Controlling the amount of logical information available to an agent
could hypothetically give upper bounds on how well it can perform
various computational tasks like predicting humans, while allowing the
agent to make progress on some unrelated task. This could hypothetically
enable things like preventing operator modeling and manipulation.
I think this ended up being mostly an interesting exercise in flaw
finding. Experts may get most of the value from the summary.
Say an overseer prevents an agent from running any computation that
would give too much logical information about, say, humans, relative to
what the agent already knows. That is, the probability assignments
P(Human(y)=z|K∪{X=x}) made by
a good logical predictor P about a human’s responses to
queries, given the output x of X, are not allowed to become much
more precise or accurate than the current estimate
P(Human|K) using just the list of
previous computations K. The agent is still allowed to run
computations not informative about the human.
The hope is that the agent will be able to think usefully about other
things, while remaining unable to model the human and therefore
remaining safe. If the agent could model the human using the results of
the computations it has run, then so should the predictor; but the
overseer prevented K from growing enough to let the
predictor model the human well.
Problems with this idea are described in detail in the last section. As
I see it, the main problems are:
The protocol isn’t really safe at all; the agent might ask to run
superintelligences that either manipulate the overseer directly, or
else obfuscate their machinations.
Safety guarantees are hard to maintain in conjunction with a growing
knowledge base, since both the overseer and the agent would need
additional thinking time to even be able to read the contents of
If the agent is prevented from thinking about things related to
humans, then it can’t do anything useful to humans, since finding
something humans like would at least tell a predictor that a human
would likely accept proposals to cause that thing.
It may be pretty easy to manipulate humans to disastrous effect
without thinking all that hard about it.
Background and motivation
TL;DR: it would be nice to be able to stop an AI system from knowing too
much or thinking too hard about certain other systems.
Limiting optimization power
It is not hard to build an agent A that is known to be
safe, in the sense of not being able to manipulate its environment
strongly. For example, consider the following robustly safe autonomous
Definition. Let A be a rock.
Then we know from empirical data and good theoretical understanding that
A is safe, given certain size assumptions. But,
A is not very useful. It would be nice to have agents that
Are (stably) unable to manipulate certain parts of their
environment, and
Are able to strongly manipulate other parts of their environment.
For example, we might want an agent that can invent a cure for cancer
(design experiments, do abstract thinking, etc.), but doesn’t e.g.
manipulate its operators into accepting some garbage output instead of
an actual cancer cure.
Throttling computation
A possible approach is to prevent A from getting too much
information about the forbidden parts of the environment, while allowing
it to work on its intended task. The hope is that information-theoretic
guarantees will translate into guarantees about how accurately
A can model forbidden things.
However, throttling the amount of ordinary empirical information
available to A about some system does not guarantee that
A can’t model that system; A can just think
really hard about the system. For example, AIξtl with lots of
computing power, talking to a programmer, would after a while be able to
locate the programmer within an accurate simulation of the universe (or
some other equally good predictor), and hence be able to manipulate the
This suggests that preventing A from thinking too hard
about the forbidden part of the environment might help. Now the hope is
that for systems of interest, such as human operators, it would require
lots of thinking to model that system well; so if A can’t
think too hard about the system, then it won’t be able to model the
system, and won’t be able to manipulate it. I suggest making this
slightly more concrete by replacing “thinking about a system H” with
“running computations that are informative about X, for a good
predictor that can’t directly compute X”.
Toy model: plan approver
TL;DR: for purposes of illustration, consider a human in a box approving
proposed plans from an agent. An overseer vetoes computations the agent
wants to run, preventing the agent from thinking about the human.
Human in a box
We have a human H in a box. The human will be given plans by the AI,
and the human will approve or disapprove the plan. For example, H
might only approve plans that clearly describe a cure for cancer.
We assume that we have the human as a computation H such that if the
agent A can model the actual human well, then it can
predict the outputs of H well. For example, H might be a whole-brain
emulation, or might be a computationally expensive induction scheme with
input from an actual human in a box.
