I think the worldview here seems cogent. It's very good for Anthropic folk to be writing up their organizational-beliefs publicly. I'm pretty sympathetic to "man, we have no idea how to make real progress without empirical iteration, so we just need to figure out how to make empirical iteration work somehow."
I have a few disagreements. I think the most important ones route through "how likely is this to accelerate race dynamics and how bad is that?".
We've subsequently begun deploying Claude now that the gap between it and the public state of the art is smaller.
It sounds like this means Claude is still a bit ahead of the public-state-of-the-art (but not much). But I'm not sure I'm interpreting it correctly.
I want to flag that an Anthropic employee recently told me something like "Anthropic wants to stay near the front of the pack at AI capabilities so that their empirical research is relevant, but not at the actual front of the pack to avoid accelerating race-dynamics." That would be a plausibly reasonable strategy IMO (although I'd still be skeptical about how likely it was to exacerbate race dynamics in a net-negative way). But it sounds like Claude was released while it was an advance over the public sota.
I guess I could square this via "Claude was ahead of the public SOTA, but not an advance over privately available networks?".
But, it generally looks to me like OpenAI and Anthropic, the two ostensibly safety-minded orgs, are nontrivially accelerating AI hype and progress due to local races between the two of them, and I feel quite scared about that.
I realize they're part of some dynamics that extend beyond them, and I realize there are a lot of difficult realities like "we really do believe we need to work on LLMs, those really are very expensive to train, we really need to raise money, the money really needs to come from somewhere, and doing some releases and deals with Google/Microsoft etc seem necessary." But, it sure looks like the end result of all of this is an accelerated race, and even if you're only on 33%ish likelihood of "a really pessimistic scenario", that's a pretty high likelihood scenario to be accelerating towards.
My guess is that from the inside of Anthropic-decisionmaking, the race feels sort of out-of-their-control, and it's better to ride the wave that to sit doing nothing. But it seems to me like "figure out how to slow down the race dynamics here" should be a top organizational priority, even within the set of assumptions outlined in this post.
I both agree that the race dynamic is concerning (and would like to see Anthropic address them explicitly), and also think that Anthropic should get a fair bit of credit for not releasing Claude before ChatGPT, a thing they could have done and probably gained a lot of investment / hype over. I think Anthropic's "let's not contribute to AI hype" is good in the same way that OpenAI's "let's generate massive" hype strategy is bad.
Like definitely I'm worried about the incentive to stay competitive, especially in the product space. But I think it's worth highlighting that Anthropic (and Deepmind and Google AI fwiw) have not rushed to product when they could have. There's still the relevant question "is building SOTA systems net positive given this strategy", and it's not clear to me what the answer is, but I want to acknowledge that "building SOTA systems and generating hype / rushing to market" is the default for startups and "build SOTA systems and resist the juicy incentive" is what Anthropic has done so far & that's significant.
Yeah I agree with this.
To be clear, I think Anthropic has done a pretty admirable job of showing some restraint here. It is objectively quite impressive. My wariness is "Man, I think the task here is really hard and even a very admirably executed company may not be sufficient."
My summary to augment the main one:
Broadly human level AI may be here soon and will have a large impact. Anthropic has a portfolio approach to AI safety, considering both: optimistic scenarios where current techniques are enough for alignment, intermediate scenarios where substantial work is needed, and pessimistic scenarios where alignment is impossible; they do not give a breakdown of probability mass in each bucket and hope that future evidence will help figure out what world we're in (though see the last quote below). These buckets are helpful for understanding the goal of developing: better techniques for making AI systems safer, and better ways of identifying how safe or unsafe AI systems are. Scaling systems is required for some good safety research, e.g., some problems only arise near human-level, Debate and Constitutional AI need big models, need to understand scaling to understand future risks, if models are dangerous, compelling evidence will be needed.
They do three kinds of research: Capabilities which they don’t publish, Alignment Capabilities which seems mostly about improving chat bots and applying oversight techniques at scale, and Alignment Science which involves interpretability and red-teaming of the approaches developed in Alignment Capabilities. They broadly take an empirical approach to safety, and current research directions include: scaling supervision, mechanistic interpretability, process-oriented learning, testing for dangerous failure modes, evaluating societal impacts, and understanding and evaluating how AI systems learn and generalize.
Select quotes:
I'll note that I'm confused about the Optimistic, Intermediate, and Pessimistic scenarios: how likely does Anthropic think each is? What is the main evidence currently contributing to that world view? How are you actually preparing for near-pessimistic scenarios which "could instead involve channeling our collective efforts towards AI safety research and halting AI progress in the meantime?"
how likely does Anthropic think each is? What is the main evidence currently contributing to that world view?
I wouldn't want to give an "official organizational probability distribution", but I think collectively we average out to something closer to "a uniform prior over possibilities" without that much evidence thus far updating us from there. Basically, there are plausible stories and intuitions pointing in lots of directions, and no real empirical evidence which bears on it thus far.
(Obviously, within the company, there's a wide range of views. Some people are very pessimistic. Others are optimistic. We debate this quite a bit internally, and I think that's really positive! But I think there's a broad consensus to take the entire range seriously, including the very pessimistic ones.)
