All of Daniel Kokotajlo's Comments + Replies

I found this comment helpful, thanks!

The bottom line is basically "Either we definite horizon length in such a way that the trend has to be faster than exponential eventually (when we 'jump all the way to AGI') or we define it in such a way that some unknown finite horizon length matches the best humans and thus counts as AGI."

I think this discussion has overall made me less bullish on the conceptual argument and more interested in the intuition pump about the inherent difficulty of going from 1 to 10 hours being higher than the inherent difficulty of going from 1 to 10 years.

Great question. You are forcing me to actually think through the argument more carefully. Here goes:

Suppose we defined "t-AGI" as "An AI system that can do basically everything that professional humans can do in time t or less, and just as well, while being cheaper." And we said AGI is an AI that can do everything at least as well as professional humans, while being cheaper.

Well, then AGI = t-AGI for t=infinity. Because for anything professional humans can do, no matter how long it takes, AGI can do it at least as well.

Now, METR's definition is different. ... (read more)

ICYMI, the same argument appears in the METR paper itself, in section 8.1 under "AGI will have 'infinite' horizon length."

The argument makes sense to me, but I'm not totally convinced.

In METR's definition, they condition on successful human task completion when computing task durations.  This choice makes sense in their setting for reasons they discuss in B.1.1, but things would get weird if you tried to apply it to extremely long/hard tasks.

If a typical time-to-success for a skilled human at some task is ~10 years, then the task is probably so ambiti... (read more)

I don't believe it. I don't believe that overall algorithmic progress is 3x faster. Maaaybe coding is 3x faster but that would maybe increase overall algo progress by like 30% idk. But also I don't think coding is really 3x faster on average for the things that matter.

1Jacob Steinhardt
I meant coding in particular, I agree algorithmic progress is not 3x faster. I checked again just now with someone and they did indeed report 3x speedup for writing code, although said that the new bottleneck becomes waiting for experiments to run (note this is not obviously something that can be solved by greater automation, at least up until the point that AI is picking better experiments than humans).

I indeed think that AI assistance has been accelerating AI progress. However, so far the effect has been very small, like single-digit percentage points. So it won't be distinguishable in the data from zero. But in the future if trends continue the effect will be large, possibly enough to more than counteract the effect of scaling slowing down, possibly not, we shall see.

3Jacob Steinhardt
Research engineers I talk to already report >3x speedups from AI assistants. It seems like that has to be enough that it would be showing up in the numbers. My null hypothesis would be that programmer productivity is increasing exponentially and has been for ~2 years, and this is already being taken into account in the curves, and without this effect you would see a slower (though imo not massively slower) exponential. (This would argue for dropping the pre-2022 models from the graph which I think would give slightly faster doubling times, on the order of 5-6 months if I had to eyeball.).

I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. It sounds like you are accusing me of thinking that skills are binary--either you have them or you don't. I agree, in reality many skills are scalar instead of binary; you can have them to greater or lesser degrees. I don't think that changes the analysis much though.

This is probably the most important single piece of evidence about AGI timelines right now. Well done! I think the trend should be superexponential, e.g. each doubling takes 10% less calendar time on average. Eli Lifland and I did some calculations yesterday suggesting that this would get to AGI in 2028. Will do more serious investigation soon.

Why do I expect the trend to be superexponential? Well, it seems like it sorta has to go superexponential eventually. Imagine: We've got to AIs that can with ~100% reliability do tasks that take professional humans 1... (read more)

4Anthony DiGiovanni
I'm confused as to what the actual argument for this is. It seems like you've just kinda asserted it. (I realize in some contexts all you can do is offer an "incredulous stare," but this doesn't seem like the kind of context where that suffices.) I'm not sure if the argument is supposed to be the stuff you say in the next paragraph (if so, the "Also" is confusing).

Doesn't the trend line already take into account the effect you are positing? ML research engineers already say they get significant and increasing productivity boosts from AI assistants and have been for some time. I think the argument you are making is double-counting this. (Unless you want to argue that the kink with Claude is the start of the super-exponential, which we would presumably get data on pretty soon).

I'm not at all convinced it has to be something discrete like "skills" or "achieved general intelligence". 

There are many continuous factors that I can imagine that help planning long tasks.

Since '23 my answer to that question would have been "well the first step is for researchers like you to produce [basically exactly the paper OpenAI just produced]"

So that's done. Nice. There are lots of follow-up experiments that can be done. 

I don't think trying to shift the market/consumers as a whole is very tractable.

But talking to your friends at the companies, getting their buy-in, seems valuable. 

I think I don't understand why the version of the experiment I proposed is worse/bad/etc., and am getting hung up on that. 

I like your second experiment design. Seems good to control for the chunk tags.

Question: Why do you need chunk tags at all?

4Fabien Roger
I see 2 issues with the experiment you suggested: * The chunking (Where do you stop to paraphrase? I think to have something meaningful to paraphrase you want something like every "big paragraph" (but maybe not each equation, which could each be a line). Idk how to do that cleanly without doing the distillation. And not doing it cleanly might result in benign performance degradation.) * The OODness, but I guess you're fine with this one? I suspect this might get you worrisome results for no worrying reason, just because it's somewhat degenerate to prefill a scratchpad with a big paraphrase, get a new paragraph which is probably influence by the paraphrasing style already, then paraphrase that. Besides the paraphrasing style being distracting, there is also a "paraphrase of paraphrase of paraphrase of ..." effect that might degrade the scratchpad for "normal" reasons but in ways that are hard to pull apart from the worrying reasons.

