All of ws27a's Comments + Replies

Nice work. But I wonder why people are so surprised that these models and GPT would learn a model of the world. Of course they learn a model of the world. Even the skip-gram and CBOW word vectors people trained ages ago modelled the world, in the sense that for example named entities in vector space would be highly correlated with actual spatial/geographical maps. It should be 100% assumed that these models which have many orders of magnitude more parameters are learning much more sophisticated models of the world. What that tells us about their "intellige... (read more)

2Neel Nanda
I tried to be explicit in the post that I don't personally care all that much about the world model angle - Othello-GPT clearly does form a world model, it's very clear evidence that this is possible. Whether it happens in practice is a whole other question, but it clearly does happen a bit. I think this undersells it. World models are fundamentally different from surface level statistics, I would argue - a world model is an actual algorithm, with causal links and moving parts. Analogous to how an induction head is a real algorithm (given a token A, search the context for previous occurences of A, and predict that the next token then will come next now), while something that memorises a ton of bigrams such that it can predict B after A is not.