It seems like there's a general principle here, that it's hard to use pure empiricism to bound behaviour over large input and action spaces. You either need to design the behaviour, or understand it mechanistically.
Very cool! But I think there's a crisper way to communicate the central point of this piece (or at least, a way that would have been more immediately transparent to me). Here it is:
Say you are going to use Process X to obtain a new Model. Process X can be as simple as "pre-train on this dataset", or as complex as "use a bureaucracy of Model A to train a new LLM, then have Model B test it, then have Model C scaffold it into a control protocol, then have Model D produce some written arguments for the scaffold being safe, have a human read them, and if they reject delete everything". Whatever Process X is, you have only two ways to obtain evidence that Process X has a particular property (like "safety"): looking a priori at the spec of Process X (without running it), or running (parts of) Process X and observing its outputs a posteriori. In the former case, you clearly need an argument for why this particular spec has the property. But in the latter case, you also need an argument for why observing those particular outputs ensures the property for this particular spec. (Pedantically speaking, this is just Kuhn's theory-ladenness of observations.)
Of course, the above reasoning doesn't rule out the possibility that the required arguments are pretty trivial to make. That's why you summarize some well-known complications of automation, showing that the argument will not be trivial when Process X contains a lot of automation, and in fact it'd be simpler if we could do away with the automation.
It is also the case that the outputs observed from Process X might themselves be human-readable arguments. While this could indeed alleviate the burden of human argument-generation, we still need a previous (possibly simpler) argument for why "a human accepting those output arguments" actually ensures the property (especially given those arguments could be highly out-of-distribution for the human).
One way this could happen is searching for jailbreaks in the space of paraphrases and synonyms of a benign prompt.
Why would this produce fake/unlikely jailbreaks? If the paraphrases and such are natural, then doesn't the nearness to a real(istic) prompt enough to suggest that the jailbreak found is also realistic? Of course you can adversarially generate super unrealistic things, but does that necessarily happen with paraphrasing type attacks?
To clarify, such a jailbreak is a real jailbreak; the claim is that it might not count as much evidence of “intentional misalignment by a model”. If we’re happy to reject all models which can be jailbroken we’ve falsified the model, but if we want to allow models which can be jailbroken but are intent aligned we have a false negative signal for alignment.
Could you expand on what you mean by 'less automation'? I'm taking it to mean some combination of 'bounding the space of controller actions more', 'automating fewer levels of optimisation', 'more of the work done by humans' and maybe 'only automating easier tasks' but I can't quite tell which of these you're intending or how they fit together.
(Also, am I correctly reading an implicit assumption here that any attempts to do automated research would be classed as 'automated ai safety'?)
Bounding the space of controller actions more is the key bit. The (vague) claim is that if you have an argument that an empirically tested automated safety scheme is safe, in sense that you’ll know if the output is correct, you may be able to find a more constrained setup where more of the structure is human-defined and easier to analyze, and that the originally argument may port over to the constrained setup.
I’m not claiming this is always possible, though, just that it’s worth searching for. Currently the situation is that we don’t have well-developed arguments that we can recognize the correctness of automated safety work, so it’s hard to test the “less automation” hypothesis concretely.
I don’t think all automated research is automated safety: certainly you can do automated pure capabilities. But I may have misunderstood that part of the question.
Summary: If we validate automated alignment research through empirical testing, the safety assurance work will still need to be done by humans, and will be similar to that needed for human-written alignment algorithms.
Three levels of automated AI safety
Automating AI safety means developing some algorithm which takes in data and outputs safe, highly-capable AI systems. Let’s imagine three ways of developing this algorithm:
There is a level (4) of automated safety, where you trust the AIs helping with automation to know when they are right, and thus do not need to check the results. This corresponds to the “deference” level in Clymer et al. We treat this as out of scope for this doc, as it requires a level of capability beyond where automated alignment plans normally kick in.
We will argue that:
A model of empirically checked automated safety
In detail, level (2) – AI-written algorithm, checked empirically – consists of
This picture is quite general: the research environment could support reinforcement learning of agents with custom scalable oversight schemes, process supervision methods where the controller constructs models by linking together other models, non-policy gradient methods such as STaR which sample a bunch and then supervised learning on the best samples, etc. The evaluation algorithms could include parameterised sandwiching experiments (gather some human-checked data where the humans have extra context, and see if the models reproduce the results using human feedback without the context), honeypots where the controller constructs trajectories on which the models perform badly, etc. If desired, we can train agents inside the evaluation scheme: the research environment step could produce reward models or other components that slot into parameterised training methods, such that our evaluation scheme evaluates a training method rather than a produced agent.