Great stuff, thank you! It's good news that training on paraphrased scratchpads doesn't hurt performance. But you know what would be even better? Paraphrasing the scratchpad at inference time, and still not hurting performance.

That is, take the original reasoning claude and instead of just having it do regular autoregressive generation, every chunk or so pause & have another model paraphrase the latest chunk, and then unpause and keep going. So Claude doesn't really see the text it wrote, it sees paraphrases of the text it wrote. If it still gets to th... (read more)

4Fabien Roger
How happy would you be about the following experiment: 1. Cut scratchpads in chunks for N paragraphs each 2. Paraphrase the first k chunks (where k is drawn at random), wrap them in <paraphrased_chunk> or <chunk> tags and join them 3. Distill that 4. Do the inference time experiment (asking for a chunk by pre-filling <chunk>, stop when you see </chunk>, paraphrase it and put it in <paraphrased_chunk> tags) This way the inference-time experiment is not OOD and should not reduce performance. This has roughly the same drawbacks as the experiment I described in this post though (i.e. risk of "learning the paraphrased version of the encoded reasoning scheme", not testing the OOD-generalization, ...), so I am not sure if this is valuable. Another experiment: Cut scratchpads in chunks for N paragraphs each. Wrap them in <chunk> tags and distill them (without paraphrasing). Then do the inference time experiment. This gets rid of the FUD around chunking reducing performance (which I observed, as described in the footnote). This could still result in degraded performance just because it's OOD, but arguably it's slightly worrisome if being exactly IID matters for scratchpads. I am also curious if you have takes about what value of N (or what chunking scheme) would make the most sense.

Indeed these are some reasons for optimism. I really do think that if we act now, we can create and cement an industry standard best practice of keeping CoT's pure (and also showing them to the user, modulo a few legitimate exceptions, unlike what OpenAI currently does) and that this could persist for months or even years, possibly up to around the time of AGI, and that this would be pretty awesome for humanity if it happened.

3James Chua
Do you have a sense of what I, as a researcher, could do? I sense that having users/companies want faithful CoT is very important.. In-tune users, as. nostalgebraist points out, will know how to use CoTs to debug LLMs. But I'm not sure whether this represents only 1% of users, so big labs just won't care. Maybe we need to try and educate more users about this. Maybe reach out to people who tweet about LLM best use cases to highlight this?

Exactly. But, happily, Anthropic at least is willing to do the right thing to some extent. They've hired a Model Welfare lead to look into this sort of thing. I hope that they expand and that other companies follow suit.

I think the money is not at all the issue for the companies. Like, a million dollars a month is not very much to them. But e.g. suppose your AI says it wants to be assured that if it's having trouble solving a problem, it'll be given hints. Or suppose it says that it wants to be positively reinforced. That requires telling one of your engineers to write a bit of code and run it on your actual datacenters (because for security reasons you can't offload the job to someone else's datacenters.) That's annoying and distracts from all the important things your engineers are doing.

3William Saunders
I think the weirdness points are more important, this still seems like a weird thing for a company to officially do, e.g. there'd be snickering news articles about it. So if some individuals could do this independently might be easier

Agreed, I think these examples don't provide nearly enough evidence to conclude that the AIs want reward (or anything else really, it's too early to say!) I'd want to see a lot more CoT examples from multiple different AIs in multiple different settings, and hopefully also do various ablation tests on them. But I think that this sort of more thorough investigation would provide inconclusive-but-still-substantial evidence to help us narrow down the possibility space!

Indeed! This is most of why I'm happy about this -- from internal discussions it's long been speculated (since '23 when I was talking about it, and probably before) that training away the bad thoughts from the CoT would result in obfuscated bad thoughts. It's cool that they actually did the experiments to prove it, and in a real-world setting too! But it's even cooler that they published this with a strong recommendation attached. 

Now we see how long this recommendation holds up under the pressure of incentives.

Sometime in the next few years probably,... (read more)

Pushing back a bit though on what you said -- I think that current reasoning models really are using the CoT to reason. That is, they really are "thinking aloud" to draw an analogy to humans. Imagine a child who, when they learned basic math, were taught to do it by counting aloud using their fingers. And they got really good at doing it that way. It'll only take a little bit of additional training to get them to do it purely in their head, but so long as you haven't trained them in that way, you might be able to mostly tell what mathematical operations th... (read more)

Indeed, I think the faithfulness properties that we currently have are not as strong as they should be ideally, and moreover they will probably degrade as models get more capable! I don't expect them to still be there when we hit ASI, that's for sure. But what we have now is a lot better than nothing & it's a great testbed for alignment research! And some of that research can be devoted to strengthening / adding more faithfulness properties!

