The principle of mathematical induction is a proof technique in which a statement, , is proven about a set of natural numbers . It may be best understood as treating the statements like dominoes: a statement is true if the -th domino is knocked down. We must knock down a first domino, or prove that a base case is true. Next we must make sure the dominoes are close enough together to fall, or that the inductive step holds; in other words, we prove that if and is true, is true. Then since is true, is true; and since is true, is true, and so on.
We'll do an example to build our intuition before giving the proper definition of the principle. We'll provide yet another proof that for all integers . First, let's check the base case, where : This is (fairly obviously) true, so we can move forward with the inductive step. The inductive step includes an assumption, namely that the statement is true for some integer that is larger than the base integer. For our example, if , we assume that and try to prove that Take our assumption and add to both sides: Now the left-hand sides of what we know and what we want are the same. Hopefully the right-hand side will shake out to be the same. Get common denominators so that the right-hand side of the above equation is Therefore, as desired.
Let be the statement for that the sum of all integers between 1 and is . At the beginning we showed that the base case, , is true. Next we showed the inductive step, that if and is true, then is true. This means that since is true, is true; and since is true, is true; etc., so that is true for all integers .
We are ready to properly define mathematical induction.
Let be a statement about the natural numbers. Then is true for all if
Let be a statement about the natural numbers. Then is true for all if
A note: strong mathematical induction is a variant on mathematical induction by requiring a stronger inductive step, namely that the statement is true for all smaller indices, not just the immediate predecessor.
Well done if your immediate response to the above material was, "Well, am I only restricted to this technique on the natural numbers?" No. As long as your index set is well-ordered, then strong mathematical induction will work.
However, if your ordered set is not well-ordered, you can prove properties 1 and 2 above, and still not have it hold for all elements beyond the base case. For instance, consider the set of nonnegative real numbers, and let be the claim . Then is true, and for all real numbers , is true whenever is true for all . But of course is false.