Is there a specific thing you think LLMs won't be able to do soon, such that you would make a substantial update toward shorter timelines if there was an LLM able to do it within 3 years from now?
Well, making it pass people's "specific" bar seems frustrating, as I mentioned in the post, but: understand stuff deeply--such that it can find new analogies / instances of the thing, reshape its idea of the thing when given propositions about the thing taken as constraints, draw out relevant implications of new evidence for the ideas.
Like, someone's going to show me an example of an LLM applying modus ponens, or making an analogy. And I'm not going to care, unless there's more context; what I'm interested in is [that phenomenon which I understand at most pre-theoretically, certainly not explicitly, which I call "understanding", and which has as one of its sense-experience emanations the behavior of making certain "relevant" applications of modus ponens, and as another sense-experience emanation the behavior of making analogies in previously unseen domains that bring over rich stuff from the metaphier].
Alright, to check if I understand, would these be the sorts of things that your model is surprised by?
Unfortunately, more context is needed.
An LLM solves a mathematical problem by introducing a novel definition which humans can interpret as a compelling and useful concept.
I mean, I could just write a python script that prints out a big list of definitions of the form
"A topological space where every subset with property P also has property Q"
and having P and Q be anything from a big list of properties of subsets of topological spaces. I'd guess some of these will be novel and useful. I'd guess LLMs + some scripting could already take advantage of some of this. I wouldn't be very impressed by that (though I think I would be pretty impressed by the LLM being able to actually tell the difference between valid proofs in reasonable generality). There are some versions of this I'd be impressed by, though. Like if an LLM had been the first to come up with one of the standard notions of curvature, or something, that would be pretty crazy.
An LLM which can be introduced to a wide variety of new concepts not in its training data, and after a few examples and/or clarifying questions is able to correctly use the concept to reason about something.
I haven't tried this, but I'd guess if you give an LLM two lists of things where list 1 is [things that are smaller than a microwave and also red] and list 2 is [things that are either bigger than a microwave, or not red], or something like that, it would (maybe with some prompt engineering to get it to reason things out?) pick up that "concept" and then use it, e.g. sorting a new item, or deducing from "X is in list 1" to "X is red". That's impressive (assuming it's true), but not that impressive.
On the other hand, if it hasn't been trained on a bunch of statements about angular momentum, and then it can--given some examples and time to think--correctly answer questions about angular momentum, that would be surprising and impressive. Maybe this could be experimentally tested, though I guess at great cost, by training a LLM on a dataset that's been scrubbed of all mention of stuff related to angular momentum (disallowing math about angular momentum, but allowing math and discussion about momentum and about rotation), and then trying to prompt it so that it can correctly answer questions about angular momentum. Like, the point here is that angular momentum is a "new thing under the sun" in a way that "red and smaller than microwave" is not a new thing under the sun.
I don't really have an empirical basis for this, but: If you trained something otherwise comparable to, if not current, then near-future reasoning models without any mention of angular momentum, and gave it a context with several different problems to which angular momentum was applicable, I'd be surprised if it couldn't notice that was a common interesting quantity, and then, in an extension of that context, correctly answer questions about it. If you gave it successive problem sets where the sum of that quantity was applicable, the integral, maybe other things, I'd be surprised if a (maybe more powerful) reasoning model couldn't build something worth calling the ability to correctly answer questions about angular momentum. Do you expect otherwise, and/or is this not what you had in mind?
It's a good question. Looking back at my example, now I'm just like "this is a very underspecified/confused example". This deserves a better discussion, but IDK if I want to do that right now. In short the answer to your question is
I started writing out a bunch of thoughts, but they felt quite inadequate because I knew nothing about the history of the concept of angular momentum; so I googled around a tiny little bit. The situation seems quite awkward for the angular momentum lesion experiment. What did I "mean to mean" by "scrubbed all mention of stuff related to angular momentum"--presumably this would have to include deleting all subsequent ideas that use angular moment in their definitions, but e.g. did I also mean to delete the notion of cross product?
