Exponential notation for function spaces

Written by Izaak Meckler, et al. last updated

If and are sets, the set of functions from to (often written ) is sometimes also written . This latter notation, which we'll call exponential notation, is related to the notation for finite powers of sets (e.g., for the set of triples of elements of ) as well as the notation of exponentiation for numbers.

Without further ado, here are some reasons this is good notation.

  • A function can be thought of as an " wide" tuple of elements of . That is, a tuple of elements of where the positions in the tuple are given by elements of , generalizing the notation which denotes the set of wide tuples of elements of . Note that if , then .

  • This notion of exponentiation together with cartesian product as multiplication and disjoint union as addition satisfy the same relations as exponentiation, multiplication, and addition of natural numbers. Namely,

    • (this isomorphism is called currying)
    • (where is a one element set, since there is one function into for every element of )
    • (where is the empty set, since there is one function from the empty set to any set)

More generally, is good notation for the exponential object representing in an arbitrary cartesian closed category for the first set of reasons listed above.