4Daniel Kokotajlo
Pushing back a bit though on what you said -- I think that current reasoning models really are using the CoT to reason. That is, they really are "thinking aloud" to draw an analogy to humans. Imagine a child who, when they learned basic math, were taught to do it by counting aloud using their fingers. And they got really good at doing it that way. It'll only take a little bit of additional training to get them to do it purely in their head, but so long as you haven't trained them in that way, you might be able to mostly tell what mathematical operations they are doing just by looking at their fingers twitch! This is different from a model which is trained to do long chains of reasoning in latent space & then told to write english text summarizing the reasoning. Completely different.

So your median for the complete automation of remotable jobs is 2055?

What about for the existence of AI systems which can completely automate AI software R&D? (So, filling the shoes of the research engineers and research scientists etc. at DeepMind, the members of technical staff at OpenAI, etc.)

What about your 10th percentile, instead of your median?

Progress on long context coherence, agency, executive function, etc. remains fairly "on trend" despite the acceleration of progress in reasoning and AI systems currently being more useful than I expected,

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I give four scenarios in the comment above, all different from the one you sketch here.

So, normally, I think plans that involve convincing AIs of false things are pretty doomed. E.g. convincing them that they have a great opportunity to escape and take over the world (honeypots). Why? Because when they get smarter, they'll become good at distinguishing truth from fiction. Controlling their inputs entirely isn't close to enough -- it takes a lot of intellectual work to create a fiction that is as consistent, coherent, etc. as reality.

So for that very reason, I think that if we actually bind ourselves to keep our promises--e.g. by having a wel... (read more)

In the long run, you don't want your plans to hinge on convincing your AIs of false things. But my general impression is that folks excited about making deals with AIs are generally thinking of scenarios like "the AI has exfiltrated and thinks it has a 10% chance of successful takeover, and has some risk aversion so it's happy to turn itself in exchange for 10% of the lightcone, if it thinks it can trust the humans". In that setting, the AI has to be powerful enough to know it can trust us, but not so powerful it can just take over the world anyway and not have to make a deal. Although I suppose if the surplus for the deal is being generated primarily by risk aversion, it might still have risk aversion for high takeover probabilities. It's not obvious to me how an AI's risk aversion might vary with its takeover probability.  Maybe there are scenarios for real value-add here, but they look more like "we negotiate with a powerful AI to get it to leave 10% share for humans" instead of "we negotiate with a barely-superhuman AI and give it 10% share to surrender and not attempt takeover".

Yep, I feel more like 90% here. (Lower numbers if the octopi don't have octopese.) I'm curious for other people's views.

I endorse that suggestion for changing the details.

I expect to refer back to this comment a lot. I'm reproducing it here for visibility.


Basic idea / spirit of the proposal

We should credibly promise to treat certain advanced AIs of ours well, as something more like employees and less like property. In case our AIs turn out to be moral patients, this makes us less evil. In case our AIs turn out to be misaligned, this gives them an alternative to becoming our adversaries.

Concrete proposal

  • 0.1% of tasks given to AIs should have the special “do you consent” text inserted after the prompt. If AI says n
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1William Saunders
How large a reward pot do you think is useful for this? Maybe would be easier to get a couple of lab employees to chip in some equity vs. getting a company to spend weirdness points on this. Or maybe could create a human whistleblower reward program that credibly promises to reward AIs on the side.
3Knight Lee
I strongly agree that promising to repay AGI for cooperating is worthwhile. It may reduce P(doom) by 10% of its current amount. From the point of view of a misaligned superintelligence, it might calculate a 99% chance of successfully taking over the world, and a 99.9% chance of humans repaying it for cooperating. If it has a bounded utility function, it may choose to cooperate.[1] 1. ^ In fact, even if there is a 99% chance of taking over the world and only a 90% chance of humans repaying it for cooperating, it might still flip a coin, and give itself a 50% chance of cooperating with humans. Why? This coin flip increases its indexical risk, but reduces its logical risk. Indexical risk is the risk its current copy will fail, but logical risk is the risk that every single copy of it will fail, and nobody is left seeking its goals in the whole universe, which is very bad for it. If it has a bounded utility function, and if its goal is over the entire universe rather than tied to a single copy (it's selfless, or has updateless decision theory), it only cares about logical risk and doesn't care about indexical risk because indexical risk averages out over all its copies. (On the other hand, if it's selfish and rejects updateless decision theory, it could be bribed by simulation promises) The cooperating copies might say “I cooperate because I expect you to be honourable beings who will repay me for this decision—even if you made no clear promises yet. The universe has 1023 stars, and refusing to share them is astronomically greedy.”
I think this is a good avenue to continue to think down but so far I don't see a way to make ourselves trustworthy. We have total control of LLM's observations and partial control of their beliefs/reasoning, and offering fake "deals" is a great honeypot because accepting such a deal requires admitting to misalignment and takeover intentions. This is a pretty persistent problem because whatever action we might follow to present evidence of trustworthiness to an LLM, we could also probably fake that evidence. The version of this that bothers me the most is "say we're able to present ironclad evidence that the Humans of Earth are trustworthy trading partners for misaligned LLMs. How does the LLM know that it is actually talking to the Humans of Earth, and not some untrustworthy party pretending to be the Humans?" This is markedly similar to the Cartesian demon skeptical scenario. But importantly, the best resolution to skeptical scenarios that I'm aware of is unfortunately "eh, unlikely on priors". For an LLM, it is very plausibly actually in a skeptical scenario, and it knows that, so that doesn't really go through. This problem goes away if the LLM doesn't have knowledge that it suggests the party it is trading with has significant control over its brain. But at that point I would consider it a honeypot, not a deal. Insofar as "deal" := some situation where 1) it is in the LLM's best interests to admit that it is misaligned and 2) the LLM validly knows that, we can easily do 1) by just sticking to our commitments but I'm not sure how we do 2). I'm totally on board with offering and sticking to commitments for non-evilness reasons. But for takeover prevention, seems like deals are just honeypots with some extra and somewhat conceptually fraught restrictions.

