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The effort is commendable. I am wondering why you started at 2013?
Debatably it is the things that happened prior to 2013 that is especially of interest.
I am thinking of early speculations by Turing, Von Neumann and Good continuing on to the founding of SI/MIRI some twenty years ago and much more in between I am less familiar with - but would like to know more about!
That's later in the linked wiki page:
Excellent, thanks! Now I just need a similar timeline for near-term safety engineering / assured autonomy as they relate to AI, and then a good part of a paper I'm working on will have just written itself.
Here is a timeline of AI safety that I originally wrote in 2017. The timeline has been updated several times since then, mostly by Vipul Naik.
Here are some highlights by year from the timeline since 2013:
I previously shared timelines for MIRI and FHI here on LessWrong.
Any thoughts on the timeline (such as events to add, events to remove, corrections, etc.) would be greatly appreciated! I'm also curious to hear thoughts about how useful a timeline like this is (or how useful it could become after more work is put into it).