Daniel C

Master's student in applied mathematics, funded by Center on Long-Term Risk to investigate the cheating problem in safe pareto-improvements.

Some other areas I'm interested in:

  • Investigate properties of general purpose search so that we can handcraft it & simply retarget the search
  • Investigate the type signature of world models to find properties that remain invariant under ontology shifts
  • Natural latents
    • How to characterize natural latents in settings like PDEs?
    • Equivalence of natural latents under transformation of variables 
  • Formalizing automated design
  • Information theoretic impact measures
  • Scalable blockchain consensus mechanisms
  • Programming language for concurrency
  • Quantifying optimization power without assuming a particular utility function
  • What mathematical axioms would emerge in a solomonoff inductor?
  • How things like riemannian metric & differential equations might emerge from discrete systems
  • Morphogenesis

I'm currently looking for collaborators both for exchanging research ideas and for distillations, feel free to contact me via PM or my email backtrackgideon@gmail.com for any reason.


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