Dihedral group

Written by Patrick Stevens last updated

The dihedral group is the group of symmetries of the -vertex regular_polygon.


The dihedral groups have very simple presentations: The element represents a rotation, and the element represents a reflection in any fixed axis.



  • The dihedral groups are all non-abelian for . (Proof.)
  • The dihedral group is a subgroup of the symmetric group , generated by the elements and if is even, if is odd.


, the group of symmetries of the triangle

list the elements and Cayley table

Infinite dihedral group

The infinite dihedral group has presentation . It is the "infinite-sided" version of the finite .

We may view the infinite dihedral group as being the subgroup of the group of homeomorphisms of generated by a reflection in the line and a translation to the right by one unit. The translation is playing the role of a rotation in the finite .

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