It seems like angular momentum was worked on in great detail well before the cross product was developed at all explicitly. See and Should I still expect gippity-seek-o5-noAngular to notice the idea if it doesn't have the cross product available? Even if not, what does and doesn't this imply about this decade's AI's ability to come up with novel concepts?
(I'm going to mull on why I would have even said my previous comment above, given that on reflection I believe that "most" concepts are big and multifarious and smeared out in intellectual history. For some more examples of smearedness, see the subsection here:
That's not really what I had in mind, but I had in mind something less clear than I thought. The spirit is about "can the AI come up with novel concepts",
I think one reason I think the current paradigm is "general enough, in principle", is that I don't think "novel concepts" is really The Thing. I think creativity / intelligence mostly is about is combining concepts, it's just that really smart people are
a) faster in raw horsepower and can handle more complexity at a time
b) have a better set of building blocks to combine or apply to make new concepts (which includes building blocks for building better building blocks)
c) have a more efficient search for useful/relevant building blocks (both metacognitive and object-level).
Maybe you believe this, and think that "well yeah, it's the efficient search that's the important part, which we still don't actually have a real working version of?"?
It seems like the current models have basically all the tools a moderately smart human have, with regards to generating novel ideas, and the thing that they're missing is something like "having a good metacognitive loop such that they notice when they're doing a fake/dumb version of things, and course correcting" and "persistently pursue plans over long time horizons." And it doesn't seem to have zero of either of those, just not enough to get over some hump.
I don't see what's missing that a ton of training on a ton of diverse, multimodal tasks + scaffoldin + data flywheel isn't going to figure out.
really smart people
Differences between people are less directly revelative of what's important in human intelligence. My guess is that all or very nearly all human children have all or nearly all the intelligence juice. We just, like, don't appreciate how much a child is doing in constructing zer world.
the current models have basically all the tools a moderately smart human have, with regards to generating novel ideas
Why on Earth do you think this? (I feel like I'm in an Asch Conformity test, but with really really high production value. Like, after the experiment, they don't tell you what the test was about. They let you take the card home. On the walk home you ask people on the street, and they all say the short line is long. When you get home, you ask your housemates, and they all agree, the short line is long.)
I don't see what's missing that a ton of training on a ton of diverse, multimodal tasks + scaffoldin + data flywheel isn't going to figure out.
My response is in the post.
I think the argument here basically implies that language models will not produce any novel, useful concepts in any existing industries or research fields that get substantial adoption (e.g. >10% of ppl use it, or a widely cited paper) in those industries, in the next 3 years, and if it did this, then the end would be nigh (or much nigher).
To be clear, you might get new concepts from language models about language if you nail some Chris Olah style transparency work, but the language model itself will not output ones that aren't about language in the text.
I roughly agree. As I mentioned to Adele, I think you could get sort of lame edge cases where the LLM kinda helped find a new concept. The thing that would make me think the end is substantially nigher is if you get a model that's making new concepts of comparable quality at a comparable rate to a human scientist in a domain in need of concepts.
if you nail some Chris Olah style transparency work
Yeah that seems right. I'm not sure what you mean by "about language". Sorta plausibly you could learn a little something new about some non-language domain that the LLM has seen a bunch of data about, if you got interpretability going pretty well. In other words, I would guess that LLMs already do lots of interesting compression in a different way than humans do it, and maybe you could extract some of that. My quasi-prediction would be that those concepts
I still basically think all of this, and still think this space doesn't understand it, and thus has an out-of-whack X-derisking portfolio.
If I were writing it today, I'd add this example about search engines from this comment , about induction on vague categories like "has capabilities":
Would you say the same thing about the invention of search engines? That was a huge jump in the capability of our computers. And it looks even more impressive if you blur out your vision--pretend you don't know that the text that comes up on your screen is written by a human, and pretend you don't know that search is a specific kind of task distinct from a lot of other activity that would be involved in "True Understanding, woooo"--and just say "wow! previously our computers couldn't write a poem, but now with just a few keystrokes my computer can literally produce Billy Collins level poetry!".
