Quick Takes

List sorting does not play well with few-shot mostly doesn't replicate with davinci-002.

When using length-10 lists (it crushes length-5 no matter the prompt), I get:

  • 32-shot, no fancy prompt: ~25%
  • 0-shot, fancy python prompt: ~60% 
  • 0-shot, no fancy prompt: ~60%

So few-shot hurts, but the fancy prompt does not seem to help. Code here.

I'm interested if anyone knows another case where a fancy prompt increases performance more than few-shot prompting, where a fancy prompt is a prompt that does not contain information that a human would use to solve the task. ... (read more)


I have some long comments I can't refind now (weirdly) about the difficulty of investing based on AI beliefs (or forecasting in general): similar to catching falling knives, timing is all-important and yet usually impossible to nail down accurately; specific investments are usually impossible if you aren't literally founding the company, and indexing 'the entire sector' definitely impossible. Even if you had an absurd amount of money, you could try to index and just plain fail - there is no index which covers, say, OpenAI.

Apropos, Matt Levine comments on o... (read more)


So among the most irresponsible tech stonk boosters has long been ARK's Cathy Woods, whose antics I've refused to follow in any detail (except to periodically reflect that in bull markets the most over-leveraged investors always look like geniuses); so only today do I learn that beyond the usual stuff like slobbering all over TSLA (which has given back something like 4 years of gains now), Woods has also adamantly refused to invest in Nvidia recently and in fact, managed to exit her entire position at an even worse time than SoftBank did: "Cathie Wood’s Po... (read more)

If the housing crisis is caused by low-density rich neighborhoods blocking redevelopment of themselves (as seems the consensus on the internet now), could it be solved by developers buying out an entire neighborhood or even town in one swoop? It'd require a ton of money, but redevelopment would bring even more money, so it could be win-win for everyone. Does it not happen only due to coordination difficulties?

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Sort of obvious but good to keep in mind: Metacognitive regret bounds are not easily reducible to "plain" IBRL regret bounds when we consider the core and the envelope as the "inside" of the agent.

Assume that the action and observation sets factor as  and , where  is the interface with the external environment and  is the interface with the envelope.

Let  be a metalaw. Then, there are two natural ways to reduce it to an ordinary law:

