Funding governance filtering

Written by Eric B last updated

Current-best guess at how these parts of organization will happen.


Eric provided initial funding, with contributions from EA philanthropists and organizations allowing more flexibility and faster setup time. Shares of the project were offered during crowdfunding. These are transferable and can be used to pay rent (at a discount rate, to incentivize early contribution).


One dictator who appoints other localized dictators, ability to make decisions without red tape or meetings, and personal responsibility for projects. Provision for removing the primary dictator via a majority shares and/or long term residents vote of no confidence.


Open to visits (~1 week) by anyone who a current resident agrees to be the contact point for or high-status person / organization recommends. Short term residents have video calls or other interviews to gauge their compatibility and goals. Long-term residents can veto people they expect to be significantly net-negative.