This is pretty distinct from how I think many people here see things – ie. I get the sense that many people assign most of their probability mass to what we call pessimistic scenarios – but I also don't want to give the impression that this means we're taking the pessimistic scenario lightly. If you believe there's a ~33% chance of the pessimistic scenario, that's absolutely terrifying. No potentially catastrophic system should be created without very compelling evidence updating us against this! And of course, the range of scenarios in the intermediate range are also very scary.
How are you actually preparing for near-pessimistic scenarios which "could instead involve channeling our collective efforts towards AI safety research and halting AI progress in the meantime?"
At a very high-level, I think our first goal for most pessimistic scenarios is just to be able to recognize that we're in one! That's very difficult in itself – in some sense, the thing that makes the most pessimistic scenarios pessimistic is that they're so difficult to recognize. So we're working on that.
But before diving into our work on pessimistic scenarios, it's worth noting that – while a non-trivial portion of our research is directed towards pessimistic scenarios – our research is in some ways more invested in optimistic scenarios at the present moment. There are a few reasons for this:
We also have a lot of work that I might describe as trying to move from optimistic scenarios towards more intermediate scenarios. This includes our process-oriented learning and scalable supervision agendas.
But what are we doing now to address pessimistic scenarios? (Again, remember that our primary goal for pessimistic scenarios is just to recognize that we're in one and generate compelling evidence that can persuade the world.)
To be clear, we think pessimistic scenarios are, well, pessimistic and hard! These are our best preliminary attempts at agendas for addressing them, and we expect to change and expand as we learn more. Additionally, as we make progress on the more optimistic scenarios, I expect the number of projects we have targeted on pessimistic scenarios to increase.
(Zac's note: I'm posting this on behalf of Jack Clark, who is unfortunately unwell today. Everything below is his words.)
Hi there, I’m Jack and I lead our policy team. The primary reason it’s not discussed in the post is that the post was already quite long and we wanted to keep the focus on safety - I did some help editing bits of the post and couldn’t figure out a way to shoehorn in stuff about policy without it feeling inelegant / orthogonal.
You do, however, raise a good point, in that we haven’t spent much time publicly explaining what we’re up to as a team. One of my goals for 2023 is to do a long writeup here. But since you asked, here’s some information:
You can generally think of the Anthropic policy team as doing three primary things:
More broadly, we try to be transparent on the micro level, but haven’t invested yet in being transparent on the macro. What I mean by that is many of our RFIs, talks, and ideas are public, but we haven’t yet done a single writeup that gives an overview of our work. I am hoping to do this with the team this year!
Some other desiderata that may be useful:
Our wonderful colleagues on the ‘Societal Impacts’ team led this work on Red Teaming and we (Policy) helped out on the paper and some of the research. We generally think red teaming is a great idea to push to policymakers re AI systems; it’s one of those things that is ‘shovel ready’ for the systems of today but, we think, has some decent chance of helping out in future with increasingly large models.
Great post. I'm happy to see these plans coming out, following OpenAI's lead.
It seems like all the safety strategies are targeted at outer alignment and interpretability. None of the recent OpenAI, Deepmind, Anthropic, or Conjecture plans seem to target inner alignment, iirc, even though this seems to me like the biggest challenge.
Is Anthropic mostly leaving inner alignment untouched, for now?
It seems like all the safety strategies are targeted at outer alignment and interpretability.
None of the recent OpenAI, Deepmind, Anthropic, or Conjecture plans seem to target inner alignment
Less tongue-in-cheek: certainly it's unclear to what extent interpretability will be sufficient for addressing various forms of inner alignment failures, but I definitely think interpretability research should count as inner alignment research.
I mean, it's mostly semantics but I think of mechanical interpretability as "inner" but not alignment and think it's clearer that way, personally, so that we don't call everything alignment. Observing properties doesn't automatically get you good properties. I'll read your link but it's a bit too much to wade into for me atm.
Either way, it's clear how to restate my question: Is mechanical interpretability work the only inner alignment work Anthropic is doing?
Evan and others on my team are working on non-mechanistic-interpretability directions primarily motivated by inner alignment:
There's also ongoing work on other teams related to (automated) red teaming of models and understanding how models generalize, which may also turn out to be relevant/helpful for inner alignment. It's pretty unclear to me how useful any of these directions will turn out to be for inner alignment in the end, but we've chosen these directions in large part because we're very concerned about inner alignment, and we're actively looking for new directions that seem useful for mitigating inner misalignment risks.
Thank you for this post. It looks like the people at Anthropic have put a lot of thought into this which is good to see.
You mention that there are often surprising qualitative differences between larger and smaller models. How seriously is Anthropic considering a scenario where there is a sudden jump in certain dangerous capabilities (in particular deception) at some level of model intelligence? Does it seem plausible that it might not be possible to foresee this jump from experiments on even slighter weaker models?
We certainly think that abrupt changes of safety properties are very possible! See discussion of how the most pessimistic scenarios may seem optimistic until very powerful systems are created in this post, and also our paper on Predictability and Surprise.
With that said, I think we tend to expect a bit of continuity. Empirically, even the "abrupt changes" we observe with respect to model size tend to take place over order-of-magnitude changes in compute. (There are examples of things like the formation of induction heads where qualitative changes in model properties can happen quite fast over the course of training).
But we certainly wouldn't claim to know this with any confidence, and wouldn't take the possibility of extremely abrupt changes off the table!
The full post goes into considerably more detail, and I'm really excited that we're sharing more of our thinking publicly.