I might also try to explain more how training procedures with poor sample complexity tend to not be on an unbounded trajectory.
I think if you want to convince people with short timelines (e.g., 7 year medians) of your perspective, probably the most productive thing would be to better operationalize things you expect that AIs won't be able to do soon (but that AGI could do). As in, flesh out a response to this comment such that it is possible for someone to judge.
But ok:
But like, I wouldn't be surprised if, say, someone trained something that performed comparably to LLMs on a wide variety of benchmarks, using much less "data"... and then when you look into it, you find that what they were doing was taking activations of the LLMs and training the smaller guy on the activations. And I'll be like, come on, that's not the point; you could just as well have "trained" the smaller guy by copy-pasting the weights from the LLM and claimed "trained with 0 data!!". And you'll be like "but we met your criterion!" and I'll just be like "well whatever, it's obviously not relevant to the point I was making, and if you can't see that then why are we even having this conversation". (Or maybe you wouldn't do that, IDK, but this sort of thing--followed by being accused of "moving the goal posts"--is why this question feels frustrating to answer.)
I did give a response in that comment thread. Separately, I think that's not a great standard, e.g. as described in the post and in this comment :
Second, 2024 AI is specifically trained on short, clear, measurable tasks. Those tasks also overlap with legible stuff--stuff that's easy for humans to check. In other words, they are, in a sense, specifically trained to trick your sense of how impressive they are--they're trained on legible stuff, with not much constraint on the less-legible stuff (and in particular, on the stuff that becomes legible but only in total failure on more difficult / longer time-horizon stuff).
In fact, all the time in real life we make judgements about things that we couldn't describe in terms that would be considered well-operationalized by betting standards, and we rely on these judgements, and we largely endorse relying on these judgements. E.g. inferring intent in criminal cases, deciding whether something is interesting or worth doing, etc. I should be able to just say "but you can tell that these AIs don't understand stuff", and then we can have a conversation about that, without me having to predict a minimal example of something which is operationalized enough for you to be forced to recognize it as judgeable and also won't happen to be surprisingly well-represented in the data, or surprisingly easy to do without creativity, etc.
(Yeah, you responded, but felt not that operationalized and seemed doable to flesh out as you did.)
(Obviously it is somehow feasible to make an AGI, because evolution did it.)
This parenthetical is one of the reasons why I think AGI is likely to come soon.
The example of human evolution provides a strict upper bound on the difficulty of creating (true, lethally dangerous) AGI, and of packing it into a 10 W, 1000 cm box.
That doesn't mean that recreating the method used by evolution (iterative mutation over millions of years at planet scale) is the only way to discover and learn general-purpose reasoning algorithms. Evolution had a lot of time and resources to run, but it is an extremely dumb optimization process that is subject to a bunch of constraints and quirks of biology, which human designers are already free of.
To me, LLMs and other recent AI capabilities breakthroughs are evidence that methods other than planet-scale iterative mutation can get you something, even if it's still pretty far from AGI. And I think it is likely that capabilities research will continue to lead to scaling and algorithms progress that will get you more and more something. But progress of this kind can't go on forever - eventually it will hit on human-level (or better) reasoning ability.
The inference I make from observing both the history of human evolution and the spate of recent AI capabilities progress is that human-level intelligence can't be that special or difficult to create in an absolute sense, and that while evolutionary methods (or something isomorphic to them) at planet scale are sufficient to get to general intelligence, they're probably not necessary.
Or, put another way:
Finally: I also see a fair number of specific "blockers", as well as some indications that existing things don't have properties that would scare me.
I mostly agree with the point about existing systems, but I think there are only so many independent high-difficulty blockers which can "fit" inside the AGI-invention problem, since evolution somehow managed to solve them all through inefficient brute force. LLMs are evidence that at least some of the (perhaps easier) blockers can be solved via methods that are tractable to run on current-day hardware on far shorter timescales than evolution.
