Could you give a brief mathematical definition of what a QNR is? I'm struggling to think of one because I don't see how you've defined a syntax over embeddings in a way that really generalises formal logic and natural language.
The main argument I see not to take this too literally is something like "conservation of computation."
I think it's quite likely that left to its own devices a black-box machine learning agent would learn to represent information in weakly hierarchical models that don't have a simple graph structure (but maybe have some more complicated graph structure where representations are connected by complicated transition functions that also have side-effects on the state of the agent). If we actually knew how to access these representations, that would already be really useful for interpretability, and we could probably figure out some broad strokes of what was going on, but we wouldn't be able to get detailed guarantees. Nor would this be sufficient for trust - we'd still need a convincing story about how we'd designed the agent to learn to be trustworthy.
Then if we instead constrain a learning algorithm to represent information using simple graphs of human-understandable pieces, but it can still do all the impressive things the unconstrained algorithm could do, the obvious inference is that all of that human-mysterious complicated stuff that was happening before is still happening, it's just been swept as "implicit knowledge" into the parts of the algorithm that we didn't constrain.
In other words, I think the use of QNR as a template for AI design provides limited benefit, because so long as the human-mysterious representation of the world is useful, and your learning algorithm learns to do useful things, it will try to cram the human-mysterious representation in somewhere. Tying to stop it is pitting yourself against the search algorithm optimizing the learned content, and this will become a less and less useful project as that search algorithm becomes more powerful. But interpreted not-too-literally I think it's a useful picture of how we might model an AI's knowledge so that we can do broad-strokes interpretability.
Although I don’t understand what you mean by “conservation of computation”, the distribution of computation, information sources, learning, and representation capacity is important in shaping how and where knowledge is represented.
The idea that general AI capabilities can best be implemented or modeled as “an agent” (an “it” that uses “the search algorithm”) is, I think, both traditional and misguided. A host of tasks require agentic action-in-the-world, but those tasks are diverse and will be performed and learned in parallel (see the CAIS report, Skill in driving somewhat overlaps with — yet greatly differs from — skill in housecleaning or factory management; learning any of these does not provide deep, state-of-the art knowledge of quantum physics, and can benefit from (but is not a good way to learn) conversational skills that draw on broad human knowledge.
A well-developed QNR store should be thought of as a body of knowledge that potentially approximates the whole of human and AI-learned knowledge, as well as representations of rules/programs/skills/planning strategies for a host of tasks. The architecture of multi-agent systems can provide individual agents with resources that are sufficient for the tasks they perform, but not orders of magnitude more than necessary, shaping how and where knowledge is represented. Difficult problems can be delegated to low-latency AI cloud services. .
There is no “it” in this story, and classic, unitary AI agents don’t seem competitive as service providers — which is to say, don’t seem useful..
I’ve noted the value of potentially opaque neural representations (Transformers, convnets, etc.) in agents that must act skillfully, converse fluently, and so on, but operationalized, localized, task-relevant knowledge and skills complement rather than replace knowledge that is accessible by associative memory over a large, shared store.
Attention conservation notice: This discussion is intended for readers with an interest in prospects for knowledge-rich intelligent systems and potential applications of improved knowledge representations to AI capabilities and alignment. It contains no theorems.
Future AI systems will likely use quasilinguistic neural representations (QNRs) to store, share, and apply large bodies of knowledge that include descriptions of the world and human values. Prospects include scalable stores of “ML-native” knowledge that share properties of linguistic and cognitive representations, with implications for AI alignment concerns that include interpretability, value learning, and corrigibility. If QNR-enabled AI systems are indeed likely, then studies of AI alignment should consider the challenges and opportunities they may present.
1. Background
Previous generations of AI typically relied on structured, interpretable, symbolic representations of knowledge; neural ML systems typically rely on opaque, unstructured neural representations. The concept described here differs from both and falls in the broad category of structured neural representations. It is neither fully novel nor widely familiar and well explored.
The term “quasilinguistic neural representations” (QNRs) will be used to denote vector-attributed graphs with quasilinguistic semantics of kinds that (sometimes) make natural language a useful point of reference; a “QNR-enabled system” employs QNRs as a central mechanism for structuring, accumulating, and applying knowledge. QNRs can be language-like in the sense of organizing (generalizations of) NL words through (generalizations of) NL syntax, yet are strictly more expressive, upgrading words to embeddings[1a] (Figure 1) and syntax trees to general graphs (Figure 2). In prospective applications, QNRs would be products of machine learning, shaped by training, not human design. QNRs are not sharply distinguished from constructs already in use, a point in favor of their relevance to real-world prospects.[1b]
Motivations for considering QNR-enabled systems have both descriptive and normative aspects — both what we should expect (contributions to AI capabilities in general) and what we might want (contributions to AI alignment in particular).[1c] These are discussed in (respectively) Sections 2 and 3.
Figure 1: Generalizing semantic embeddings. Images corresponding to points in a two-dimensional grid in a high-dimensional space of face embeddings. Using text to describe faces and their differences in a high-dimensional face-space (typical dimensionalities are on the rough order of 100) would be difficult, and we can expect a similar gap in expressive capacity between embeddings and text in semantic domains where rich denotations cannot be so readily visualized or (of course) described. Image from Deep Learning with Python (2021).