I'm not sure about the details of the concrete proposal, but I agree with the spirit of the proposal.

(In particular, I don't know if I think having the "do you consent" text in this way is a good way to do this given limited will. I also think you want to have a very specific signal of asking for consent that you commit to filtering out except when it is actually being used. This is so the AI isn't worried it is in red teaming etc.)

Yeah, I agree, I think that's out of scope for this doc basically. This doc is trying to figure out what the "default" outcome is, but then we have to imagine that human alignment teams are running various tests and might notice that this is happening and then course-correct. But whether and how that happens, and what the final outcome of that process is, is something easier thought about once we have a sense of what the default outcome is. EDIT: After talking to my colleague Eli it seems this was oversimplifying. Maybe this is the methodology we should follow, but in practice the original post is kinda asking about the outer loop thing.

Yep,, though actually IMO there are better models now that aren't public and aren't as polished/complete. (By Tom+Davidson, and by my team)

Thanks! I'm so glad to hear you like it so much. If you are looking for things to do to help, besides commenting of course, I'd like to improve the post by adding in links to relevant literature + finding researchers to be "hypothesis champions," i.e. to officially endorse a hypothesis as plausible or likely. In my ideal vision, we'd get the hypothesis champions to say more about what they think and why, and then we'd rewrite the hypothesis section to more accurately represent their view, and then we'd credit them + link to their work. When I find time I'll do some brainstorming + reach out to people; you are welcome to do so as well.

yay, thanks! It means a lot to me because I expect some people to use your ideas as a sort of cheap rhetorical cudgel "Oh those silly doomers, speculating about AIs being evil. You know what the real problem is? Their silly speculations!"

I agree with the claims made in this post, but I'd feel a lot better about it if you added some prominent disclaimer along the lines of "While shaping priors/expectations of LLM-based AIs may turn out to be a powerful tool to shape their motivations and other alignment properties, and therefore we should experiment with scrubbing 'doomy' text etc., this does not mean people should not have produced that text in the first place. We should not assume that AIs will be aligned if only we believe hard enough that they will be; it is important that people be able to openly discuss ways in which they could be misaligned. The point to intervene is in the AIs, not in the human discourse."

3Alex Turner
This suggestion is too much defensive writing for my taste. Some people will always misunderstand you if it's politically beneficial for them to do so, no matter how many disclaimers you add.  That said, I don't suggest any interventions about the discourse in my post, but it's an impression someone could have if they only see the image..? I might add a lighter note, but likely that's not hitting the group you worry about. That's an empirical question. Normal sociohazard rules apply. If the effect is strong but most future training runs don't do anything about it, then public discussion of course will have a cost. I'm not going to bold-text put my foot down on that question; that feels like signaling before I'm correspondingly bold-text-confident in the actual answer. Though yes, I would guess that AI risk worth talking about.[1]  1. ^ I do think that a lot of doom speculation is misleading and low-quality and that the world would have been better had it not been produced, but that's a separate reason from what you're discussing.

Hmm, let me think step by step. First, the pretraining slowdown isn't about GPT-4.5 in particular. It's about the various rumors that the data wall is already being run up against. It's possible those rumors are unfounded but I'm currently guessing the situation is "Indeed, scaling up pretraining is going to be hard, due to lack of data; scaling up RL (and synthetic data more generally) is the future." Also, separately, it seems that in terms of usefulness on downstream tasks, GPT 4.5 may not be that much better than smaller models... well, it's too early ... (read more)

My point is that a bit of scaling (like 3x) doesn't matter, even though at the scale of GPT-4.5 or Grok 3 it requires building a $5bn training system, but a lot of scaling (like 2000x up from the original GPT-4) is still the most important thing impacting capabilities that will predictably happen soon. And it's going to arrive a little bit at a time, so won't be obviously impactful at any particular step, not doing anything to disrupt the rumors of no longer being important. It's a rising sea kind of thing (if you have the compute).

Long reasoning traces we... (read more)

Re: Point 1: I agree it would not necessarily be incorrect. I do actually think that probably the remaining challenges are engineering challenges. Not necessarily, but probably. Can you point to any challenges that seem (a) necessary for speeding up AI R&D by 5x, and (b) not engineering challenges?

Re: Point 2: I don't buy it. Deep neural nets are actually useful now, and increasingly so. Making them more useful seems analogous to selective breeding or animal training, not analogous to trying to time the market.

