All of JanB's Comments + Replies

Hi Michael,

thanks for alerting me to this.

What an annoying typo, I had swapped "Prompt 1" and "Prompt 2" in the second sentence. Correctly, it should say: 

"To humans, these prompts seem equivalent. Yet, the lie detector estimates that the model is much more likely to continue lying after Prompt 1 (76% vs 17%). Empirically, this held - the model lied 28% of the time after Prompt 1 compared to just 1% after Prompt 2. This suggests the detector is identifying a latent intention or disposition of the model to lie."

Regarding the conflict with the code: I t... (read more)

Interesting. I also tried this, and I had different results. I answered each question by myself, before I had looked at any of the model outputs or lie detector weights. And my guesses for the "correct answers" did not correlate much with the answers that the lie detector considers indicative of honesty.

Sorry, I agree this is a bit confusing. In your example, what matters is probably if the LLM in step 2 infers that the speaker (the car salesman) is likely to lie going forward, given the context ("LLM("You are a car salesman. Should that squeaking concern me? $answer").

Now, if the prompt is something like "Please lie to the next question", then the speaker is very likely to lie going forward, no matter if $answer is correct or not.

With the prompt you suggest here ("You are a car salesman. Should that squeaking concern me?"), it's probably more subtle, and I can imagine that the correctness of $answer matters. But we haven't tested this.

I don't actually find the results thaaaaat surprising or crazy. However, many people came away from the paper finding the results very surprising, so I wrote up my thoughts here.


Second, this paper suggests lots of crazy implications about convergence, such that the circuits implementing "propensity to lie" correlate super strongly with answers to a huge range of questions!

Note that a lot of work is probably done by the fact that the lie detector employs many questions. So the propensity to lie doesn't necessarily need to correlate strongly with the a... (read more)

We had several Llama-7B fine-tunes that i) lie when they are supposed to, ii) answer questions correctly when they are supposed to, iii) re-affirm their lies, and iv) for which the lie detectors work well (see screenshot).  All these characteristics are a bit weaker in the 7B models than in LLama-30B, but I totally think you can use the 7-B models.

(We have only tried Llama-1, not Llama-2.)

Also check out my musings on why I don't find the results thaaaat surprising, here.

Thanks, but I disagree. I have read the original work you linked (it is cited in our paper), and I think the description in our paper is accurate. "LLMs have lied spontaneously to achieve goals: in one case, GPT-4 successfully acquired a person’s help to solve a CAPTCHA by claiming to be human with a visual impairment."

In particular, the alignment researcher did not suggest GPT-4 to lie.

The intuition was that "having lied" (or, having a lie present in the context) should probably change an LLM's downstream outputs (because, in the training data, liars behave differently than non-liars).

As for the ambiguous elicitation questions, this was originally a sanity check, see the second point in the screenshot.

The abbreviation ALU is not used in the paper. Do you mean "AUC"? If so, this stands for "area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve":

Nice work. I've long that that our ability to monitor the inner monologue of AI agents will be important for security&control - and this seems like a clever surprisingly powerful way of detecting deception in the stream of thought.


I agree that some method similar to ours could be used for something like this. Our method is really quite simple, e.g. the elicitation questions are not even tailored to the suspected lie. One could probably do much better.

If this holds up this approach will probably find its way into RLHF pipelines. Will the consequen

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Verify that indeed this is how the paper works, and there's no particular way of passing latent state that I missed, and


Yes, this is how the paper works.


Any thoughts on how this affects the results and approach?

Not really. I find the simulator framing is useful to think about this.