When there is a simple enlightening experiment that can be constructed out of available parts (including theories that inform construction), it can be found with expert intuition, without clear understanding. When there are no new parts for a while, and many experiments have been tried, this is evidence that further blind search becomes less likely to produce results, that more complicated experiments are necessary that can only be designed with stronger understanding.
Recently, there are many new parts for AI tinkering, some themselves obtained from blind experimentation (scaling gives new capabilities that couldn't be predicted to result from particular scaling experiments). Not enough time and effort has passed to rule out further significant advancement by simple tinkering with these new parts, and scaling itself hasn't run out of steam yet, it by itself might deliver even more new parts for further tinkering.
So while it's true that there is no reason to expect specific advancements, there is still reason to expect advancements of unspecified character for at least a few years, more of them than usually. This wave of progress might run out of steam before AGI, or it might not, there is no clear theory to say which is true. Current capabilities seem sufficiently impressive that even modest unpredictable advancement might prove sufficient, which is an observation that distinguishes the current wave of AI progress from previous ones.
I think the current wave is special, but that's a very far cry from being clearly on the ramp up to AGI.
The point is, it's still a matter of intuitively converting impressiveness of current capabilities and new parts available for tinkering that hasn't been done yet into probability of this wave petering out before AGI. The arguments for AGI "being overdetermined" can be amended to become arguments for particular (kinds of) sequences of experiments looking promising, shifting the estimate once taken into account. Since failure of such experiments is not independent, the estimate can start going down as soon as scaling stops producing novel capabilities, or reaches the limits of economic feasibility, or there is a year or two without significant breakthroughs.
Right now, it's looking grim, but a claim I agree with is that planning for the possibility of AGI taking 20+ years is still relevant, nobody actually knows it's inevitable. I think the following few years will change this estimate significantly either way.
I'm not really sure whether or not we disagree. I did put "3%-10% probability of AGI in the next 10-15ish years".
I think the following few years will change this estimate significantly either way.
Well, I hope that this is a one-time thing. I hope that if in a few years we're still around, people go "Damn! We maybe should have been putting a bit more juice into decades-long plans! And we should do so now, though a couple more years belatedly!", rather than going "This time for sure!" and continuing to not invest in the decades-long plans. My impression is that a lot of people used to work on decades-long plans and then shifted recently to 3-10 year plans, so it's not like everyone's being obviously incoherent. But I also have an impression that the investment in decades-plans is mistakenly low; when I propose decades-plans, pretty nearly everyone isn't interested, with their cited reason being that AGI comes within a decade.
It seems right to me that "fixed, partial concepts with fixed, partial understanding" that are "mostly 'in the data'" likely block LLMs from being AGI in the sense of this post. (I'm somewhat confused / surprised that people don't talk about this more — I don't know whether to interpret that as not noticing it, or having a different ontology, or noticing it but disagreeing that it's a blocker, or thinking that it'll be easy to overcome, or what. I'm curious if you have a sense from talking to people.)
These also seem right
(though I feel confused about how to update on the conjunction of those, and the things LLMs are good at — all the ways they don't behave like a person who doesn't understand X, either, for many X.)
But: you seem to have a relatively strong prior[1] on how hard it is to get from current techniques to AGI, and I'm not sure where you're getting that prior from. I'm not saying I have a strong inside view in the other direction, but, like, just for instance — it's really not apparent to me that there isn't a clever continuous-training architecture, requiring relatively little new conceptual progress, that's sufficient; if that's less sample-efficient than what humans are doing, it's not apparent to me that it can't still accomplish the same things humans do, with a feasible amount of brute force. And it seems like that is apparent to you.
Or, looked at from a different angle: to my gut, it seems bizarre if whatever conceptual progress is required takes multiple decades, in the world I expect to see with no more conceptual progress, where probably:
It's hard for me to tell how strong: "—though not super strongly" is hard for me to square with your butt-numbers, even taking into account that you disclaim them as butt-numbers.
