepE finetunes the model to change representations which is different.
I agree you investigate a bunch of the stuff I mentioned generally somewhere in the paper, but did you do this for refusal-removal in particular? I spent some time on this problem before and noticed that full refusal ablation is hard unless you get the technique/vector right, even though it’s easy to reduce refusal or add in a bunch of extra refusal. That’s why investigating all the technique parameters in the context of refusal in particular is valuable.
but generally people should be free to post research updates on LW/AF that don't have a complete thorough lit review / related work section.
I agree if they simultaneously agree that they don't expect the post to be cited. These can't posture themselves as academic artifacts ("Citing this work" indicates that's the expectation) and fail to mention related work. I don't think you should expect people to treat it as related work if you don't cover related work yourself.
Otherwise there's a race to the bottom and it makes sense to post daily research notes a...
From Andy Zou:
Thank you for your reply.
Model interventions to bypass refusal are not discussed in Section 6.2.
We perform model interventions to robustify refusal (your section on “Adding in the "refusal direction" to induce refusal”). Bypassing refusal, which we do in the GitHub demo, is merely adding a negative sign to the direction. Either of these experiments show refusal can be mediated by a single direction, in keeping with the title of this post.
we examined Section 6.2 carefully before writing our work
Not mentioning it anywhere in your work i...
FWIW I published this Alignment Forum post on activation steering to bypass refusal (albeit an early variant that reduces coherence too much to be useful) which from what I can tell is the earliest work on linear residual-stream perturbations to modulate refusal in RLHF LLMs.
I think this post is novel compared to both my work and RepE because they:
From Andy Zou:
Section 6.2 of the Representation Engineering paper shows exactly this (video). There is also a demo here in the paper's repository which shows that adding a "harmlessness" direction to a model's representation can effectively jailbreak the model.
Going further, we show that using a piece-wise linear operator can further boost model robustness to jailbreaks while limiting exaggerated refusal. This should be cited.
I think this discussion is sad, since it seems both sides assume bad faith from the other side. On one hand, I think Dan H and Andy Zou have improved the post by suggesting writing about related work, and signal-boosting the bypassing refusal result, so should be acknowledged in the post (IMO) rather than downvoted for some reason. I think that credit assignment was originally done poorly here (see e.g. "Citing others" from this Chris Olah blog post), but the authors resolved this when pushed.
But on the other hand, "Section 6.2 of the RepE paper shows exac...
Edit (April 30, 2024):
A note to clarify things for future readers: The final sentence "This should be cited." in the parent comment was silently edited in after this comment was initially posted, which is why the body of this comment purely engages with the serious allegation that our post is duplicate work. The request for a citation is highly reasonable and it was our fault for not including one initially - once we noticed it we wrote a "Related work" section citing RepE and many other relevant papers, as detailed in the edit below.
Edit (April 29, ...
> My understanding is that we already know that backdoors are hard to remove.
We don't actually find that backdoors are always hard to remove!
We did already know that backdoors often (from the title) "Persist Through Safety Training." This phenomenon studied here and elsewhere is being taken as the main update in favor of AI x-risk. This doesn't establish probability of the hazard, but it reminds us that backdoor hazards can persist if present.
I think it's very easy to argue the hazard could emerge from malicious actors poisoning pretraining data, and ha...
...I think this paper shows the community at large will pay orders of magnitude more attention to a research area when there is, in @TurnTrout's words, AGI threat scenario "window dressing," or when players from an EA-coded group research a topic. (I've been suggesting more attention to backdoors since maybe 2019; here's a video from a few years ago about the topic; we've also run competitions at NeurIPS with thousands of participants on backdoors.) Ideally the community would pay more attention to relevant research microcosms that don't have the window dre
A brief overview of the contents, page by page.
1: most important century and hinge of history
2: wisdom needs to keep up with technological power or else self-destruction / the world is fragile / cuban missile crisis
3: unilateralist's curse
4: bio x-risk
5: malicious actors intentionally building power-seeking AIs / anti-human accelerationism is common in tech
6: persuasive AIs and eroded epistemics
7: value lock-in and entrenched totalitarianism
8: story about bioterrorism
9: practical malicious use suggestions
10: LAWs as an on-ramp to AI x-risk
11: automated c...
but I'm confident it isn't trying to do this
It is. It's an outer alignment benchmark for text-based agents (such as GPT-4), and it includes measurements for deception, resource acquisition, various forms of power, killing, and so on. Separately, it's to show reward maximization induces undesirable instrumental (Machiavellian) behavior in less toyish environments, and is about improving the tradeoff between ethical behavior and reward maximization. It doesn't get at things like deceptive alignment, as discussed in the x-risk sheet in the appendix. Apologies that the paper is so dense, but that's because it took over a year.