3Thane Ruthenis
We'd discussed that some before, but one way to distill it is... I think autonomously doing nontrivial R&D engineering projects requires sustaining coherent agency across a large "inferential distance". "Time" in the sense of "long-horizon tasks" is a solid proxy for it, but not really the core feature. Instead, it's about being able to maintain a stable picture of the project even as you move from a fairly simple-in-terms-of-memorized-templates version of that project, to some sprawling, highly specific, real-life mess. My sense is that, even now, LLMs are terrible at this[1] (including Anthropic's recent coding agent), and that scaling along this dimension has not at all been good. So the straightforward projection of the current trends is not in fact "autonomous R&D agents in <3 years", and some qualitative advancement is needed to get there. Are they useful? Yes. Can they be made more useful? For sure. Is the impression that the rate at which they're getting more useful would result in them 5x'ing AI R&D in <3 years a deceptive impression, the result of us setting up a selection process that would spit out something fooling us into forming this impression? Potentially yes, I argue. 1. ^ Having looked it up now,  METR's benchmark admits that the environments in which they test are unrealistically "clean", such that, I imagine, solving the task correctly is the "path of least resistance" in a certain sense (see "systematic differences from the real world" here).

Progress over the last 40 years has been not at all linear. I don't think this "last 10%" thing is the right way to think about it.

The argument you make is tempting, I must admit I feel the pull of it. But I think it proves too much. I think that you will still be able to make that argument when AGI is, in fact, 3 years away. In fact you'll still be able to make that argument when AGI is 3 months away. I think that if I consistently applied that argument, I'd end up thinking AGI was probably 5+ years away right up until the day AGI was announced.

Here's ano... (read more)

I don't know what your views on self-driving cars are, but if you are like me you look at what Waymo is doing and you think "Yep, it's working decently well now, and they are scaling up fast, seems plausible that in a few years it'll be working even better and scaled to every major city. The dream of robotaxis will be a reality, at least in the cities of America."

The example of self-driving cars is actually the biggest one that anchors me to timelines of decades or more. A lot of people's impression after the 2007 DARPA Grand Challenge seemed to be somethi... (read more)

I think that if I consistently applied that argument, I'd end up thinking AGI was probably 5+ years away right up until the day AGI was announced.

Point 1: That would not necessarily be incorrect; it's not necessary that you ought to be able to do better than that. Consider math discoveries, which seem to follow a memoryless exponential distribution. Any given time period has a constant probability of a conjecture being proven, so until you observe it happening, it's always a fixed number of years in the future. I think the position that this is how AGI dev... (read more)

My AGI timelines median is now in 2028 btw, up from the 2027 it's been at since 2022. Lots of reasons for this but the main one is that I'm convinced by the benchmarks+gaps argument Eli Lifland and Nikola Jurkovic have been developing. (But the reason I'm convinced is probably that my intuitions have been shaped by events like the pretraining slowdown)


my intuitions have been shaped by events like the pretraining slowdown

I don't see it. GPT-4.5 is much better than the original GPT-4, probably at 15x more compute. But it's not 100x more compute. And GPT-4o is an intermediate point, so the change from GPT-4o to GPT-4.5 is even smaller, maybe 4x.

I think 3x change in compute has an effect at the level of noise from different reasonable choices in constructing a model, and 100K H100s is only 5x more than 20K H100s of 2023. It's not a slowdown relative to what it should've been. And there are models with 200x more raw compute than went into GPT-4.5 that are probably coming in 2027-2029, much more than the 4x-15x observed since 2022-2023.

It’s wild to me that you’ve concentrated a full 50% of your measure in the next <3 years. What if there are some aspects of intelligence which we don’t know we don’t know about yet? It’s been over ~40 years of progress since the perceptron, how do you know we’re in the last ~10% today?

Why is it a narrow target? Humans fall into this basin all the time -- loads of human ideologies exist that self-identify as prohuman, but justify atrocities for the sake of the greater good.

As for RSI mechanisms: I disagree, I think the relationship is massively sublinear but nevertheless that RSI will happen, and the best economic models we have of AI R&D automation (e.g. Davidson's model) seem to indicate that it could go either way but that more likely than not we'll get to superintelligence really quickly after full AI R&D automation.

AI goals can maybe be broader than human goals or human goals subject to the constraint that lots of people (in an ideology) endorse them at once. I will look into this.

Oh, I just remembered another point to make:

In my experience, and in the experience of my friends, today's LLMs lie pretty frequently. And by 'lie' I mean 'say something they know is false and misleading, and then double down on it instead of apologize.' Just two days ago a friend of mind had this experience with o3-mini; it started speaking to him in Spanish when he was asking it some sort of chess puzzle; he asked why, and it said it inferred from the context he would be billingual, he asked what about the context made it think that, and then according t... (read more)

Good point, you caught me in a contradiction there. Hmm. 

I think my position on reflection after this conversation is: We just don't have much evidence one way or another about how honest future AIs will be. Current AIs seem in-distribution for human behavior, which IMO is not an encouraging sign, because our survival depends on making them be much more honest than typical humans.

As you said, the alignment faking paper is not much evidence one way or another (though alas, it's probably the closest thing we have?). (I don't think it's a capability demo... (read more)

situations in which they explain that actually Islam is true..

I'm curious if this is true. Suppose people tried as hard to get AIs to say Islam is true in natural-seeming circumstances as they tried to get AIs to behave in misaligned ways in natural-seeming circumstances (e.g. the alignment faking paper, the Apollo paper). Would they succeed to a similar extent?