Agent-overseer architecture
The AI consists of a top-level agent A, a knowledge base
K of outputs of computations, and an overseer
P (for Predictor). The agent A is assumed to
be in some sense simple; the overseer can do better than A
at any computational task. A can ask the overseer for
permission to run some computation X. If the overseer approves, X is
run to output x, and then X=x is added to the knowledge base
K. At some point, A outputs a plan.
We assume that there is some computation G describing the goal, such
that if A can model G well then A can
output a good plan. For example, G may be a verifier for the predicate
“has some chance of being a good plan”.
Goal: avoid modeling the human
There are lots of blank spots in this setup, most notably the assumption
that we can point to the goal computation G. This encapsulates most of
the difficulty; e.g. it black-boxes the part where the output is
human-readable, has a chance of doing something human-valuable, etc.
However, it is not obvious to me that this is quite FAI-complete.
Specifically, there may still be degrees of freedom in plausible plans
that A might output, so that asking a superintelligent
ZFC oracle to find something approved by G may be unsafe.
Probably a righter way to deal with this is to understand decision
theory and value loading / ontology identification better. But in any
case the approach in this post is to try to directly prevent
A from modeling the human H, while letting it think
about G somewhat.
Throttling modeling capabilities
TL;DR: the agent thinks about its output using a knowledge base of
outputs of computations. The overseer checks to see how much its beliefs
about the human would change if it learned what X outputs. If the
output would be too informative, the agent is not allowed to run X.
This is hopefully safe because the agent can’t see much that the
predictor can’t. This might be cool because maybe the agent can do very
clever things that happen to be uninformative about the human.
Assume a good predictor
To talk about A “modeling” a system, we’ll view
A as a predictor of logical / computational facts. The
overseer P is assumed to be a “good” predictor, meaning it
does at least as well (in some appropriate sense) as all other
algorithms as simple or resource-constrained as A.
Throttling logical information
Recall the notion of logical information. If we want to
prevent A from modeling a system, one possible method
would be to limit the amount of logical information A is
allowed to have about the system. So, in the plan approver toy model,
the overseer P will allow A to run a
computation X and add the result to K only if
P(H|K∪{X=x}) has not much
more negentropy (or some other measure of informativeness) than
Vague safety argument
The (vague, intuitive) argument for safety is that if
A|K could model the human well enough to
search for and find a manipulative output, then it must be able to make
good predictions about H. If A|K can make
good predictions about H, then so can P|K,
since by assumption P does at least as well as the sort of
thing that A is. If P|K can make
good predictions about H, then P(H|K) has
low entropy. But this contradicts that the overseer was keeping that
quantity high, so A can’t manipulate the human, even with
access to K. This argument is intended to include both the
computations that A does itself, as well as the
computations X selected by A to be added to
K; if A has some good reason to think X
will be helpful, P should be able to see that reason.
This could also be used to prevent the agent from modeling anything
outside of its box, or from modeling its internal workings.
Notions of information
I don’t know what would be a good measure of the informativeness of a
computation X about a forbidden computation H. Possible parameters:
Computing resources that A can use to think about
its output.
Computing resources that P can use to think about its
probability assignments.
Valuation of the conditional distributions
P(H|X=xi). E.g. entropy, KL divergence or total
variation between P(H|X=xi) and
P(H), the probability of the true outcome, etc.
Dependence on the possible inputs to H. E.g. prevent
A from predicting what the human will do given any
possible short input, or given all inputs from some other set.
Dependence on the possible outputs of X. E.g. prevent the
valuation of P(H|X=xi) from being bad with
respect to any possible output xi of X, or in expectation
according to P(X), or just for the actual output of
Interesting properties
(These properties don’t actually hold.)
Collapsing levels of indirection and obfuscation
Naively trying to forbid certain computations simply doesn’t work,
because computations can be rearranged to an extreme degree. If you
forbid certain code, other code will do the trick; if you forbid data in
one format, another format will do the trick; if you forbid simulated
civilizations from constructing silicon computers, another simulated
substrate will do the trick; and so on. The hope here is that strong
guarantees from logical uncertainty will translate into guarantees
saying that any hidden forms of computation, if they are still
recognizable and useful, will be recognized by P and
forbidden if necessary.