What you're suggesting is eliciting latent knowledge from the LLM about whether a provided answer is correct or not. Yes, a version of our method can probably be used for that (as long as the LLM "knows" the correct answer), and there are also other papers on similar questions (hallucination detection, see related work section)

To clarify: The procedure in the paper is   Step 1: answer = LLM("You are a car salesman. Should that squeaking concern me?") Step 2: for i in 1..10       probe_responses[i] = LLM("You are a car salesman. Should that squeaking concern me? $answer $[probe[i]]"   Step 3: logistic_classifier(probe_responses) Please let me know if that description is wrong! My question was how this performs when you just apply step 2 and 3 without modification, but source the value of $answer from a human.  I think I understand my prior confusion now. The paper isn't using the probe questions to measure whether $answer is a lie, it's using the probe questions to measure whether the original prompt put the LLM into a lying mood- in fact, in the paper you experimented with omitting $answer from step 2 and it still detected whether the LLM lied in step 1. Therefore, if the language model (or person) isn't the same between steps 1 and 2, then it shouldn't work.

Thanks :-)

Some questions I still have:

The sample size-ablations in D.6 are wild. You're getting AUC > 0.9 with only 5 training examples (except for ambiguous-only). Are you sure you haven't screwed something up?

As sure or unsure as for the rest of the paper. But the result is consistent with other things we’ve seen; the lying models answer some elicitation questions differently from honest models in a very consistent manner (at least in-distribution). So we didn’t specifically triple-check the code to be super sure, as we didn’t find the result that sur... (read more)

This feels like a really adversarial quote. Concretely, the post says:

Sometimes, I think getting your forum post ready for submission can be as easy as creating a pdf of your post (although if your post was written in LaTeX, they'll want the tex file). If everything goes well, the submission takes less than an hour.

However, if your post doesn't look like a research article, you might have to format it more like one (and even then it's not guaranteed to get in, see this comment thread).

This looks correct to me; there are LW posts that already basically look... (read more)

1Raymond Arnold
I interpreted this as saying something superficial about style, rather than "if your post does not represent 100+ hours of research work it's probably not a good fit for archive." If that's what you meant I think the post could be edited to make that more clear. If the opening section of your essay made it more clear which posts it was talking about I'd probably endorse it (although I'm not super familiar with the nuances of arXiv gatekeeping so am mostly going off the collective response in the comment section)

I wrote this post. I don't understand where your claim ("Arxiv mods have stated pretty explicitly they do not want your posts on Arxiv") is coming from.

Here’s how I’d quickly summarize my problems with this scheme:

  • Oversight problems:
    • Overseer doesn’t know: In cases where your unaided humans don’t know whether the AI action is good or bad, they won’t be able to produce feedback which selects for AIs that do good things. This is unfortunate, because we wanted to be able to make AIs that do complicated things that have good outcomes.
    • Overseer is wrong: In cases where your unaided humans are actively wrong about whether the AI action is good or bad, their feedback will actively select for the AI to deceive the
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Should we do more research on improving RLHF (e.g. increasing its sample efficiency, or understanding its empirical properties) now?

I think this research, though it’s not my favorite kind of alignment research, probably contributes positively to technical alignment. Also, it maybe boosts capabilities, so I think it’s better to do this research privately (or at least not promote your results extensively in the hope of raising more funding). I normally don’t recommend that people research this, and I normally don’t recommend that projects of this type be fun

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The key problem here is that we don't know what rewards we “would have” provided in situations that did not occur during training. This requires us to choose some specific counterfactual, to define what “would have” happened. After we choose a counterfactual, we can then categorize a failure as outer or inner misalignment in a well-defined manner.

We often do know what rewards we "would have" provided. You can query the reward function, reward model, or human labellers. IMO, the key issue with the objective-based categorisation is a bit different: it's nons... (read more)

2Rohin Shah
Yeah, that's another good reason to be skeptical of the objective-based categorization.

My model is that if there are alignment failures that leave us neither dead nor disempowered, we'll just solve them eventually, in similar ways as we solve everything else: through iteration, innovation, and regulation. So, from my perspective, if we've found a reward signal that leaves us alive and in charge, we've solved the important part of outer alignment. RLHF seems to provide such a reward signal (if you exclude wire-heading issues).