Figure 2: Generalizing semantic graphs. A graph of protein-protein interactions in yeast cells; proteins can usefully be represented by embeddings (see, for example, "Sequence-based prediction of protein-protein interactions: a structure-aware interpretable deep learning model" (2021)). Image source: "A Guide to Conquer the Biological Network Era Using Graph Theory" (2020). Analogous graphs are perhaps typical of quasilinguistic, ML-native representations of the world, but have a kind of syntax and semantics that strays far from NL. Attaching types or other semantic information to links is natural within a generalized QNR framework.
2. Prospective support for AI capabilities
Multiple perspectives converge to suggest that QNR-enabled implementations of knowledge-rich systems are a likely path for AI development, and taken as a whole can help clarify what QNR-enabled systems might be and do. If QNR-enabled systems are likely, then they are important to problems of AI alignment both as challenges and as solutions. Key aspects include support for efficient scaling, quasi-cognitive content, cumulative learning, semi-formal reasoning, and knowledge comparison, correction, and synthesis.
2.1 Efficient scaling of GPT-like functionality
The cost and performance of language models has increased with scale, for example, from BERT (with 340 million parameters)[2.1a] to GPT-3 (with 175 billion parameters)[2.1b]; the computational cost of a training run on GPT-3 is reportedly in the multi-million-dollar range. Large language models encode not only linguistic skills, but remarkable amounts of detailed factual knowledge, including telephone numbers, email addresses, and the first 824 digits of pi.[2.1c] They are also error-prone and difficult to correct.[2.1d]
The idea that detailed knowledge (for example, of the 824th digit of pi) is best encoded, accurately and efficiently, by gradient descent on a trillion-parameter model is implausible. A natural alternative is to enable retrieval from external stores of knowledge indexed by embeddings and accessed through similarity search, and indeed, recent publications describe Transformer-based systems that access external stores of NL content using embeddings as keys.[2.1e] Considering the complementary capabilities of parametric models and external stores, we can expect to see a growing range of systems in which extensive corpora of knowledge are accessed from external stores, while intensively used skills and commonsense knowledge are embodied in neural models.[2.1f]
…And so we find a natural role for QNR stores (as potential upgrades of NL stores), here viewed from the perspective of state-of-the-art NLP architectures.
2.2 Quasi-cognitive memory
Human memory-stores can be updated by single-shot experiences that include reading journal articles. Our memory-stores include neural representations of things (entities, relationships, procedures…) that are compositional in that they may be composed of multiple parts,[2.2a] and we can retrieve these representations by associative mechanisms. Memories may or may not correspond closely to natural-language expressions — some represent images, actions, or abstractions that one may struggle to articulate. Thus, aspects of human memory include:
• Components with neural representations (much like embeddings)
• Connections among components (in effect, graphs)
• Single-shot learning (in effect, writing representations to a store)
• Retrieval by associative memory (similar to similarity search)[2.2b]
…And so we again find the essential features of QNR stores, here viewed from the perspective of human memory.
2.3 Contribution to shared knowledge
To achieve human-like intellectual competence, machines must be fully literate, able not only to learn by reading, but to write things worth retaining as contributions to shared knowledge. A natural language for literate machines, however, is unlikely to resemble a natural language for humans. We typically read and write sequences of tokens that represent mouth sounds and imply syntactic structures; a machine-native representation would employ neural embeddings linked by graphs.[2.3a] Embeddings strictly upgrade NL words; graphs strictly upgrade NL syntax. Together, graphs and embeddings strictly upgrade both representational capacity and machine compatibility.
…And so again we find the features of QNR content, here emerging as a natural medium for machines that build and share knowledge.[2.3b]
2.4 Formal and informal reasoning
Research in neurosymbolic reasoning seeks to combine the strengths of structured reasoning with the power of neural computation. In symbolic representations, syntax encodes graphs over token-valued nodes, but neural embeddings are, of course, strictly more expressive than tokens (note that shared nodes in DAGs can represent variables). Indeed, embeddings themselves can express mutual relationships,[2.4a] while reasoning with embeddings can employ neural operations beyond those possible in symbolic systems.
Notions of token-like equality can be generalized to measures of similarity between embeddings, while unbound variables can be generalized to refinable values with partial constraints. A range of symbolic algorithms, including logical inference, have continuous relaxations that operate on graphs and embeddings.[2.4b] These relaxations overlap with pattern recognition and informal reasoning of the sort familiar to humans.
…And so we find a natural role for graphs over embeddings, now as a substrate for quasi-symbolic reasoning.[2.4c]
2.5 Knowledge accumulation, revision, and synthesis
The performance of current ML systems is challenged by faulty information (in need of recognition and marking or correction) and latent information (where potentially accessible information may be implied — yet not provided — by inputs). These challenges call for comparing semantically related or overlapping units of information, then reasoning about their relationships in order to construct more reliable or complete representations, whether of a thing, a task, a biological process, or a body of scientific theory and observations.[2.5a] This functionality calls for structured representations that support pattern matching, reasoning, revision, synthesis and recording of results for downstream applications.