Let’s say we want to be as confident in this level (2) picture as we would be in a reasonable level (1) or level (3) setup. The problem is that, in order to reach a similar degree of confidence, we must either:
More specifically, depending on the evaluation algorithm our scheme is some combination of process supervision and scalable oversight: process supervision because it’s relying on the controller and possibly some of the subagents doing a bunch of steps without being trained based on outcomes, and scalable oversight if we use scalable oversight-like evaluation in our experiments (playing agents against each other, using agents to assist evaluation, etc.).
It’s important to note that this argument applies to a variety of versions of level (2). For example, we expect that many automated safety schemes will not entirely trust the metrics used during evaluation, but instead argue that the metrics can be trusted in the context of the limited optimisation pressure exerted by the controller. Collapse still occurs here: if we want as much confidence as we could have in level (1), we still must understand why optimisation pressure limits are enough to trust the metrics.
It is not necessarily bad if empirically checked automated alignment collapses into a human-written alignment scheme. Such a scheme might enable much faster progress due to automation. Our claim is that such a scheme deserves the same scrutiny we would apply to any other human-written scheme.
We should understand if the collapsed alignment scheme is safe
Assume we’ve decided that any human-written safety algorithm from level (1) should come with a safety case justifying why it will successfully avoid risk. For example, we might be concerned that automated AI safety has extensive overlap with accelerating the development of riskier, more capable models, so we should try to write down a confident argument that it will work prior to the acceleration commencing.
The main consequence of level (2) collapsing into level (1) is that we need safety cases for level (2) as well:
In particular, there are a variety of known worries in process supervision and scalable oversight methods, and we should ask whether these worries occur in the level (2) algorithm. Examples of such worries include (there may be others):
It is possible that we do have good arguments that these problems would not occur in our automation setup / meta-alignment scheme. However, if we’re not signing up to check conceptual arguments made by AIs as part of the automated safety process (level (3)), we should attempt to write down these arguments as part of our safety case, in advance of launching an automation plan.
We should ask if less automation is possible
Additionally, if we do have good arguments that the problems do not occur, we should ask whether that understanding can be ported across to a less automated alignment scheme. There are several advantages to this:
For example, our level (2) evaluation scheme might rely on some combination of
In a more automated scheme, elicitation and honeypot creation might involve extensive hyperparameter tuning and experiment design to succeed. It is possible this automation is necessary for success, but we should ask if an appropriately designed automated adversarial probing method also works. If statements only slightly stronger than (i) and (ii) hold, then honeypots exist if models are unsafe, our models are capable of finding them, and we can elicit that capability. This means that instead of relying on a controller agent performing elicitation and creating honeypots, we can build an attacker model that can rewrite trajectories that trigger bad behaviour in a defender model. Even if we need to combine this adversarial probing with scalable oversight techniques to evaluate subtle cases, the result still looks like a version of a human-written alignment method, and we can try to apply it without leaning on more advanced automation.
Checking the algorithms avoids collapse, but is hard
If we want to avoid this kind of collapse behaviour, we need to use level (3): leaning explicitly on humans checking not just empirical results using experiments designed by humans, but the scientific validity of novel AI-written alignment algorithms, novel AI-designed experiments exhibiting misalignment, and AI-produced reasoning about those algorithm and experiments.
Signing up to checking the reasoning of the AIs might be good! But we should plan in advance what the standards of evidence will be, who will be doing the oversight, etc. If we expect AIs to produce reasoning for why subtle alignment failures do not occur, or invent novel types of experiments, then we’ll need quite strong models to do the necessary kind of automation, and checking the results may be hard.
A particular way that level (3) can be hard to evaluate is if evidence is inconclusive, but we believe that the controller might produce unfairly negative evidence of misalignment. For example, if a trained submodel is mostly aligned but not jailbreak-resistant, then we may be able to make a “fake honeypot” which appears to be a plausibly naturally occurring behaviour, but is in fact highly unlikely to occur in practice and is thus invalid evidence. One way this could happen is searching for jailbreaks in the space of paraphrases and synonyms of a benign prompt. Conceivably we could rule out that fake honeypot as not realistic, but this requires understanding in detail the creation process for the honeypot, what it means for a honeypot to be realistic, etc.
Allowing a controller model to set details of parameterised experiment types in fancy ways isn’t enough to avoid collapse: this puts us back at level (2). For example, if it requires quite complex actions and planning inside the research environment to produce a honeypot, but we then check the honeypot in a standard way (“show it to a model and recognise that it behaves badly”), we’re in level (2) not level (3).
Thank you to Jan Leike, Paul Christiano, Jonah Brown-Cohen, Rohin Shah, and Xander Davies for discussions!
If you find problems like this interesting, consider applying to the Safety Cases team at UK AISI!