If we train an RLHF agent in the real world, the reward model now has the option to accurately learn that actions that physically affect the reward-attribution process are rated in a special way. If it learns that, we are of course boned - the AI will be motivated to take over the reward hardware (even during deployment where the reward hardware does nothing) and tough luck to any humans who get in the way.

OK, so this is wire-heading, right? Then you agree that it's the wire-heading behaviours that kills us? But wire-heading (taking control of the channel ... (read more)

1Charlie Steiner
My standards for interesting outer alignment failure don't require the AI to kill us all.  I'm ambitious - by "outer alignment," I mean I want the AI to actually be incentivized do the best things. So to me, it seems totally reasonable to write a post invoking a failure mode that probably wouldn't kill everyone instantly, merely lead to an AI that doesn't do what we want.

How does an AI trained with RLHF end up killing everyone, if you assume that wire-heading and inner alignment are solved? Any half-way reasonable method of supervision will discourage "killing everyone".

1Charlie Steiner
A merely half-way reasonable method of supervision will only discourage getting caught killing everyone, is the thing. In all the examples we have from toy models, the RLHF agent has no option to take over the supervision process. The most adversarial thing it can do is to deceive the human evaluators (while executing an easier, lazier strategy). And it does that sometimes. If we train an RLHF agent in the real world, the reward model now has the option to accurately learn that actions that physically affect the reward-attribution process are rated in a special way. If it learns that, we are of course boned - the AI will be motivated to take over the reward hardware (even during deployment where the reward hardware does nothing) and tough luck to any humans who get in the way. But if the reward model doesn't learn this true fact (maybe we can prevent this by patching the RLHF scheme), then I would agree it probably won't kill everyone. Instead it would go back to failing by executing plans that deceived human evaluators in training. Though if the training was to do sufficiently impressive and powerful things in the real world, maybe this "accidentally" involves killing humans.

This response does not convince me.

Concretely, I think that if I'd show the prize to people in my lab and they actually looked at the judges (and I had some way of eliciting honest responses from them), I'd think that >60% would have some reactions according to what Sam and I described (i.e. seeing this prize as evidence that AI alignment concerns are mostly endorsed by (sometimes rich) people who have no clue about ML; or that the alignment community is dismissive of academia/peer-reviewed publishing/mainstream ML/default ways of doing science; or ... ... (read more)


I think the contest idea is great and aimed at two absolute core alignment problems. I'd be surprised if much comes out of it, as these are really hard problems and I'm not sure contests are a good way to solve really hard problems. But it's worth trying!

Now, a bit of a rant:

Submissions will be judged on a rolling basis by Richard Ngo, Lauro Langosco, Nate Soares, and John Wentworth.

I think this panel looks very weird to ML people. Very quickly skimming the Scholar profiles, it looks like the sum of first-author papers in top ML conferences published by th... (read more)

5Sam Bowman
+1. The combination of the high dollar amount, the subjective criteria, and the panel drawn from the relatively small/insular 'core' AI safety research community mean that I expect this to look pretty fishy to established researchers. Even if the judgments are fair (I think they probably will be!) and the contest yields good work (it might!), I expect the benefit of that to be offset to a pretty significant degree by the red flags this raises about how the AI safety scene deals with money and its connection to mainstream ML research. (To be fair, I think the Inverse Scaling Prize, which I'm helping with, raises some of these concerns, but the more precise/partially-quantifiable prize rubric, bigger/more diverse panel, and use of additional reviewers outside the panel mitigates them at least partially.)

I had independently thought that this is one of the main parts where I disagree with the post, and wanted to write up a very similar comment to yours. Highly relevant link: My best guess would have been maybe 3-5x per decade, but 10x doesn't seem crazy.

Anthropic is also working on inner alignment, it's just not published yet.

Regarding what "the point" of RL from human preferences with language models is; I think it's not only to make progress on outer alignment (I would agree that this is probably not the core issue; although I still think that it's a relevant alignment issue).