  • Marginalizing over . That is, le
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5Vanessa Kosoy18d
Is it possible to replace the maximin decision rule in infra-Bayesianism with a different decision rule? One surprisingly strong desideratum for such decision rules is the learnability of some natural hypothesis classes. In the following, all infradistributions are crisp. Fix finite action set A and finite observation set O.  For any k∈N and γ∈(0,1), let Mkγ:(A×O)ω→Δ(A×O)k be defined by Mkγ(h|d):=(1−γ)∞∑n=0γn[[h=dn:n+k]] In other words, this kernel samples a time step n out of the geometric distribution with parameter γ, and then produces the sequence of length k that appears in the destiny starting at n. For any continuous[1] function D:□(A×O)k→R, we get a decision rule. Namely, this rule says that, given infra-Bayesian law Λ and discount parameter γ, the optimal policy is π∗DΛ:=argmaxπ:O∗→AD(Mkγ∗Λ(π)) The usual maximin is recovered when we have some reward function r:(A×O)k→R and corresponding to it is Dr(Θ):=minθ∈ΘEθ[r] Given a set H of laws, it is said to be learnable w.r.t. D when there is a family of policies {πγ}γ∈(0,1) such that for any Λ∈H limγ→1(maxπD(Mkγ∗Λ(π))−D(Mkγ∗Λ(πγ))=0 For Dr we know that e.g. the set of all communicating[2] finite infra-RDPs is learnable. More generally, for any t∈[0,1] we have the learnable decision rule Dtr:=tmaxθ∈ΘEθ[r]+(1−t)minθ∈ΘEθ[r] This is the "mesomism" I taked about before.  Also, any monotonically increasing D seems to be learnable, i.e. any D s.t. for Θ1⊆Θ2 we have D(Θ1)≤D(Θ2). For such decision rules, you can essentially assume that "nature" (i.e. whatever resolves the ambiguity of the infradistributions) is collaborative with the agent. These rules are not very interesting. On the other hand, decision rules of the form Dr1+Dr2 are not learnable in general, and so are decision rules of the form Dr+D′ for D′ monotonically increasing. Open Problem: Are there any learnable decision rules that are not mesomism or monotonically increasing? A positive answer to the above would provide interesting generaliz
2Vanessa Kosoy1mo
Formalizing the richness of mathematics Intuitively, it feels that there is something special about mathematical knowledge from a learning-theoretic perspective. Mathematics seems infinitely rich: no matter how much we learn, there is always more interesting structure to be discovered. Impossibility results like the halting problem and Godel incompleteness lend some credence to this intuition, but are insufficient to fully formalize it. Here is my proposal for how to formulate a theorem that would make this idea rigorous. (Wrong) First Attempt Fix some natural hypothesis class for mathematical knowledge, such as some variety of tree automata. Each such hypothesis Θ represents an infradistribution over Γ: the "space of counterpossible computational universes". We can say that Θ is a "true hypothesis" when there is some θ in the credal set Θ (a distribution over Γ) s.t. the ground truth Υ∗∈Γ "looks" as if it's sampled from θ. The latter should be formalizable via something like a computationally bounded version of Marin-Lof randomness. We can now try to say that Υ∗ is "rich" if for any true hypothesis Θ, there is a refinement Ξ⊆Θ which is also a true hypothesis and "knows" at least one bit of information that Θ doesn't, in some sense. This is clearly true, since there can be no automaton or even any computable hypothesis which fully describes Υ∗. But, it's also completely boring: the required Ξ can be constructed by "hardcoding" an additional fact into Θ. This doesn't look like "discovering interesting structure", but rather just like brute-force memorization. (Wrong) Second Attempt What if instead we require that Ξ knows infinitely many bits of information that Θ doesn't? This is already more interesting. Imagine that instead of metacognition / mathematics, we would be talking about ordinary sequence prediction. In this case it is indeed an interesting non-trivial condition that the sequence contains infinitely many regularities, s.t. each of them can be exp

Idea for using current AI to accelerate medical research: suppose you were to take a VLM and train it to verbally explain the differences between two image data distributions. E.g., you could take 100 dog images, split them into two classes, insert tiny rectangles into class 1, feed those 100 images into the VLM, and then train it to generate the text "class 1 has tiny rectangles in the images". Repeat this for a bunch of different augmented datasets where we know exactly how they differ, aiming for a VLM with a general ability to in-context learn and verb... (read more)

I listened to The Failure of Risk Management by Douglas Hubbard, a book that vigorously criticizes qualitative risk management approaches (like the use of risk matrices), and praises a rationalist-friendly quantitative approach. Here are 4 takeaways from that book:

  • There are very different approaches to risk estimation that are often unaware of each other: you can do risk estimations like an actuary (relying on statistics, reference class arguments, and some causal models), like an engineer (relying mostly on causal models and simulations), like a trader (r
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Is there a short summary on the rejecting Knightian uncertainty bit?

By Knightian uncertainty, I mean "the lack of any quantifiable knowledge about some possible occurrence" i.e. you can't put a probability on it (Wikipedia).

The TL;DR is that Knightian uncertainty is not a useful concept to make decisions, while the use subjective probabilities is: if you are calibrated (which you can be trained to become), then you will be better off taking different decisions on p=1% "Knightian uncertain events" and p=10% "Knightian uncertain events". 

For a more in-depth defense of this position in the context of long-term prediction... (read more)

I'm worried that "pause all AI development" is like the "defund the police" of the alignment community. I'm not convinced it's net bad because I haven't been following governance-- my current guess is neutral-- but I do see these similarities:

  • It's incredibly difficult and incentive-incompatible with existing groups in power
  • There are less costly, more effective steps to reduce the underlying problem, like making the field of alignment 10x larger or passing regulation to require evals
  • There are some obvious negative effects; potential overhangs or greater inc
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I now think the majority of impact of AI pause advocacy will come from the radical flank effect, and people should study it to decide whether pause advocacy is good or bad.