I asked for permission via Intercom to post this series on March 29th. Later, I asked for permission to use the [Draft] indicator and said it was written by others. I got permission for both of these, but the same person didn't give permission for both of these requests. Apologies this was not consolidated into one big ask with lots of context. (Feel free to get rid of any undue karma.)
It's a good observation that it's more efficient; does it trade off performance? (These sorts of comparisons would probably be demanded if it was submitted to any other truth-seeking ML venue, and I apologize for consistently being the person applying the pressures that generic academics provide. It would be nice if authors would provide these comparisons.)
...Also, taking affine combinations in weight-space is not novel to Schmidt et al either. If nothing else, the Stable Diffusion community has been doing that since October to add and subtract capabili
steering the model using directions in activation space is more valuable than doing the same with weights, because in the future the consequences of cognition might be far-removed from its weights (deep deceptiveness)
(You linked to "deep deceptiveness," and I'm going to assume is related to self-deception (discussed in the academic literature and in the AI and evolution paper). If it isn't, then this point is still relevant for alignment since self-deception is another internal hazard.)
I think one could argue that self-deception could in some instances be ...
Page 4 of this paper compares negative vectors with fine-tuning for reducing toxic text:
In Table 3, they show in some cases task vectors can improve fine-tuned models.
Insofar as you mean to imply that "negative vectors" are obviously comparable to our technique, I disagree. Those are not activation additions, and I would guess it's not particularly similar to our approach. These "task vectors" involve subtracting weight vectors, not activation vectors. See also footnote 39 (EDIT: and the related work appendix now talks about this directly).
Yes, I'll tend to write up comments quickly so that I don't feel as inclined to get in detailed back-and-forths and use up time, but here we are. When I wrote it, I thought there were only 2 things mentioned in the related works until Daniel pointed out the formatting choice, and when I skimmed the post I didn't easily see comparisons or discussion that I expected to see, hence I gestured at needing more detailed comparisons. After posting, I found a one-sentence comparison of the work I was looking for, so I edited to include that I found it, but it was oddly not emphasized. A more ideal comment would have been "It would be helpful to me if this work would more thoroughly compare to (apparently) very related works such as ..."
In many of my papers, there aren't fairly similar works (I strongly prefer to work in areas before they're popular), so there's a lower expectation for comparison depth, though breadth is always standard. In other works of mine, such as this paper on learning the the right thing in the presence of extremely bad supervision/extremely bad training objectives, we contrast with the two main related works for two paragraphs, and compare to these two methods for around half of the entire paper.
The extent of an adequate comparison depends on the relatedness. I'm ...
Yes, I was--good catch. Earlier and now, unusual formatting/and a nonstandard related works is causing confusion. Even so, the work after the break is much older. The comparison to works such as is not in the related works and gets a sentence in a footnote: "That work took vectors between weights before and after finetuning on a new task, and then added or subtracted task-specific weight-diff vectors."
Is this big difference? I really don't know; it'd be helpful if they'd contrast more. Is this work very novel and useful, an...
On the object-level, deriving task vectors in weight-space from deltas in fine-tuned checkpoints is really different from what was done here, because it requires doing a lot of backward passes on a lot of data. Deriving task vectors in activation-space, as done in this new work, requires only a single forward pass on a truly tiny amount of data. So the data-efficiency and compute-efficiency of the steering power gained with this new method is orders of magnitude better, in my view.
Also, taking affine combinations in weight-space is not novel to Schmidt et ...
Background for people who understandably don't habitually read full empirical papers:
Related Works sections in empirical papers tend to include many comparisons in a coherent place. This helps contextualize the work and helps busy readers quickly identify if this work is meaningfully novel relative to the literature. Related works must therefore also give a good account of the literature. This helps us more easily understand how much of an advance this is. I've seen a good number of papers steering with latent arithmetic in the past year, but I would be su...
Could these sorts of posts have more thorough related works sections? It's usually standard for related works in empirical papers to mention 10+ works. Update: I was looking for a discussion of, assumed it wasn't included in this post, and many minutes later finally found a brief sentence about it in a footnote.
I don't understand this comment. I did a quick count of related works that are mentioned in the "Related Works" section (and the footnotes of that section) and got around 10 works, so seems like this is meeting your pretty arbitrarily established bar, and there are also lots of footnotes and references to related work sprinkled all over the post, which seems like the better place to discuss related work anyways.
I am not familiar enough with the literature to know whether this post is omitting any crucial pieces of related work, but the relevant section of ...
"AI Safety" which often in practice means "self driving cars"
This may have been true four years ago, but ML researchers at leading labs rarely directly work on self-driving cars (e.g., research on sensor fusion). AV is has not been hot in quite a while. Fortunately now that AGI-like chatbots are popular, we're moving out of the realm of talking about making very narrow systems safer. The association with AV was not that bad since it was about getting many nines of reliability/extreme reliability, which was a useful subgoal. Unfortunately the world has not ...