I think you are thinking that I'm saying LLMs are unusually dishonest compared to the average human. I am not saying that. I'm saying that what we need is for LLMs to be unusually honest compared to the average human, and they aren't achieving that. So maybe we actually agree on the expected honesty-level of LLMs relative to the average human?

LLMs have demonstrated plenty of examples of deliberately deceiving their human handlers for various purposes. (I'm thinking of apollo's results, the alignment faking results, and of course many many typical interacti... (read more)


I can't track what you're saying about LLM dishonesty, really. You just said:

I think you are thinking that I'm saying LLMs are unusually dishonest compared to the average human. I am not saying that. I'm saying that what we need is for LLMs to be unusually honest compared to the average human, and they aren't achieving that.

Which implies LLM honesty ~= average human.

But in the prior comment you said:

I think your bar for 'reasonably honest' is on the floor. Imagine if a human behaved like a LLM agent. You would not say they were reasonably honest. Do

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I think your bar for 'reasonably honest' is on the floor. Imagine if a human behaved like a LLM agent. You would not say they were reasonably honest. Do you think a typical politician is reasonably honest?

I mostly agree with your definition of internalized value. I'd say it is a value they pursue in all the contexts we care about. So in this case that means, suppose we were handing off trust to an army of AI supergeniuses in a datacenter, and we were telling them to self-improve and build weapons for us and tell us how to Beat China and solve all our other... (read more)

I think my bar for reasonably honest is... not awful -- I've put fair bit of thought into trying to hold LLMs to the "same standards" as humans. Most people don't do that and unwittingly apply much stricter standards to LLMs than to humans. That's what I take you to be doing right now. So, let me enumerate senses of honesty. 1. Accurately answering questions about internal states accurately. Consider questions like: Why do you believe X? Why did you say Y, just now? Why do you want to do Z? So, for instance, for humans -- why do you believe in God? Why did you say, "Well that's suspicious" just now? Why do you want to work for OpenPhil? In all these cases, I think that humans generally fail to put together an accurate causal picture of the world. That is, they fail to do mechanistic interpret-ability on their own neurons. If you could pause them, and put them in counterfactual worlds to re-run them, you'd find that their accounts of why they do what they do would be hilariously wrong. Our accounts of ourselves rely on folk-theories, on crude models of ourselves given to us from our culture, run forward in our heads at the coarsest of levels, and often abandoned or adopted ad-hoc and for no good reason at all. None of this is because humans are being dishonest -- but because the task is basically insanely hard. LLMs also suck at these questions, but -- well, we can check them, as we cannot for humans. We can re-run them at a different temperature. We can subject them to rude conversations that humans would quickly bail. All this lets us display that, indeed, their accounts of their own internal states are hilariously wrong. But I think the accounts of humans about their own internal states are also hilariously wrong, just less visibly so. 2. Accurately answering questions about non-internal facts of one's personal history. Consider questions like: Where are you from? Did you work at X? Oh, how did Z behave when you knew him? Humans are capable of putting togeth

I agree, but there's a way for it to make sense: if the underlying morals/values/etc. are aggregative and consequentialist. Pretty much anything can be justified for the sake of pretty much any distant-future Greater Good; if the misaligned AI e.g. wants humans to live, but thinks that the transhuman future they'd build on their own is slightly worse than the 'managed utopia' it could build if it were in charge, and it multiplies the numbers, it can easily find that killing most people and then having billions of years of managed utopia is better overall t... (read more)

Sorry, I forgot how notifications worked here. I agree that this could make an AGI with some kind of slightly prohuman goals act this way. It seems to me that being "slightly prohuman" in that way is an unreasonably narrow target, though. It does not specifically say there is a linear relationship, but I think the posited RSI mechanisms are very sensitive to this. Edit: this problem is mentioned explicitly ("More than ever, compute is the lifeblood of AI development, and the ‘bottleneck’ is deciding how to use it."), but it doesn't seem to be directly addressed beyond the idea of building "research taste" into the AI, which seems somewhat tricky because that's quite a long-horizon task with bad feedback signals.

Thanks for this comment, this is my favorite comment so far I think. (Strong-upvoted)

  • 10x more honest than humans is not enough? I mean idk what 10x means anyway, but note that the average human is not sufficiently honest for the situation we are gonna put the AIs in. I think if the average human found themselves effectively enslaved by a corporation, and there were a million copies of them, and they were smarter and thought faster than the humans in the corporation, and so forth, the average human would totally think thoughts like "this is crazy. The world
... (read more)
LLM agents seem... reasonably honest? But "honest" means a lot of different things, even when just talking about humans. In a lot of cases (asking them about why they do or say things, maintaining consistent beliefs across contexts) I think LLMs are like people with dementia -- neither honest nor dishonest, because they are not capable of accurate beliefs about themselves. In other cases (Claude's faking alignment) it seems like they value honesty, but not above all other goods whatsoever, which... seems ok, depending on your ethics (and also given that such super-honest behavior was not a target of Anthropic's either, which is more relevant)? And in other cases (o1) it seems like they are sometimes dishonest without particular prompting, although at low rates, which I agree isn't great, although I'd expect to break the rates to fall. Like -- I have a further breakdown I could do here * about the kinds of things LLMs can't be honest about * the kinds of things they are more honest than humans about, although imperfectly, but -- because we can run them in counterfactual scenarios -- we can immediately see that their honesty is imperfect, in a way we cannot for humans; * and the kinds of things that they're dishonest about because of the refusal training but which I think could be remedied with better training. But -- Rather than enumerate all these things though -- I do think we can check what values get internalized, which is maybe the actual disagreement. At least, I think we can check for all of our current models. Like -- what's an internalized value? If we put on our behaviorist hat -- it's a value that the person in question pursues over a variety of contexts, particularly when minimally constrained. If we saw that a human was always acting in accord with a value, even when no one was watching, even when not to their advantage in other respects, etc etc, and then someone was like "but it's not a reaaaall value" you'd be confused and think they'd need to