2Lauro Langosco10mo
IMO making the field of alignment 10x larger or evals do not solve a big part of the problem, while indefinitely pausing AI development would. I agree it's much harder, but I think it's good to at least try, as long as it doesn't terribly hurt less ambitious efforts (which I think it doesn't).
1Thomas Kwa1y
This seems good if it could be done. But the original proposal was just a call for labs to individually pause their research, which seems really unlikely to work. Also, the level of civilizational competence required to compensate labs seems to be higher than for other solutions. I don't think it's a common regulatory practice to compensate existing labs like this, and it seems difficult to work out all the details so that labs will feel adequately compensated. Plus there might be labs that irrationally believe they're undervalued. Regulations similar to the nuclear or aviation industry feel like a more plausible way to get slowdown, and have the benefit that they actually incentivize safety work.

I just finished listening to The Hacker and the State by Ben Buchanan, a book about cyberattacks, and the surrounding geopolitics. It's a great book to start learning about the big state-related cyberattacks of the last two decades. Some big attacks /leaks he describes in details:

  • Wire-tapping/passive listening efforts from the NSA, the "Five Eyes", and other countries
  • The multi-layer backdoors the NSA implanted and used to get around encryption, and that other attackers eventually also used (the insecure "secure random number" trick + some stuff on top of t
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Thanks! I read and enjoyed the book based on this recommendation

I listened to the book This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends by Nicole Perlroth, a book about cybersecurity and the zero-day market. It describes in detail the early days of bug discovery, the social dynamics and moral dilemma of bug hunts.

(It was recommended to me by some EA-adjacent guy very worried about cyber, but the title is mostly bait: the tone of the book is alarmist, but there is very little content about potential catastrophes.)

My main takeaways:

  • Vulnerabilities used to be dirt-cheap (~$100) but are still relatively cheap (~$1M even for big zer
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3Buck Shlegeris23d
Do you have concrete examples?
1Fabien Roger22d
I remembered mostly this story: [Taken from this summary of this passage of the book. The book was light on technical detail, I don't remember having listened to more details than that.] I didn't realize this was so early in the story of the NSA, maybe this anecdote teaches us nothing about the current state of the attack/defense balance.

The full passage in this tweet thread (search for "3,000").

Recently someone either suggested to me (or maybe told me they or someone where going to do this?) that we should train AI on legal texts, to teach it human values. Ignoring the technical problem of how to do this, I'm pretty sure legal text are not the right training data. But at the time, I could not clearly put into words why. Todays SMBC explains this for me:

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Law (smbc-comics.com)

Law is not a good representation or explanation of most of what we care about, because it's not trying to be. Law is mainly focused on the c... (read more)

I finally got around to reading the Mamba paper. H/t Ryan Greenblatt and Vivek Hebbar for helpful comments that got me unstuck. 

TL;DR: authors propose a new deep learning architecture for sequence modeling with scaling laws that match transformers while being much more efficient to sample from.

A brief historical digression

As of ~2017, the three primary ways people had for doing sequence modeling were RNNs, Conv Nets, and Transformers, each with a unique “trick” for handling sequence data: recurrence, 1d convolutions, and self-attention.