I'm curious if you have a sense from talking to people.
More recently I've mostly disengaged (except for making kinda-shrill LW comments). Some people say that "concepts" aren't a thing, or similar. E.g. by recentering on performable tasks, by pointing to benchmarks going up and saying that the coarser category of "all benchmarks" or similar is good enough for predictions. (See e.g. Kokotajlo's comment here, though his actual position is of course more complex and nuanced.) Some people say that the training process is already concept-gain-complete. Some people say that future research, such as "curiosity" in RL, will solve it. Some people say that the "convex hull" of existing concepts is already enough to set off FURSI (fast unbounded recursive self-improvement).
(though I feel confused about how to update on the conjunction of those, and the things LLMs are good at — all the ways they don't behave like a person who doesn't understand X, either, for many X.)
True; I think I've heard some various people discussing how to more precisely think of the class of LLM capabilities, but maybe there should be more.
if that's less sample-efficient than what humans are doing, it's not apparent to me that it can't still accomplish the same things humans do, with a feasible amount of brute force
It's often awkward discussing these things, because there's sort of a "seeing double" that happens. In this case, the "double" is:
"AI can't FURSI because it has poor sample efficiency...
The same goes mutatis mutandis for "can make novel concepts".
I'm more saying 2. rather than 1. (Of course, this would be a very silly thing for me to say if we observed the gippities creating lots of genuine novel useful insights, but with low sample complexity (whatever that should mean here). But I would legit be very surprised if we soon saw a thing that had been trained on 1000x less human data, and performs at modern levels on language tasks (allowing it to have breadth of knowledge that can be comfortably fit in the training set).)
can't still accomplish the same things humans do
Well, I would not be surprised if it can accomplish a lot of the things. It already can of course. I would be surprised if there weren't some millions of jobs lost in the next 10 years from AI (broadly, including manufacturing, driving, etc.). In general, there's a spectrum/space of contexts / tasks, where on the one hand you have tasks that are short, clear-feedback, and common / stereotyped, and not that hard; on the other hand you have tasks that are long, unclear-feedback, uncommon / heterogenous, and hard. The way humans do things is that we practice the short ones in some pattern to build up for the variety of long ones. I expect there to be a frontier of AIs crawling from short to long ones. I think at any given time, pumping in a bunch of brute force can expand your frontier a little bit, but not much, and it doesn't help that much with more permanently ratcheting out the frontier.
AI that's narrowly superhuman on some range of math & software tasks can accelerate research
As you're familiar with, if you have a computer program that has 3 resources bottlenecks A (50%), B (25%), and C (25%), and you optimize the fuck out of A down to ~1%, you ~double your overall efficiency; but then if you optimize the fuck out of A again down to .1%, you've basically done nothing. The question to me isn't "does AI help a significant amount with some aspects of AI research", but rather "does AI help a significant and unboundedly growing amount with all aspects of AI research, including the long-type tasks such as coming up with really new ideas".
AI is transformative enough to motivate a whole lot of sustained attention on overcoming its remaining limitations
This certainly makes me worried in general, and it's part of why my timelines aren't even longer; I unfortunately don't expect a large "naturally-occurring" AI winter.
seems bizarre if whatever conceptual progress is required takes multiple decades
Unfortunately I haven't addressed your main point well yet... Quick comments:
FWIW I think that confrontation-worthy empathy and use of the phrase "everyone will die" to describe AI risk are approximately mutually exclusive with each other, because communication using the latter phrase results from a failure to understand communication norms.
(Separately I also think that "if we build AGI, everyone will die" is epistemically unjustifiable given current knowledge. But the point above still stands even if you disagree with that bit.)
What I mean by confrontation-worthy empathy is about that sort of phrase being usable. I mean, I'm not saying it's the best phrase, or a good phrase to start with, or whatever. I don't think inserting Knightian uncertainty is that helpful; the object-level stuff is usually the most important thing to be communicating.