Modularized modeling ability
It’s easy to limit A’s ability to model H by putting
strong bounds on A’s computational resources, but this
also stops A from doing anything impressively useful. The
hope is that there are useful computations G that are (a) difficult to
directly compute, and (b) not very informative about H. Then the agent
can use the full force of a superintelligence (albeit lesioned w.r.t.
H) to make good guesses about G, while remaining ignorant about H.
(Almost) full superintelligence
The agent can run arbitrary computations, as long as they aren’t
informative about H. In particular, it can do all manner of
self-improvement, in the form of running computations that output
pointers to other, better computations. So the agent-overseer
architecture appears to have not sacrificed much power.
TL;DR: there are a bunch of holes in this sort of proposal, indicating
that it is not the right way to understand things.
Information leaks
TL;DR: empirical information also has to be accounted for, the feedback
from the overseer is an information leak, and the overseer is blind to
A thinking about things the predictor already knows about.
Most notably, there could be superintelligences running in
K that hack A or P, ruining
any safety guarantees.
Superintelligences in K
A might be able to run an agent in K that
superintelligently searches for ways to thwart the overseer, and
sneakily think about the forbidden computation H. There’s some hope to
salvage this: if A picks a computation X in order to
sneakily think about H, then A must have had a reason to
think X would do that, and then P should be able to see
that reason and veto X.
What seems to be an even more serious problem: A could
mistakenly choose to run a computation X that is itself unsafe, in the
sense that it implements a superintelligence that hacks A
from inside K and runs amok. It may be that X in fact
has nothing to do with H, so that P approves X, and
then X proceeds to recommend to A a cascading series of
computations that model H and hack out of the box, all behind a veil
of superintelligent obfuscation.
In either case, X can superintelligently search for any weakness in
P’s predictions. Specifically, X can search for any
output x that X could give that would be mistakenly approved by
P by virtue of
P(H|K∪{X=x}) being miscalibrated, but
that would in fact end up leading A to successfully model
Solomonoff induction can probably manipulate humans given very little
empirical data and lots of computation power. Similarly, it seems likely
that it is possible to manipulate humans using not too much computation,
given the right empirical data. Simple machine learning algorithms, with
access to lots of data about human behavior, could find manipulative
behaviors without doing any computations that, by themselves, constitute
detailed models of humans. So a scheme for controlling information
should probably take into account “total information”, i.e. both logical
and empirical information.
Empirical information can be logical information
Such a scheme should also take into account that empirical observations
can be informative about logical facts. For example, if the agent
visually observes the output of some reliable computer that it believes
to be running a certain computation, the agent would hopefully update
its predictions about the logical question of what the output of the
computation is. This may come for free from a good theory of logical
uncertainty, for example by replacing observations with logical
statements like “my sense inputs are in such-and-such state”, in the
context of some theory of the world that includes a description of how
the agent’s sense inputs work.
Information vetoes are themselves informative
Suppose A asks P if it is ok to run X, and
P says no (because X would be informative about H).
Now, even though K has not changed, it seems that
A has learned something. Namely, it has learned that
P rejects X, and so it has learned that X is
informative about H. Likewise, if X is approved, A
learns that X is not informative about H. This constitutes a
security leak; for example, it seems to make it a little nonobvious to
state what P’s goodness guarantee should be relative to
A, since in the overseer architecture, A has
access not only to the knowledge base K, but also to an
oracle for the predicate “is informative about H”.
Pre-existing information
As mentioned in the post on logical information, the overseer may have
idiosyncrasies that compromise security. For example, if the predictor
is powerful enough to compute the results of H, then it will judge
everything to be non-informative about H, and so will allow
everything. As a special case, A may already know enough
to model H well.
Sleeper information
As K grows, it seems like P has to be given
more time to think about computations; otherwise it doesn’t have time to
read the contents of K, which P has to do if
it is going to say when K is useful for guessing H. But
if P gets more time to think, then computations already in
K that were previously uninformative about H, may
suddenly become informative. This seems like a serious problem.
Overly restricting A
TL;DR: there are still harsh tradeoffs between restricting
A too much to be useful vs. sacrificing safety guarantees,
so it’s unclear whether progress has been made; notably, computations
that are useful for humans are also at least a little bit useful for
modeling humans.