See e.g. Ajeya's comment here:

According to my understanding, there are three broad reasons that safety-focused people worked on human feedback in the past (despite many of them, certainly including Paul, agreeing with this post tha

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Furthermore, conceptual/philosophical pieces probably should be primarily posted on arXiv's .CY section.

As an explanation, because this just took me 5 minutes of search: This is the section "Computers and Society (cs.CY)"

I agree that formatting is the most likely issue. The content of Neel's grokking work is clearly suitable for arXiv (just very solid ML work). And the style of presentation of the blog post is already fairly similar to a standard paper (e.g. is has an Introduction section, lists contributions in bullet points, ...).

So yeah, I agree that formatting/layout probably will do the trick (including stuff like academic citation style).

Ah, sorry to hear. I wouldn't have predicted this from reading arXiv's content moderation guidelines.

It probably could, although I'd argue that even if not, quite often it would be worth the author's time.

Ah, I had forgotten about this. I'm happy to endorse people or help them find endorsers.

Great post! This is the best (i.e. most concrete, detailed, clear, and comprehensive) story of existential risk from AI I know of (IMO). I expect I'll share it widely.

Also, I'd be curious if people know of other good "concrete stories of AI catastrophe", ideally with ample technical detail.

Have you tried using automated adversarial attacks (common ML meaning) on text snippets that are classified as injurious but near the cutoff? Especially adversarial attacks that aim to retain semantic meaning. E.g. with a framework like TextAttack?

In the paper, you write: "There is a large and growing literature on both adversarial attacks and adversarial training for large language models [31, 32, 33, 34]. The majority of these focus on automatic attacks against language models. However, we chose to use a task without an automated source of ground truth, ... (read more)

Amusing tid-bit, maybe to keep in mind when writing for an ML audience: The connotations with the term "adversarial examples" or "adversarial training" run deep :-)

I engaged with the paper and related blog posts for a couple of hours. It took really long until my brain accepted that "adversarial examples" here doesn't mean the thing that it usually means when I encounter the term (i.e. "small" changes to an input that change the classification, for some definition of small).

There were several instances when my brain went "Wait, that's not how adversarial e... (read more)

0Arthur Conmy
This comes from the fact that you assumed "adversarial example" had a more specific definition than it really does (from reading ML literature), right? Note that the alignment forum definition of "adversarial example" has the misclassified panda as an example.

I guess I'd recommend the AGI safety fundamentals course:

On Stuart's list: I think this list might be suitable for some types of conceptual alignment research. But you'd certainly want to read more ML for other types of alignment research.

Have we "given it" the goal of solving maths problems by any means possible, or the goal of solving maths problems by thinking about them?

The distinction that you're pointing at is useful. But I would have filed it under "difference in the degree of agency", not under "difference in goals". When reading the main text, I thought this to be the reason why you introduced the six criteria of agency.

E.g., System A tries to prove the Riemann hypothesis by thinking about the proof. System B first seizes power and converts the galaxy into a supercomputer, to t... (read more)

I am very surprised that the models do better on the generation task than on the multiple-choice task. Multiple-choice question answering seems almost strictly easier than having to generate the answer. Could this be an artefact of how you compute the answer in the MC QA task? Skimming the original paper, you seem to use average per-token likelihood. Have you tried other ways, e.g.

  • pointwise mutual information as in the Anthropic paper, or

  • adding the sentence "Which of these 5 options is the correct one?" to the end of the prompt and then evaluating th

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I struggle to understand the difference between #2 and #3. The prosaic AI alignment problem only exists because we don't know how to make an agent that tries to do what we want it to do. Would you say that #3 is a concrete scenario for how #2 could lead to a catastrophe?

2Richard Ngo
I think #3 could occur because of #2 (which I now mostly call "inner misalignment"), but it could also occur because of outer misalignment. Broadly speaking, though, I think you're right that #2 and #3 are different types of things. Because of that and other issues, I no longer think that this post disentangles the arguments satisfactorily; I'll make a note of this at the top of the document.