This maybe isn't so related to what you're saying here, but I'd follow the policy of first making it common knowledge that you're reporting your inside views (which implies that you're not assuming that the other person would share those views); and then you state your inside views. In some scenarios you describe, I get the sense that Person 2 isn't actually wanting Person 1 to say more modest models, they're wanting common knowledge that they won't already share those views / won't already have the evidence that should make them share those views.
"I don't think inserting Knightian uncertainty is that helpful; the object-level stuff is usually the most important thing to be communicating."
The main point of my post is that accounting for disagreements about Knightian uncertainly is the best way to actually communicate object level things, since otherwise people get sidetracked by epistemological disagreements.
"I'd follow the policy of first making it common knowledge that you're reporting your inside views"
This is a good step, but one part of the epistemological disagreements I mention above is that most people consider inside views to be much a much less coherent category, and much less separable from other views, than most rationalists do. So I expect that more such steps are typically necessary.
"they're wanting common knowledge that they won't already share those views"
I think this is plausibly true for laypeople/non-ML-researchers, but for ML researchers it's much more jarring when someone is making very confident claims about their field of expertise, that they themselves strongly disagree with.
Summary: AGI isn't super likely to come super soon. People should be working on stuff that saves humanity in worlds where AGI comes in 20 or 50 years, in addition to stuff that saves humanity in worlds where AGI comes in the next 10 years.
Thanks to Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, Abram Demski, Daniel Kokotajlo, Cleo Nardo, Alex Zhu, and Sam Eisenstat for related conversations.
My views on when AGI comes
By "AGI" I mean the thing that has very large effects on the world (e.g., it kills everyone) via the same sort of route that humanity has large effects on the world. The route is where you figure out how to figure stuff out, and you figure a lot of stuff out using your figure-outers, and then the stuff you figured out says how to make powerful artifacts that move many atoms into very specific arrangements.
This isn't the only thing to worry about. There could be transformative AI that isn't AGI in this sense. E.g. a fairly-narrow AI that just searches configurations of atoms and finds ways to do atomically precise manufacturing would also be an existential threat and a possibility for an existential win.
Conceptual capabilities progress
The "conceptual AGI" view:
The conceptual AGI doesn't claim that humanity doesn't already have enough ideas to make AGI. I claim that——though not super strongly.
Giving probabilities here doesn't feel great. For one thing, it seems to contribute to information cascades and to shallow coalition-forming. For another, it hides the useful models. For yet another thing: A probability bundles together a bunch of stuff I have models about, with a bunch of stuff I don't have models about. For example, how many people will be doing original AGI-relevant research in 15 years? I have no idea, and it seems like largely a social question. The answer to that question does affect when AGI comes, though, so a probability about when AGI comes would have to depend on that answer.
But ok. Here's some butt-numbers:
If I were trying to make a model with parts, I might try starting with a mixture of Erlang distributions of different shapes, and then stretching that according to some distribution about the number of people doing original AI research over time.
Again, this is all butt-numbers. I have almost no idea about how much more understanding is needed to make AGI, except that it doesn't seem like we're there yet.
Responses to some arguments for AGI soon
The "inputs" argument
At about 1:15 in this interview, Carl Shulman argues (quoting from the transcript):
This isn't the complete argument Shulman gives, but on its own it's interesting. On its own, it's valid, but only if we're actually scaling up all the needed inputs.
On the conceptual AGI view, this isn't the case, because we aren't very greatly increasing the amount of great natural philosophers doing great natural philosophy about intelligence. That's a necessary input, and it's only being somewhat scaled up. For one thing, many new AI researchers are correlated with each other, and many are focused on scaling up, applying, and varying existing ideas. For another thing, sequential progress can barely be sped up with more bodies.
The "big evolution" argument
Carl goes on to argue that eventually, when we have enough compute, we'll be able to run a really big evolutionary process that finds AGIs (if we haven't already made AGI). This idea also appears in Ajeya Cotra's report on the compute needed to create AGI.
I broadly agree with this. But I have two reasons that this argument doesn't make AGI seem very likely very soon.