Many things are entangled with many other things
For a given forbidden computation H, there may be many intricate and
fascinating ways to use other computations X to help speed up guesses
about H. The upshot being that A may be forbidden from
running many computations that would otherwise be very useful for X,
even if they don’t intuitively have much to do with H in particular.
Indeed, any computations that are, roughly speaking, convergent
instrumental goals, stand a good chance of being useful for predicting
X but vetoed by the overseer. For example, a computation that invents
an algorithm for inverting matrices might be useful for many things,
including both X and H.
Another example: consider a computation that searches for computations
that a good predictor would think are informative about X and not
informative about H. This seems like a reasonable thing for
A to do in its situation, but this computation might (or
might not) by vetoed by the overseer, since being told that X is not
informative about H is itself information about H (though perhaps
not very much at all; at least it would save a predictor the time of
running that computation).
One more example: humans are significantly entangled with all sorts of
things in the environment that A will be acting in. For
example, modeling anything that humans think about or anything that
humans made will also model the humans to some extent. If H is
forbidden, A will be very restricted.
Human-useful computations are necessarily informative about humans
More importantly, if H is forbidden, then it seems that
A can’t do anything useful for humans. Finding a good
solution to a problem that a human is interested in, can be viewed as a
search for outputs that are likely to be approved by H. This is
logical information about H.
This seems like a fundamental problem with this approach. In other
words, manipulation is a subtle enough concept that we can’t just forbid
computations that look for outputs the human will like; searching for a
good output is such a computation.
For example, we might hope that we could ask A to develop
reliable molecular nanotechnology and report its designs, without
manipulating the approver H. However, even the search for a good
design itself gives a lot of information about what sorts of designs are
likely to be accepted by a human anticipating an MNT design.
Bounding information across the approver’s entire input space
Maybe we can allow A to perform useful computations by not
bounding the information A can have about H for all
inputs to H. But then we give up safety; A can search
over the allowed inputs for manipulative inputs.
Other problems
Dependence on guarantees from logical uncertainty
Any safety arguments about throttling logical information will probably
only go through given very strong optimality guarantees from logical
uncertainty. For example, we are assuming that P makes as
good estimates as any program could, over a wide range of possible
knowledge bases (level three of Scott’s
program). In particular,
P has to be robust to all sorts of computations
A might request, including potential superintelligences.
Throttling the wrong thing
Say we throttle negentropy in the plan approver setup, so
A|K is prevented from having low entropy
estimates of H(x) on any short input x. Depending on the output
space of H(x), this might not help very much. Say H outputs either
“Yes”, or “No” along with an explanation of what was wrong with the
plan. Then it is possible for A to gain a lot of
information just about the question of whether or not H(x) says yes,
without decreasing the overall entropy, by increasing entropy over the
explanation part of the output. This means that a scheme like this would
have to pay careful attention to what was being throttled.
Nonsense counterfactuals
Say we want to define information by looking at
P(H|K∪{X=x}) for all possible outputs of
X, instead of just the true one; for example, limiting the maximum or
the expected change in information. This e.g. avoids having to compute
X, deals with probabilistic programs, and might capture a notion of
“what an agent would reasonably expect to learn about H by running
For this to make any sense, P would have to give somewhat
sensible results even given a knowledge base with possibly false
information. It seems vaguely plausible that this could work, because it
seems like a predictor that does very well given accurate knowledge
bases would take the data at face value and make reasonable deductions
under that assumption. But, this by no means comes for free from a good
theory of logical uncertainty, and may be just as hard as understanding
logical counterfactuals.
General problems with controlling modeling capabilities
Modeling capability is not the same as optimization power or effect size
To strongly optimize some region of the universe, it is probably not at
all necessary to model that region very much; for example, an agent
could just destroy everything in the region, and then rearrange it as
desired. Furthermore, it may not take much optimization power to have a
large effect relative humans values. For example, an agent might acquire
and detonate weapons of mass destruction; this is easy enough that even
humans can do it, but has a large effect.
