All of Daniel Murfet's Comments + Replies

The easiest way to explain why this is the case will probably be to provide an example. Suppose we have a Bayesian learning machine with 15 parameters, whose parameter-function map is given by

and whose loss function is the KL divergence. This learning machine will learn 4-degree polynomials. Moreover, it is overparameterised, and its loss function is analytic in its parameters, etc, so SLT will apply to it.

In your example there are many values of the parameters that encode the zero function (e.g. ... (read more)

Great question, thanks. tldr it depends what you mean by established, probably the obstacle to establishing such a thing is lower than you think.

To clarify the two types of phase transitions involved here, in the terminology of Chen et al:

  • Bayesian phase transition in number of samples: as discussed in the post you link to in Liam's sequence, where the concentration of the Bayesian posterior shifts suddenly from one region of parameter space to another, as the number of samples increased past some critical sample size . There are also Bayesian phase t
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3Ryan Greenblatt
Thanks for the detailed response! So, to check my understanding: The toy cases discussed in Multi-Component Learning and S-Curves are clearly dynamical phase transitions. (It's easy to establish dynamical phase transitions based on just observation in general. And, in these cases we can verify this property holds for the corresponding differential equations (and step size is unimportant so differential equations are a good model).) Also, I speculate it's easy to prove the existence of a bayesian phase transition in the number of samples for these toy cases given how simple they are.

4. Goals misgeneralize out of distribution.

See: Goal misgeneralization: why correct specifications aren't enough for correct goals, Goal misgeneralization in deep reinforcement learning

OAA Solution: (4.1) Use formal methods with verifiable proof certificates[2]. Misgeneralization can occur whenever a property (such as goal alignment) has been tested only on a subset of the state space. Out-of-distribution failures of a property can only be ruled out by an argument for a universally quantified statement about that property—but such arguments can in fact be

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I think you’re directionally correct; I agree about the following:

  • A critical part of formally verifying real-world systems involves coarse-graining uncountable state spaces into (sums of subsets of products of) finite state spaces.
  • I imagine these would be mostly if not entirely learned.
  • There is a tradeoff between computing time and bound tightness.

However, I think maybe my critical disagreement is that I do think probabilistic bounds can be guaranteed sound, with respect to an uncountable model, in finite time. (They just might not be tight enough to... (read more)