The first reason is that running a big evolution actually seems kind of hard; it seems to take significant conceptual progress and massive engineering effort to make the big evolution work. What I'd expect to see when this is tried, is basically nothing; life doesn't get started, nothing interesting happens, the entities don't get far (beyond whatever primitives were built in). You can get around this by invoking more compute, e.g. by simulating physics more accurately at a more detailed level, or by doing hyperparameter search to find worlds that lead to cool stuff. But then you're invoking more compute. (I'd also expect a lot of the hacks that supposedly make our version of evolution much more efficient than real evolution, to actually result in our version being circumscribed, i.e. it peters out because the shortcut that saved compute also cut off some important dimensions of search.)
The second reason is that evolution seems to take a lot of serial time. There's probably lots of clever things one can do to shortcut this, but these would be significant conceptual progress.
"I see how to do it"
My (limited / filtered) experience with these ideas leads me to think that [ideas knowably sufficient to make an AGI in practice] aren't widespread or obvious. (Obviously it is somehow feasible to make an AGI, because evolution did it.)
The "no blockers" intuition
An intuition that I often encounter is something like this:
This sounds to my ears like: "I saw how to make AGI, but my design required X. Then someone made X, so now I have a design for an AGI that will work.". But I don't think that's what they think. I think they don't think they have to have a design for an AGI in order to make an AGI.
I kind of agree with some version of this——there's a lot of stuff you don't have to understand, in order to make something that can do some task. We observe this in modern ML. But current systems, though they impressively saturate some lower-dimensional submanifold of capability-space, don't permeate a full-dimensional submanifold. Intelligence is a positive thing. Most computer code doesn't put itself on an unbounded trajectory of gaining capabilities. To make it work you have to do engineering and science, at some level. Bridges don't hold weight just because there's nothing blocking them from holding weight.
Daniel Kokotajlo points out that for things that grow, it's kind of true that they'll succeed as long as there aren't blockers——and for example animal husbandry kind of just works, without the breeders understanding much of anything about the internals of why their selection pressures are met with adequate options to select. This is true, but it doesn't seem very relevant to AGI because we're not selecting from an existing pool of highly optimized "genomic" (that is, mental) content. If instead of tinkering with de novo gradient-searched circuits, we were tinkering with remixing and mutating whole-brain emulations, then I would think AGI comes substantially sooner.
Another regime where "things just work" is many mental contexts where a task is familiar enough in some way that you can expect to succeed at the task by default. For example, if you're designing a wadget, and you've previously designed similar wadgets to similar specifications, then it makes sense to treat a design idea as though it's going to work out——as though it can be fully fleshed out into a satisfactory, functioning design——unless you see something clearly wrong with it, a clear blocker like a demand for a metal with unphysical properties. Again, like the case of animal husbandry, the "things just work" comes from the (perhaps out of sight) preexisting store of optimized content that's competent to succeed at the task given a bit of selection and arrangement. In the case of AGI, no one's ever built anything like that, so the store of knowledge that would automatically flesh out blockerless AGI ideas is just not there.
Yet another such regime is markets, where the crowd of many agents can be expected to figure out how to do something as long as it's feasible. So, a version of this intuition goes:
This is kind of true, but it just goes back to the question of how much conceptual progress will people make towards AGI. It's not an argument that we already have the understanding needed to make AGI. If it's used as an argument that we already have the understanding, then it's an accounting mistake: it says "We already have the understanding. The reason we don't need more understanding, is that if there were more understanding needed, someone else will figure it out, and then we'll have it. Therefore no one needs to figure anything else out.".
Finally: I also see a fair number of specific "blockers", as well as some indications that existing things don't have properties that would scare me.
"We just need X" intuitions
Another intuition that I often encounter is something like this:
Some examples of Xs: memory, self-play, continual learning, curricula, AIs doing AI research, learning to learn, neural nets modifying their own weights, sparsity, learning with long time horizons.