Unstable under self-modification
The overseer scheme obviously strongly incentivizes an agent to kill the
overseer, so it is not stable under reflection. It might be possible to
also lesion A about its own operation, though I don’t know
quite how that would work. Naively forbidding any computations that are
informative about A+P+K would
forbid everything, since an approved computation gets added to
High overhead
Checking every computation seems like it would be expensive, especially
if P has to separately think about H(x) for all x
conditioned on the result of some computation.
Controlling the amount of logical information available to an agent could hypothetically give upper bounds on how well it can perform various computational tasks like predicting humans, while allowing the agent to make progress on some unrelated task. This could hypothetically enable things like preventing operator modeling and manipulation.
I think this ended up being mostly an interesting exercise in flaw finding. Experts may get most of the value from the summary.
Executive summary
Say an overseer prevents an agent from running any computation that would give too much logical information about, say, humans, relative to what the agent already knows. That is, the probability assignments P(Human(y)=z|K∪{X=x}) made by a good logical predictor P about a human’s responses to queries, given the output x of X, are not allowed to become much more precise or accurate than the current estimate P(Human|K) using just the list of previous computations K. The agent is still allowed to run computations not informative about the human.
The hope is that the agent will be able to think usefully about other things, while remaining unable to model the human and therefore remaining safe. If the agent could model the human using the results of the computations it has run, then so should the predictor; but the overseer prevented K from growing enough to let the predictor model the human well.
Problems with this idea are described in detail in the last section. As I see it, the main problems are:
The protocol isn’t really safe at all; the agent might ask to run superintelligences that either manipulate the overseer directly, or else obfuscate their machinations.
Safety guarantees are hard to maintain in conjunction with a growing knowledge base, since both the overseer and the agent would need additional thinking time to even be able to read the contents of K.
If the agent is prevented from thinking about things related to humans, then it can’t do anything useful to humans, since finding something humans like would at least tell a predictor that a human would likely accept proposals to cause that thing.
It may be pretty easy to manipulate humans to disastrous effect without thinking all that hard about it.
Background and motivation
TL;DR: it would be nice to be able to stop an AI system from knowing too much or thinking too hard about certain other systems.
Limiting optimization power
It is not hard to build an agent A that is known to be safe, in the sense of not being able to manipulate its environment strongly. For example, consider the following robustly safe autonomous agent:
Definition. Let A be a rock.
Then we know from empirical data and good theoretical understanding that A is safe, given certain size assumptions. But, A is not very useful. It would be nice to have agents that
Are (stably) unable to manipulate certain parts of their environment, and
Are able to strongly manipulate other parts of their environment.
For example, we might want an agent that can invent a cure for cancer (design experiments, do abstract thinking, etc.), but doesn’t e.g. manipulate its operators into accepting some garbage output instead of an actual cancer cure.
Throttling computation
A possible approach is to prevent A from getting too much information about the forbidden parts of the environment, while allowing it to work on its intended task. The hope is that information-theoretic guarantees will translate into guarantees about how accurately A can model forbidden things.
However, throttling the amount of ordinary empirical information available to A about some system does not guarantee that A can’t model that system; A can just think really hard about the system. For example, AIξtl with lots of computing power, talking to a programmer, would after a while be able to locate the programmer within an accurate simulation of the universe (or some other equally good predictor), and hence be able to manipulate the programmer.
This suggests that preventing A from thinking too hard about the forbidden part of the environment might help. Now the hope is that for systems of interest, such as human operators, it would require lots of thinking to model that system well; so if A can’t think too hard about the system, then it won’t be able to model the system, and won’t be able to manipulate it. I suggest making this slightly more concrete by replacing “thinking about a system H” with “running computations that are informative about X, for a good predictor that can’t directly compute X”.
Toy model: plan approver
TL;DR: for purposes of illustration, consider a human in a box approving proposed plans from an agent. An overseer vetoes computations the agent wants to run, preventing the agent from thinking about the human.
Human in a box
We have a human H in a box. The human will be given plans by the AI, and the human will approve or disapprove the plan. For example, H might only approve plans that clearly describe a cure for cancer.
We assume that we have the human as a computation H such that if the agent A can model the actual human well, then it can predict the outputs of H well. For example, H might be a whole-brain emulation, or might be a computationally expensive induction scheme with input from an actual human in a box.