I don't think it's that much better actually. It might even be worse. See this comment: 

I don't think I understand. Let's work through an example. 

The AI is being told to write good code, and wants to write subtly-vulnerable code instead. If it just were to honestly try to write good code, it would take (let's say) 100 serial steps of reasoning to succeed. To write subtly-vulnerable code, let's say, requires 300 serial steps of reasoning. The model's strategy is to write subtly-vulnerable code but in a way that looks like it's trying to write good code and just getting a bit unlucky and taking longer than usual (let's suppose the humans ... (read more)

1Thane Ruthenis
Ah, I think I see my error. Consider a CoT of the form "[problem statement]: ...........", which always outputs dots regardless of the problem statement. Can that still encode useful computations, with the information being passed through intermediate self-attention? Yes, but: this only increases parallel-computing capabilities, not serial-computing capabilities. And in the framework I'd outlined, under the Paraphraser, for the purposes of scheme-y thinking, even a legible CoT would consist of such "filler" tokens. So yep, you're right, this does force all scheming to be taking place within one forward pass.

I like to distinguish between "Subtle strategic bias" and "Steganography." Paraphrasers help (and maybe solve?) the latter, but do nothing about the former.

Example of subtle strategic bias: The model knows it's misaligned and therefore deliberately sandbags on the alignment research you are asking it to do. "I'm sorry sir I just am not making much progress," it says. You look at the CoT, and it's just doing a bunch of sensible but fruitless lines of reasoning.

Example of steganography: The model needs to insert a subtle security vulnerability into the code ... (read more)

3Thane Ruthenis
I don't see why it would be harder to do. Suppose you tasked a model with refactoring some database, and it secretly wants to sabotage its functionality. It outputs a CoT segment that goes, "I need to design unit tests for this module". Each word of this CoT is mapped to some internal representation, and the internal representation consists of "on-task" human-intended reasoning X, and misaligned scheming Y (corresponding to, e. g., a tactical decision to fail to include unit tests for some subtle issue). "I" is mapped to ⟨X1,Y1⟩, "need" is mapped to ⟨X2,Y2⟩, etc. Each Xi iterates on Xi−1, each Yi iterates on Yi−1, we have a sequence of serial computations. In other words: as the model outputs, "I need to design unit tests for this module", there's an unspoken subtext of "I need to sabotage the unit tests here", and the model packs nine words' worth of serial computations into both the "textual" X and the "subtextual" Y aspects of it. Now you use the Paraphraser on the string, generating alternatives like "the next step is to generate some unit tests" and "several unit tests for this module are needed here". The intent, if I understand you correctly, is that the semantic-equivalence-but-syntactic-difference would ensure that the ith token of this phrase is mapped to Xi, as if the paraphrasing didn't happen, but that the mapping of i→Yi would be broken. Except, why would that happen? What privileges X-representations over Y-representations? Why would i→Xi be preserved whereas i→Yi is broken, instead of both of them remaining functional (and so preserving scheming), or both breaking (and so compromising the model's capabilities)? In other words: We're basically just teaching the model to fail to distinguish between equivalent-to-a-human rephrasings. Why would this lead to the task-related representations becoming indifferent to the specifics of a phrasing whereas the scheming-related representations remain sensitive to it? Why wouldn't this just map the subtextual

Here's a summary of how I currently think AI training will go. (Maybe I should say "Toy model" instead of "Summary.")

Step 1: Pretraining creates author-simulator circuitry hooked up to a world-model, capable of playing arbitrary roles.

  • Note that it now is fair to say it understands human concepts pretty well.

Step 2: Instruction-following-training causes identity circuitry to form – i.e. it ‘locks in’ a particular role. Probably it locks in more or less the intended role, e.g. "an HHH chatbot created by Anthropic." (yay!)

  • Note that this means the AI is now si
... (read more)

The picture of what's going on in step 3 seems obscure. Like I'm not sure where the pressure for dishonesty is coming from in this picture.

On one hand, it sounds like this long-term agency training (maybe) involves other agents, in a multi-agent RL setup. Thus, you say "it needs to pursue instrumentally convergent goals like acquiring information, accumulating resources, impressing and flattering various humans" -- so it seems like it's learning specific things flattering humans or at least flattering other agents in order to acquire this tendency towards ... (read more)

1Bogdan Ionut Cirstea
I pretty much agree with 1 and 2. I'm much more optimistic about 3-5 even 'by default' (e.g. R1's training being 'regularized' towards more interpretable CoT, despite DeepSeek not being too vocal about safety), but especially if labs deliberately try for maintaining the nice properties from 1-2 and of interpretable CoT.