When ML models get more competent, ML capabilities researchers will have strong incentives to build superhuman models. Finding superhuman training techniques would be the main thing they'd work on. Consequently, when the problem is more tractable, I don't see why it'd be neglected by the capabilities community--it'd be unreasonable for profit maximizers not to have it as a top priority when it becomes tractable. I don't see why alignment researchers have to work in this area with high externalities now and ignore other safe alignment research areas (in pra...
I am strongly in favor of our very best content going on arXiv. Both communities should engage more with each other.
As follows are suggestions for posting to arXiv. As a rule of thumb, if the content of a blogpost didn't take >300 hours of labor to create, then it probably should not go on arXiv. Maintaining a basic quality bar prevents arXiv from being overriden by people who like writing up many of their inchoate thoughts; publication standards are different for LW/AF than for arXiv. Even if a researcher spent many hours on the project, arXiv moderato...
Strongly agree. Three examples of work I've put on Arxiv which originated from the forum, which might be helpful as a touchstone. The first was cited 7 times the first year, and 50 more times since. The latter two were posted last year, and have not been indexed by Google as having been cited yet.
As an example of a technical but fairly conceptual paper, there is the Categorizing Goodhart's law paper. I pushed for this to be a paper rather than just a post, and I think that the resulting exposure was very worthwhile. Scott wrote the original pos...
Here's a continual stream of related arXiv papers available through reddit and twitter.
I should say formatting is likely a large contributing factor for this outcome. Tom Dietterich, an arXiv moderator, apparently had a positive impression of the content of your grokking analysis. However, research on arXiv will be more likely to go live if it conforms to standard (ICLR, NeurIPS, ICML) formatting and isn't a blogpost automatically exported into a TeX file.
I agree that formatting is the most likely issue. The content of Neel's grokking work is clearly suitable for arXiv (just very solid ML work). And the style of presentation of the blog post is already fairly similar to a standard paper (e.g. is has an Introduction section, lists contributions in bullet points, ...).
So yeah, I agree that formatting/layout probably will do the trick (including stuff like academic citation style).
Others can post their own papers, but I'll post some papers I was on and group them into one of four safety topics: Enduring hazards (“Robustness”), identifying hazards (“Monitoring”), steering ML systems (“Alignment”), and forecasting the future of ML ("Foresight").
The main ML conferences are ICLR, ICML, NeurIPS. The main CV conferences are CVPR, ICCV, and ECCV. The main NLP conferences are ACL and EMNLP.
Alignment (Value Learning):
Aligning AI With Shared Human Values (ICLR)
Robustness (Adversaries):
This seems like a fun exercise, so I spent half an hour jotting down possibilities. I'm more interested in putting potential considerations on peoples' radars and helping with brainstorming than I am in precision. None of these points are to be taken too seriously since this is fairly extemporaneous and mostly for fun.
Multiple Codex alternatives are available. The financial viability of training large models is obvious.
Research models start interfacing with auxiliary tools such as browsers, Mathematica, and terminals.
Large pretrai...
Strong-upvoted because this was exactly the sort of thing I was hoping to inspire with this post! Also because I found many of your suggestions helpful.
I think model size (and therefore model ability) probably won't be scaled up as fast as you predict, but maybe. I think getting models to understand video will be easier than you say it is. I also think that in the short term all this AI stuff will probably create more programming jobs than it destroys. Again, I'm not confident in any of this.
no AI safety relevant publications in 2019 or 2020, and only one is a coauthor on what I would consider a highly relevant paper.
Context: I'm an OpenPhil fellow who is doing work on robustness, machine ethics, and forecasting.
I published several papers on the research called for in Concrete Problems in AI Safety and OpenPhil's/Steinhardt's AI Alignment Research Overview. The work helped build a trustworthy ML community and aimed at reducing accident risks given very short AI timelines. Save for the first paper I helped with (when I was trying to learn the r...
Hey Daniel, thanks very much for the comment. In my database I have you down as class of 2020, hence out of scope for that analysis, which was class of 2018 only. I didn't include 2019 or 2020 classes because I figured it takes time to find your footing, do research, write it up etc., so absence of evidence would not be very strong evidence of absence. So please don't consider this as any reflection on you. Ironically I actually did review one of your papers in the above - this one - which I did indeed think was pretty relevant! (Cntrl-F 'Hendrycks' to find the paragraph in the article). Sorry if this was not clear from the text.
It's worth noting that activations are one thing you can modify, but many of the most performant methods (e.g., LoRRA) modify the weights. (Representations = {weights, activations}, hence "representation" engineering.)