Agent-overseer architecture
The AI consists of a top-level agent A, a knowledge base K of outputs of computations, and an overseer P (for Predictor). The agent A is assumed to be in some sense simple; the overseer can do better than A at any computational task. A can ask the overseer for permission to run some computation X. If the overseer approves, X is run to output x, and then X=x is added to the knowledge base K. At some point, A outputs a plan.
We assume that there is some computation G describing the goal, such that if A can model G well then A can output a good plan. For example, G may be a verifier for the predicate “has some chance of being a good plan”.
Goal: avoid modeling the human
There are lots of blank spots in this setup, most notably the assumption that we can point to the goal computation G. This encapsulates most of the difficulty; e.g. it black-boxes the part where the output is human-readable, has a chance of doing something human-valuable, etc. However, it is not obvious to me that this is quite FAI-complete.
Specifically, there may still be degrees of freedom in plausible plans that A might output, so that asking a superintelligent ZFC oracle to find something approved by G may be unsafe. Probably a righter way to deal with this is to understand decision theory and value loading / ontology identification better. But in any case the approach in this post is to try to directly prevent A from modeling the human H, while letting it think about G somewhat.
Throttling modeling capabilities
TL;DR: the agent thinks about its output using a knowledge base of outputs of computations. The overseer checks to see how much its beliefs about the human would change if it learned what X outputs. If the output would be too informative, the agent is not allowed to run X. This is hopefully safe because the agent can’t see much that the predictor can’t. This might be cool because maybe the agent can do very clever things that happen to be uninformative about the human.
Assume a good predictor
To talk about A “modeling” a system, we’ll view A as a predictor of logical / computational facts. The overseer P is assumed to be a “good” predictor, meaning it does at least as well (in some appropriate sense) as all other algorithms as simple or resource-constrained as A.
Throttling logical information
Recall the notion of logical information. If we want to prevent A from modeling a system, one possible method would be to limit the amount of logical information A is allowed to have about the system. So, in the plan approver toy model, the overseer P will allow A to run a computation X and add the result to K only if P(H|K∪{X=x}) has not much more negentropy (or some other measure of informativeness) than P(H|K).
Vague safety argument
The (vague, intuitive) argument for safety is that if A|K could model the human well enough to search for and find a manipulative output, then it must be able to make good predictions about H. If A|K can make good predictions about H, then so can P|K, since by assumption P does at least as well as the sort of thing that A is. If P|K can make good predictions about H, then P(H|K) has low entropy. But this contradicts that the overseer was keeping that quantity high, so A can’t manipulate the human, even with access to K. This argument is intended to include both the computations that A does itself, as well as the computations X selected by A to be added to K; if A has some good reason to think X will be helpful, P should be able to see that reason.
This could also be used to prevent the agent from modeling anything outside of its box, or from modeling its internal workings.
Notions of information
I don’t know what would be a good measure of the informativeness of a computation X about a forbidden computation H. Possible parameters:
Computing resources that A can use to think about its output.
Computing resources that P can use to think about its probability assignments.
Valuation of the conditional distributions P(H|X=xi). E.g. entropy, KL divergence or total variation between P(H|X=xi) and P(H), the probability of the true outcome, etc.
Dependence on the possible inputs to H. E.g. prevent A from predicting what the human will do given any possible short input, or given all inputs from some other set.
Dependence on the possible outputs of X. E.g. prevent the valuation of P(H|X=xi) from being bad with respect to any possible output xi of X, or in expectation according to P(X), or just for the actual output of X.
Interesting properties
(These properties don’t actually hold.)
Collapsing levels of indirection and obfuscation
Naively trying to forbid certain computations simply doesn’t work, because computations can be rearranged to an extreme degree. If you forbid certain code, other code will do the trick; if you forbid data in one format, another format will do the trick; if you forbid simulated civilizations from constructing silicon computers, another simulated substrate will do the trick; and so on. The hope here is that strong guarantees from logical uncertainty will translate into guarantees saying that any hidden forms of computation, if they are still recognizable and useful, will be recognized by P and forbidden if necessary.
Modularized modeling ability
It’s easy to limit A’s ability to model H by putting strong bounds on A’s computational resources, but this also stops A from doing anything impressively useful. The hope is that there are useful computations G that are (a) difficult to directly compute, and (b) not very informative about H. Then the agent can use the full force of a superintelligence (albeit lesioned w.r.t. H) to make good guesses about G, while remaining ignorant about H.
(Almost) full superintelligence
The agent can run arbitrary computations, as long as they aren’t informative about H. In particular, it can do all manner of self-improvement, in the form of running computations that output pointers to other, better computations. So the agent-overseer architecture appears to have not sacrificed much power.
TL;DR: there are a bunch of holes in this sort of proposal, indicating that it is not the right way to understand things.
Information leaks
TL;DR: empirical information also has to be accounted for, the feedback from the overseer is an information leak, and the overseer is blind to A thinking about things the predictor already knows about. Most notably, there could be superintelligences running in K that hack A or P, ruining any safety guarantees.
Superintelligences in K
A might be able to run an agent in K that superintelligently searches for ways to thwart the overseer, and sneakily think about the forbidden computation H. There’s some hope to salvage this: if A picks a computation X in order to sneakily think about H, then A must have had a reason to think X would do that, and then P should be able to see that reason and veto X.
What seems to be an even more serious problem: A could mistakenly choose to run a computation X that is itself unsafe, in the sense that it implements a superintelligence that hacks A from inside K and runs amok. It may be that X in fact has nothing to do with H, so that P approves X, and then X proceeds to recommend to A a cascading series of computations that model H and hack out of the box, all behind a veil of superintelligent obfuscation.
In either case, X can superintelligently search for any weakness in P’s predictions. Specifically, X can search for any output x that X could give that would be mistakenly approved by P by virtue of P(H|K∪{X=x}) being miscalibrated, but that would in fact end up leading A to successfully model H.
Solomonoff induction can probably manipulate humans given very little empirical data and lots of computation power. Similarly, it seems likely that it is possible to manipulate humans using not too much computation, given the right empirical data. Simple machine learning algorithms, with access to lots of data about human behavior, could find manipulative behaviors without doing any computations that, by themselves, constitute detailed models of humans. So a scheme for controlling information should probably take into account “total information”, i.e. both logical and empirical information.
Empirical information can be logical information
Such a scheme should also take into account that empirical observations can be informative about logical facts. For example, if the agent visually observes the output of some reliable computer that it believes to be running a certain computation, the agent would hopefully update its predictions about the logical question of what the output of the computation is. This may come for free from a good theory of logical uncertainty, for example by replacing observations with logical statements like “my sense inputs are in such-and-such state”, in the context of some theory of the world that includes a description of how the agent’s sense inputs work.
Information vetoes are themselves informative
Suppose A asks P if it is ok to run X, and P says no (because X would be informative about H). Now, even though K has not changed, it seems that A has learned something. Namely, it has learned that P rejects X, and so it has learned that X is informative about H. Likewise, if X is approved, A learns that X is not informative about H. This constitutes a security leak; for example, it seems to make it a little nonobvious to state what P’s goodness guarantee should be relative to A, since in the overseer architecture, A has access not only to the knowledge base K, but also to an oracle for the predicate “is informative about H”.
Pre-existing information
As mentioned in the post on logical information, the overseer may have idiosyncrasies that compromise security. For example, if the predictor is powerful enough to compute the results of H, then it will judge everything to be non-informative about H, and so will allow everything. As a special case, A may already know enough to model H well.
Sleeper information
As K grows, it seems like P has to be given more time to think about computations; otherwise it doesn’t have time to read the contents of K, which P has to do if it is going to say when K is useful for guessing H. But if P gets more time to think, then computations already in K that were previously uninformative about H, may suddenly become informative. This seems like a serious problem.
Overly restricting A
TL;DR: there are still harsh tradeoffs between restricting A too much to be useful vs. sacrificing safety guarantees, so it’s unclear whether progress has been made; notably, computations that are useful for humans are also at least a little bit useful for modeling humans.