Relationships among parts are often naturally represented by graphs, while parts themselves are often naturally represented by embeddings, and the resulting structures are natural substrates for the kind of reasoning and pattern matching discussed above. Revised and unified representations can be used in an active reasoning process or stored for future retrieval.[2.5b]
…And so again we find a role for graphs over embeddings, now viewed from the perspective of refining and extending knowledge.
In light of potential contributions to AI scope and functionality discussed above, it seems likely that QNR-enabled capabilities will be widespread in future AI systems, and unlikely that QNR functionality will be wholly unavailable. If QNR-enabled capabilities are likely to be widespread and relatively easy to develop, then it will be important to consider challenges that may arise from AI development marked by broadly capable, knowledge rich systems. If QNR functionality is unlikely to be unavailable, then it will be important to consider how that functionality might help solve problems of AI alignment, in part through differential technology development.
3. Prospective support for AI alignment
Important considerations for AI alignment include interpretability, value learning, and corrigibility in support of strategies for improving behavioral alignment.
3.1 Support for interpretability
In a particularly challenging range of scenarios, AI systems employ opaque representations of knowledge and behaviors that can be understood only though their inputs and outputs. While QNR representations could be opaque, their inherent inductive bias (perhaps intentionally strengthened by training and regularization) should tend to produce relatively compositional, interpretable representations: Embeddings and subgraphs will typically represent semantic units with distinct meanings that are composed into larger units by distinct relationships.[3.1a]
In some applications, QNR expressions could closely track the meanings of NL expressions,[3.1b] making interpretability a matter of lossy QNR → NL translation. In other applications, QNR expressions will be “about something” that can be — at least in outline — explained (diagrammed, demonstrated) in ways accessible to human understanding. In the worst plausible case, QNR expressions will be about recognizable topics (stars, not molecules; humans, not trees), yet substantially opaque in their actual content.[3.1c] Approaches to interpretability that can yield some understanding of opaque neural models seem likely to yield greater understanding when applied to QNR-based systems.
3.2 Support for value learning
Many of the anticipated challenges of aligning agents’ actions with human intentions hinge on the anticipated difficulty of learning human preferences. However, systems able to read, interpret, integrate, and generalize from large corpora of human-generated content (history, news, fiction, science fiction, legal codes, court records, philosophy, discussions of AI alignment...) could support the development of richly informed models of human law and ethical principles, together with predictive models of general human concerns and preferences that reflect ambiguities, controversies, partial ordering, and inconsistencies.[3.2a]
Training models using human-derived data of the sort outlined above should strongly favor ontological alignment; for example, one could train predictive models of (human descriptions of actions and states) → (human descriptions of human reactions).[3.2b] It should go without saying that this approach raises deep but familiar questions regarding the relationship between what people say, what they mean, what they think, what they would think after deeper, better-informed reflection, and so on.
3.3 Support for corrigibility
Reliance on external, interpretable stores should facility corrigibility.[3.3a] In particular, if distinct entities, concepts, rules, etc., have (more or less) separable, interpretable representations, then identifying and modifying those representations may be practical, a process like (or not entirely unlike) editing a set of statements. In particular, reliance by diverse agents on (portions of) shared, external stores[3.3b] can enable revision by means that are decoupled from the experiences, rewards, etc., of the agents affected. In other words, agents can act based on knowledge accumulated and revised by other sources; to the extent that this knowledge is derived from science, history, sandboxed experimentation, and the like, learning can be safer and more effective than it might be if conducted by (for example) independent RL agents in the wild learning to optimize a general reward function.[3.3c] Problems of corrigibility should be relatively tractable in agents guided by relatively interpretable, editable, externally-constructed knowledge representations.
3.4 Support for behavioral alignment
In typical problem-cases for AI alignment, a central difficulty is to provide mechanisms that would enable agents to assess human-relevant aspects of projected outcomes of candidate actions — in other words, mechanisms that would enable agents to take account of human concerns and preferences in choosing among those actions. Expressive, well-informed, corrigible, ontologically aligned models of human values could provide such mechanisms, and the discussion above suggests that QNR-enabled approaches could contribute to their development and application.[3.4a]
[3.4a] Which seems like a good idea.
4. Conclusion
AI systems likely will (or readily could) employ quasilinguistic neural representations as a medium for learning, storing, sharing, reasoning about, refining, and applying knowledge. Attractive features of QNR-enabled systems could include affordances for interpretability and corrigibility with applications to value modeling and behavioral alignment.[4a]
• If QNR-enabled capabilities are indeed likely, then they are important to understanding prospective challenges and opportunities for AI alignment, calling for exploration of possible worlds that would include these capabilities.
• If QNR-enabled capabilities are at least accessible, then they should be studied as potential solutions to key alignment problems and are potentially attractive targets for differential technology development.
The discussion here is, of course, adjacent to a wide range of deep, complex, and potentially difficult problems, some familiar and others new. Classic AI alignment concerns should be revisited with QNR capabilities in mind.