As we mention in the note at the top of the Colab,for the linear regression objective, running gradient descent to convergence (from 0 initialization) is *equivalent* to applying the pseudoinverse -- they both find the minimum-norm interpolating solution.
So, we use the pseudoinverse just for computational efficiency; you would get equivalent results by actually running GD.
You're also right that the choice of basis matters. The choice of basis changes the "implicit bias" of GD in linear regression, analogous to how the choice of architecture changes the implicit bias of GD on neural nets.
Thanks Preetum. You're right, I missed that note the first time -- I edited my comment a bit.
It might be illuminating to say "the polynomial found by iterating weights starting at 0" instead of "the polynomial found with gradient descent", since in this case, the inductive bias comes from the initialization point, not necessarily gradient descent per se. Neural nets can't learn if all the weights are initialized to 0 at the start, of course :)
BTW, I tried switching from pseudoinverse to regularized linear regression, and the super high degree polynomials seemed more overfit to me.
Hi, I'm one of the authors:
Regarding gradient descent vs. pseudoinverse:
As we mention in the note at the top of the Colab,for the linear regression objective, running gradient descent to convergence (from 0 initialization) is *equivalent* to applying the pseudoinverse -- they both find the minimum-norm interpolating solution.
So, we use the pseudoinverse just for computational efficiency; you would get equivalent results by actually running GD.
You're also right that the choice of basis matters. The choice of basis changes the "implicit bias"
of GD in linear regression, analogous to how the choice of architecture changes the implicit bias of GD on neural nets.
-- Preetum