For example: "Today's algorithms can learn anything given enough data. So far, data is limited, and we're using up what's available. But self-play generates infinite data, so our systems will be able to learn unboundedly. So we'll get AGI soon.".
This intuition is similar to the "no blockers" intuition, and my main response is the same: the reason bridges stand isn't that you don't see a blocker to them standing. See above.
A "we just need X" intuition can become a "no blockers" intuition if someone puts out an AI research paper that works out some version of X. That leads to another response: just because an idea is, at a high level, some kind of X, doesn't mean the idea is anything like the fully-fledged, generally applicable version of X that one imagines when describing X.
For example, suppose that X is "self-play". One important thing about self-play is that it's an infinite source of data, provided in a sort of curriculum of increasing difficulty and complexity. Since we have the idea of self-play, and we have some examples of self-play that are successful (e.g. AlphaZero), aren't we most of the way to having the full power of self-play? And isn't the full power of self-play quite powerful, since it's how evolution made AGI? I would say "doubtful". The self-play that evolution uses (and the self-play that human children use) is much richer, containing more structural ideas, than the idea of having an agent play a game against a copy of itself.
Most instances of a category are not the most powerful, most general instances of that category. So just because we have, or will soon have, some useful instances of a category, doesn't strongly imply that we can or will soon be able to harness most of the power of stuff in that category. I'm reminded of the politician's syllogism: "We must do something. This is something. Therefore, we must do this.".
The bitter lesson and the success of scaling
Sutton's bitter lesson, paraphrased:
Some add on:
This conclusion doesn't follow. Sutton's bitter lesson is that figuring out how to leverage computation using general methods that scale with more computation beats trying to perform a task by encoding human-learned specific knowledge about the task domain. You still have to come up with the general methods. It's a different sort of problem——trying to aim computing power at a task, rather than trying to work with limited computing power or trying to "do the task yourself"——but it's still a problem. To modify a famous quote: "In some ways we feel we are as bottlenecked on algorithmic ideas as ever, but we believe we are bottlenecked on a higher level and about more important things."
Large language models
Some say:
This is a hairy topic, and my conversations about it have often seemed not very productive. I'll just try to sketch my view:
Other comments on AGI soon
My views on strategy
Alignment is really hard. No one has good reason to think any current ideas would work to make an aligned / corrigible AGI. If AGI comes, everyone dies.
If AGI comes in five years, everyone dies. We won't solve alignment well enough by then. This of course doesn't imply that AGI coming soon is less likely. However, it does mean that some people should focus on somewhat different things. Most people trying to make the world safe by solving AGI alignment should be open to trains of thought that likely will only be helpful in twenty years. There will be a lot of people who can't help the world if AGI comes in five years; if those people are going to stress out about how they can't help, instead they should work on stuff that helps in twenty or fifty years.
A consensus belief is often inaccurate, e.g. because of deference and information cascades. In that case, the consensus portfolio of strategies will be incorrect.
Not only that, but furthermore: Suppose there is a consensus believe, and suppose that it's totally correct. If funders, and more generally anyone who can make stuff happen (e.g. builders and thinkers), use this totally correct consensus belief to make local decisions about where to allocate resources, and they don't check the global margin, then they will in aggregrate follow a portfolio of strategies that is incorrect. The make-stuff-happeners will each make happen the top few things on their list, and leave the rest undone. The top few things will be what the consensus says is most important——in our case, projects that help if AGI comes within 10 years. If a project helps in 30 years, but not 10 years, then it doesn't get any funding at all. This is not the right global portfolio; it oversaturates fast interventions and leaves slow interventions undone.
Because the shared narrative says AGI comes soon, there's less shared will for projects that take a long time to help. People don't come up with such projects, because they don't expect to get funding; and funders go on not funding such projects, because they don't see good ones, and they don't particularly mind because they think AGI comes soon.
Things that might actually work
Besides the standard stuff (AGI alignment research, moratoria on capabilities research, explaining why AGI is an existential risk), here are two key interventions: