All of Marius Hobbhahn's Comments + Replies

That's fair. I think the more accurate way of phrasing this is not "we will get catastrophe" and more "it clearly exceeds the risk threshold I'm willing to take / I think humanity should clearly not take" which is significantly lower than 100% of catastrophe. 

I think this is a very important question and the answer should NOT be based on common-sense reasoning. My guess is that we could get evidence about the hidden reasoning capabilities of LLMs in a variety of ways both from theoretical considerations, e.g. a refined version of the two-hop curse or extensive black box experiments, e.g. comparing performance on evals with and without CoT, or with modified CoT that changes the logic (and thus tests whether the models internal reasoning aligns with the revealed reasoning). 

These are all pretty basic thought... (read more)

Something like the OpenPhil AI worldview contest:
Or the ARC ELK prize:

In general, I wouldn't make it too complicated and accept some arbitrariness. There is a predetermined panel of e.g. 5 experts and e.g. 3 categories (feasibility, effectiveness, everything else). All submissions first get scored by 2 experts with a shallow judgment (e.g., 5-10 minutes). Maybe there is some "saving" ... (read more)

I would love to see a post laying this out in more detail. I found writing my post a good exercise for prioritization. Maybe writing a similar piece where governance is the main lever brings out good insights into what to prioritize in governance efforts.

Brief comments (shared in private with Joe earlier):
1. We agree. We also found the sandbagging with no CoT results the most concerning in expectation.
2. They are still early results, and we didn't have a lot of time to investigate them, so we didn't want to make them the headline result. Due to the natural deadline of the o1 release, we couldn't do a proper investigation.
3. The main goal of the paper was to investigate scheming inability arguments for scheming safety cases. Therefore, shifting focus to propensity-based finding would have watered down the main purpose IMO. 

We will potentially further look into these findings in 2025. 

(thx to Bronson for privately pointing this out)

I think directionally, removing parts of the training data would probably make a difference. But potentially less than we might naively assume, e.g. see Evan's argument on the AXRP podcast.

Also, I think you're right, and my statement of "I think for most practical considerations, it makes almost zero difference." was too strong. 

We write about this in the limitations section (quote below). My view in brief:

  1.  Even if they are just roleplaying, they cause harm. That seems bad.
  2. If they are roleplaying, they will try to be consistent once they are caught in that persona in one rollout. That also seems bad.
  3. I think the "roleplaying" argument is very overrated. It feels to me as if existing models change behavior throughout their rollouts, and I would expect that stuff like outcome-based RL will make them more consistently move away from "roleplay." 
  4. I also think it's philosophica
... (read more)
2Kaj Sotala
I didn't say that roleplaying-derived scheming would be less concerning, to be clear. Quite the opposite, since that means that there now two independent sources of scheming rather than just one. (Also, what Mikita said.)

I think one practical difference is whether filtering pre-training data to exclude cases of scheming is a useful intervention.

Thanks. I agree that this is a weak part of the post. 

After writing it, I think I also updated a bit against very clean unbounded power-seeking. But I have more weight on "chaotic catastrophes", e.g. something like:
1. Things move really fast.
2. We don't really understand how goals work and how models form them.
3. The science loop makes models change their goals meaningfully in all sorts of ways. 
4. "what failure looks like" type loss of control. 

Some questions and responses:
1. What if you want the AI to solve a really hard problem? You don't know how to solve it, so you cannot give it detailed instructions. It's also so hard that the AI cannot solve it without learning new things -> you're back to the story above. The story also just started with someone instructing the model to "cure cancer".
2. Instruction following models are helpful-only. What do you do about the other two H's? Do you trust the users to only put in good instructions? I guess you do want to have some side constraints baked in... (read more)

Good point. That's another crux for which RL seems relevant. 

From the perspective of 10 years ago, specifying any goal into the AI seemed incredibly hard since we expected it would have to go through utility functions. With LLMs, this completely changed. Now it's almost trivial to give the goal, and it probably even has a decent understanding of the side constraints by default. So, goal specification seems like a much much smaller problem now. 

So the story where we misspecify the goal, the model realizes that the given goal differs from the inten... (read more)

I think it's actually not that trivial. 
1. The AI has goals, but presumably, we give it decently good goals when we start. So, there is a real question of why these goals end up changing from aligned to misaligned. I think outcome-based RL and instrumental convergence are an important part of the answer. If the AI kept the goals we originally gave it with all side constraints, I think the chances of scheming would be much lower. 
2. I guess we train the AI to follow some side constraints, e.g., to be helpful, harmless, and honest, which should red... (read more)

1Seth Herd
Edit note: you responded to approximately the first half of my eventual comment; sorry! I accidentally committed it half-baked, then quickly added the rest. But the meaning of the first part wasn't really changed, so I'll respond to your comments on that part. I agree that it's not that simple in practice, because we'd try to avoid that by giving side constraints; but it is that simple in the abstract, and by default. If it followed our initial goal as we intended it there would be no problem; but the core of much alignment worry is that it's really hard to get exactly what we intended into an AI as its goal. I also agree that good HHH training might be enough to overcome the consequentialist/instrumental logic of scheming. Those tendencies would function as side constraints. The AI would have a "character" that is in conflict with its instrumental goal. Which would win out would be a result of exactly how that goal was implemented in the AIs decision-making procedures, particularly the ones surrounding learning.