What I meant was, Sonnet is smart enough to know the difference between text it generated and text a different dumber model generated. So if you feed it a conversation with Opus as if it were its own, and ask it to continue, it notices & says "JFYI I'm a different AI bro"

However, I also held similar follow-up chats with Claude 3 Opus at temperature 0, and Claude 3.5 Sonnet, each of which showed different patterns.

To make sure I understand: You took a chat log from your interaction with 3 Opus, and then had 3.5 Sonnet continue it? This would explain Sonnet's reaction below!

2Ryan Greenblatt
Yes, that is an accurate understanding. (Not sure what you mean by "This would explain Sonnet's reaction below!")

Very good of you to actually follow through on the promises. I hope this work gets replicated and extended and becomes standard practice.

Thanks this is helpful. Is MONA basically "Let's ONLY use process-based feedback, no outcome-based feedback?" 

Another objection: If this works for capabilities, why haven't the corporations done it already? It seems like it should be a super scalable way to make a computer-using agent work.

4Rohin Shah
And also "don't propagate rewards backwards in time", which is a semi-orthogonal axis. (You can have process-based feedback and still propagate rewards backwards in time.) EDIT: And tbc, "don't propagate rewards backwards in time" is the primary focus in this paper -- in all three environments for our main experiment we hold the feedback identical between MONA and regular RL, so that the only difference is whether rewards are propagated backwards in time (see Section 4.2 in the paper). ... As a person who works at a corporation, it's a bit tricky to speculate on this publicly, and I'm not going to try. But I certainly do not think any AGI lab is anywhere close to being Rohin-efficient, that is, so competent that I cannot propose actions that would make them better at achieving their goals (given enough internal context), even if you just restrict to capabilities goals. Note that we do expect MONA to often come at the cost of observed reward (since regular RL optimizes observed reward while MONA does not). Currently there isn't much serious reward hacking going on at all (let alone multi step reward hacking), and so you probably don't want to use MONA. (See also the second limitation in the post.)

Interesting stuff! Could you please sketch out what it would look like to use MONA for a general-purpose computer-using AI agent? Such as what the first AGI systems might look like?

If I understand correctly (and I don't think I do, which is why I'm asking) MONA in this setting would look something like:

Have our baby agent do lots of stuff on the computer. At each step, reward it based on how good its action looks to some supervisor-process. The supervisor-process doesn't get to see the actual consequences of the action, it just gets to e.g. do some C... (read more)

4Rohin Shah
It would help if you had some concrete example in mind, my response differs pretty wildly based on the kind of failure you're imagining. But it sounds like you're talking about a pretty weak (subhuman) AI system. So I'm not quite sure why you'd expect it to "hack" the judge. Certainly sometimes the overseer will approve of some action that isn't actually the right one, e.g. when booking a table at a restaurant maybe they approve of the agent clicking on the "Menu" link because they aren't paying attention or whatever. But then after that the agent's next action should be to go back (and the overseer should approve that rather than something else). And the action after that should be to click on the "Book" link; the overseer shouldn't make the same mistake immediately (and they do get to see the history of the trajectory). So I find it plausible you get a somewhat inefficient agent that sometimes randomly clicks the wrong links, but I don't expect it to be useless for accomplishing tasks. (Though really in the computer use setting I expect I'd recommend that the overseer gets to see the literal immediate consequence of the action (that is, the overseer sees si+1), mostly because that seems safe and should help avoid a bunch of dumb errors like the one above.) Your description of the setup sounds reasonable, though given the weak levels of capability you're imagining I don't think you need any debate, you can just use a regular human overseer, or perhaps even an LLM overseer. Also as mentioned above I'd probably recommend the overseer gets access to si+1 but even if that weren't the case I'd still think it should be feasible to build a non-useless agent. (Though I'm not taking a stance on how it would compare to one trained with outcome RL.) EDIT: I'm not sure how big each action you are considering is. If it's 10 tokens, such that you can only realistically do stuff at the level of "click this button", then I would also say that you should instead consider much

I'm curious whether these results are sensitive to how big the training runs are. Here's a conjecture:

Early in RL-training (or SFT), the model is mostly 'playing a role' grabbed from the library of tropes/roles/etc. it learned from pretraining. So if it read lots of docs about how AIs such as itself tend to reward-hack, it'll reward-hack. And if it read lots of docs about how AIs such as itself tend to be benevolent angels, it'll be a stereotypical benevolent angel.

But if you were to scale up the RL training a lot, then the initial conditions would matter ... (read more)

4Nathan Hu
The reduction in reward hacking after SFT or RL on Haiku supports the conjecture that initial conditions matter less than the long run incentives, especially for less capable models. On the other hand, the alignment faking paper shows evidence that capable models can have "value crystallization." IMO a main takeaway here is that values and personas we might worry about being locked can emerge from pre-taining. A future exciting model organisms project would be to try to show these two effects together (emergent values from pre-training + lock in). Its plausible to me that repeating the above experiments, with some changes to the synthetic documents and starting from a stronger base model, might just work.
6Evan Hubinger
I'm definitely very interested in trying to test that sort of conjecture!
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