Arbital page: Basics

Written by alexei, et al. last updated

A page is the primary building block in Arbital. Each Arbital page has the following attributes:

Title: the title of the page is shown at the top of the page (e.g. "Arbital page: Basics") and in most places where Arbital links to the page.

Clickbait: a sentence long description of what the page is about. It's meant to provoke the reader's interest and give them a hint about what they might learn if they read the page. The clickbait is usually shown alongside the page's title, especially when there is a long list of pages.

Alias: a short, unique name assigned to each page, for example: "Arbital_page". The alias usually appears in the URL to make it more readable. Authors can also quickly type a link to a page, if they remember its alias. An alias can be changed, but it has to be unique among all existing aliases.

Id: a short, unique alphanumerical code assigned to each page. The page id can also appear in the URL, when using a permanent link or when the page doesn't have a custom alias. For example, this page's permanent link is: You can see two page ids in the link, one for the primary page, and another one for the selected lens. The page id can never be changed.

Text: a long string of text that shows up in the page's body. The text is written in Markdown.

Type: there are many different types of pages. Here we'll just mention the most common one: 'wiki'. It's the standard type you get when you create a new page. It has the least restrictions and behaves in the way you probably expect.

There are more page attributes, but these are the most important ones.