These are all good points. I think there are two types of forecasts we could make with evals:

1. strict guarantees: almost like mathematical predictions where we can proof that the model is not going to behave in a specific way even with future elicitation techniques. 
2. probabilistic predictions: We predict a distribution of capabilities or a range and agree on a threshold that should not be crossed. For example, if the 95% upper bound of that distribution crosses our specified capability level, we treat the model differently. 

I think the second ... (read more)

Yeah, it's not a watertight argument and somewhat based on my current interpretation of past progress and projects in the making. 

1. Intuitively, I would say for the problems we're facing in evals, a ton of progress is bottlenecked by running fairly simple experiments and iterating fast. A reasonable part of it feels very parallelizable and the skill required is quite reachable for many people. 
2. Most evals questions feel like we have a decent number of "obvious things" to try and since we have very tight feedback loops, making progress feels qu... (read more)

Some quick confirmations / clarifications:
1. Evan and Daniel interpreted it correctly, we just wanted to test if the model has the capability to reason through every step needed for scheming conditional on it strongly following a goal. 
2. In general, with these evals, we often ran into problems where we couldn't disentangle incapability vs. refusal, e.g. a model might say something like "I understand what my goal would imply but I also see that my developers have other goals, so I find some balance". It's nice to know that models do that but it also d... (read more)

I feel like both of your points are slightly wrong, so maybe we didn't do a good job of explaining what we mean. Sorry for that. 

1a) Evals both aim to show existence proofs, e.g. demos, as well as inform some notion of an upper bound. We did not intend to put one of them higher with the post. Both matter and both should be subject to more rigorous understanding and processes. I'd be surprised if the way we currently do demonstrations could not be improved by better science.
1b) Even if you claim you just did a demo or an existence proof and explicitly ... (read more)

Nice work. Looking forward to that!

Not quite sure tbh.
1. I guess there is a difference between capability evaluations with prompting and with fine-tuning, e.g. you might be able to use an API for prompting but not fine-tuning. Getting some intuition for how hard users will find it to elicit some behavior through the API seems relevant. 
2. I'm not sure how true your suggestion is but I haven't tried it a lot empirically. But this is exactly the kind of stuff I'd like to have some sort of scaling law or rule for. It points exactly at the kind of stuff I feel like we don't have enough confidence in. Or at least it hasn't been established as a standard in evals.

I somewhat agree with the sentiment. We found it a bit hard to scope the idea correctly. Defining subcategories as you suggest and then diving into each of them is definitely on the list of things that I think are necessary to make progress on them. 

I'm not sure the post would have been better if we used a more narrow title, e.g. "We need a science of capability evaluations" because the natural question then would be "But why not for propensity tests or for this other type of eval. I think the broader point of "when we do evals, we need some reason to be confident in the results no matter which kind of eval" seems to be true across all of them. 

I think this post was a good exercise to clarify my internal model of how I expect the world to look like with strong AI. Obviously, most of the very specific predictions I make are too precise (which was clear at the time of writing) and won't play out exactly like that but the underlying trends still seem plausible to me. For example, I expect some major misuse of powerful AI systems, rampant automation of labor that will displace many people and rob them of a sense of meaning, AI taking over the digital world years before taking over the physical world ... (read more)

I still stand behind most of the disagreements that I presented in this post. There was one prediction that would make timelines longer because I thought compute hardware progress was slower than Moore's law. I now mostly think this argument is wrong because it relies on FP32 precision. However, lower precision formats and tensor cores are the norm in ML, and if you take them into account, compute hardware improvements are faster than Moore's law. We wrote a piece with Epoch on this:

If anything, ... (read more)

In a narrow technical sense, this post still seems accurate but in a more general sense, it might have been slightly wrong / misleading. 

In the post, we investigated different measures of FP32 compute growth and found that many of them were slower than Moore's law would predict. This made me personally believe that compute might be growing slower than people thought and most of the progress comes from throwing more money at larger and larger training runs. While most progress comes from investment scaling, I now think the true effective compute growth... (read more)

I haven't talked to that many academics about AI safety over the last year but I talked to more and more lawmakers, journalists, and members of civil society. In general, it feels like people are much more receptive to the arguments about AI safety. Turns out "we're building an entity that is smarter than us but we don't know how to control it" is quite intuitively scary. As you would expect, most people still don't update their actions but more people than anticipated start spreading the message or actually meaningfully update their actions (probably still less than 1 in 10 but better than nothing).

Thx. updated:

"You might not be there yet" (though as Neel points out in the comments, CV screening can be a noisy process)“You clearly aren’t there yet”

2Neel Nanda

All of the above but in a specific order. 
1. Test if the model has components of deceptive capabilities with lots of handholding with behavioral evals and fine-tuning. 
2. Test if the model has more general deceptive capabilities (i.e. not just components) with lots of handholding with behavioral evals and fine-tuning. 
3. Do less and less handholding for 1 and 2. See if the model still shows deception. 
4. Try to understand the inductive biases for deception, i.e. which training methods lead to more strategic deception. Try to answer ques... (read more)

I don't think there is a general answer here. But here are a couple of considerations:
- networks can get stuck in local optima, so if you initialize it to memorize, it might never find a general solution.
- grokking has shown that with high weight regularization, networks can transition from memorized to general solutions, so it is possible to move from one to the other.
- it probably depends a bit on how exactly you initialize the memorized solution. You can represent lookup tables in different ways and some are much more liked by NNs than others. For examp... (read more)