Many things are entangled with many other things
For a given forbidden computation H, there may be many intricate and fascinating ways to use other computations X to help speed up guesses about H. The upshot being that A may be forbidden from running many computations that would otherwise be very useful for X, even if they don’t intuitively have much to do with H in particular.
Indeed, any computations that are, roughly speaking, convergent instrumental goals, stand a good chance of being useful for predicting X but vetoed by the overseer. For example, a computation that invents an algorithm for inverting matrices might be useful for many things, including both X and H.
Another example: consider a computation that searches for computations that a good predictor would think are informative about X and not informative about H. This seems like a reasonable thing for A to do in its situation, but this computation might (or might not) by vetoed by the overseer, since being told that X is not informative about H is itself information about H (though perhaps not very much at all; at least it would save a predictor the time of running that computation).
One more example: humans are significantly entangled with all sorts of things in the environment that A will be acting in. For example, modeling anything that humans think about or anything that humans made will also model the humans to some extent. If H is forbidden, A will be very restricted.
Human-useful computations are necessarily informative about humans
More importantly, if H is forbidden, then it seems that A can’t do anything useful for humans. Finding a good solution to a problem that a human is interested in, can be viewed as a search for outputs that are likely to be approved by H. This is logical information about H.
This seems like a fundamental problem with this approach. In other words, manipulation is a subtle enough concept that we can’t just forbid computations that look for outputs the human will like; searching for a good output is such a computation.
For example, we might hope that we could ask A to develop reliable molecular nanotechnology and report its designs, without manipulating the approver H. However, even the search for a good design itself gives a lot of information about what sorts of designs are likely to be accepted by a human anticipating an MNT design.
Bounding information across the approver’s entire input space
Maybe we can allow A to perform useful computations by not bounding the information A can have about H for all inputs to H. But then we give up safety; A can search over the allowed inputs for manipulative inputs.
Other problems
Dependence on guarantees from logical uncertainty
Any safety arguments about throttling logical information will probably only go through given very strong optimality guarantees from logical uncertainty. For example, we are assuming that P makes as good estimates as any program could, over a wide range of possible knowledge bases (level three of Scott’s program). In particular, P has to be robust to all sorts of computations A might request, including potential superintelligences.
Throttling the wrong thing
Say we throttle negentropy in the plan approver setup, so A|K is prevented from having low entropy estimates of H(x) on any short input x. Depending on the output space of H(x), this might not help very much. Say H outputs either “Yes”, or “No” along with an explanation of what was wrong with the plan. Then it is possible for A to gain a lot of information just about the question of whether or not H(x) says yes, without decreasing the overall entropy, by increasing entropy over the explanation part of the output. This means that a scheme like this would have to pay careful attention to what was being throttled.
Nonsense counterfactuals
Say we want to define information by looking at P(H|K∪{X=x}) for all possible outputs of X, instead of just the true one; for example, limiting the maximum or the expected change in information. This e.g. avoids having to compute X, deals with probabilistic programs, and might capture a notion of “what an agent would reasonably expect to learn about H by running X”.
For this to make any sense, P would have to give somewhat sensible results even given a knowledge base with possibly false information. It seems vaguely plausible that this could work, because it seems like a predictor that does very well given accurate knowledge bases would take the data at face value and make reasonable deductions under that assumption. But, this by no means comes for free from a good theory of logical uncertainty, and may be just as hard as understanding logical counterfactuals.
General problems with controlling modeling capabilities
Modeling capability is not the same as optimization power or effect size
To strongly optimize some region of the universe, it is probably not at all necessary to model that region very much; for example, an agent could just destroy everything in the region, and then rearrange it as desired. Furthermore, it may not take much optimization power to have a large effect relative humans values. For example, an agent might acquire and detonate weapons of mass destruction; this is easy enough that even humans can do it, but has a large effect.
Unstable under self-modification
The overseer scheme obviously strongly incentivizes an agent to kill the overseer, so it is not stable under reflection. It might be possible to also lesion A about its own operation, though I don’t know quite how that would work. Naively forbidding any computations that are informative about A+P+K would forbid everything, since an approved computation gets added to K.
High overhead
Checking every computation seems like it would be expensive, especially if P has to separately think about H(x) for all x conditioned on the result of some computation.