  • RNNs are
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StripedHyena, Griffin, and especially Based suggest that combining RNN-like layers with even tiny sliding window attention might be a robust way of getting a large context, where the RNN-like layers don't have to be as good as Mamba for the combination to work. There is a great variety of RNN-like blocks that haven't been evaluated for hybridization with sliding window attention specifically, as in Griffin and Based. Some of them might turn out better than Mamba on scaling laws after hybridization, so Mamba being impressive without hybridization might be l... (read more)

12Ryan Greenblatt1mo
Another key note about mamba is that despite being RNN-like it doesn't result in substantially higher effective serial reasoning depth (relative to transformers). This is because the state transition is linear[1]. However, it is architecturally closer to things that might involve effectively higher depth. See also here. ---------------------------------------- 1. And indeed, there is a fundamental tradeoff where if the state transition function is expressive (e.g. nonlinear), then it would no longer be possible to use a parallel scan because the intermediates for the scan would be too large to represent compactly or wouldn't simplify the original functions to reduce computation. You can't compactly represent f∘g (f composed with g) in a way that makes computing f(g(x)) more efficient for general choices of f and g (in the typical MLP case at least). Another simpler but less illuminating way to put this is that higher serial reasoning depth can't be parallelized (without imposing some constraints on the serial reasoning). ↩︎
2Lawrence Chan1mo
I mean, yeah, as your footnote says: Transformers do get more computation per token on longer sequences, but they also don't get more serial depth, so I'm not sure if this is actually an issue in practice?   1. ^ As an aside, I actually can't think of any class of interesting functions with this property -- when reading the paper, the closest I could think of are functions on discrete sets (lol), polynomials (but simplifying these are often more expensive than just computing the terms serially), and rational functions (ditto)  

I feel kinda frustrated whenever "shard theory" comes up in a conversation, because it's not a theory, or even a hypothesis. In terms of its literal content, it basically seems to be a reframing of the "default" stance towards neural networks often taken by ML researchers (especially deep learning skeptics), which is "assume they're just a set of heuristics".

This is a particular pity because I think there's a version of the "shard" framing which would actually be useful, but which shard advocates go out of their way to avoid. Specifically: we should be int... (read more)

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FWIW I'm potentially intrested in interviewing you (and anyone else you'd recommend) and then taking a shot at writing the 101-level content myself.

4Alex Turner1mo
Nope! I have basically always enjoyed talking with you, even when we disagree.
2Daniel Kokotajlo1mo
Ok, whew, glad to hear.

Warning for anyone who has ever interacted with "robosucka" or been solicited for a new podcast series in the past few years: https://www.tumblr.com/rationalists-out-of-context/744970106867744768/heads-up-to-anyone-whos-spoken-to-this-person-i

Reposting myself from discord, on the topic of donating 5000$ to EA causes.

if you're doing alignment research, even just a bit, then the 5000$ are plobly better spent on yourself

if you have any gears level model of AI stuff then it's better value to pick which alignment org to give to yourself; charity orgs are vastly understaffed and you're essentially contributing to the "picking what to donate to" effort by thinking about it yourself

if you have no gears level model of AI then it's hard to judge which alignment orgs it's helpful to donate to (or, if gi

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7Oliver Habryka1mo
I think people who give up large amounts of salary to work in jobs that other people are willing to pay for from an impact perspective should totally consider themselves to have done good comparable to donating the difference between their market salary and their actual salary. This applies to approximately all safety researchers. 
6Ben Pace1mo
I don’t think it applies to safety researchers at AI Labs though, I am shocked how much those folks can make.

They still make a lot less than they would if they optimized for profit (that said, I think most "safety researchers" at big labs are only safety researchers in name and I don't think anyone would philanthropically pay for their labor, and even if they did, they would still make the world worse according to my model, though others of course disagree with this).

Apparently[1] there was recently some discussion of Survival Instinct in Offline Reinforcement Learning (NeurIPS 2023). The results are very interesting: 

On many benchmark datasets, offline RL can produce well-performing and safe policies even when trained with "wrong" reward labels, such as those that are zero everywhere or are negatives of the true rewards. This phenomenon cannot be easily explained by offline RL's return maximization objective. Moreover, it gives offline RL a degree of robustness that is uncharacteristic of its online RL count

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I think some people have the misapprehension that one can just meditate on abstract properties of "advanced systems" and come to good conclusions about unknown results "in the limit of ML training", without much in the way of technical knowledge about actual machine learning results or even a track record in predicting results of training.

For example, several respected thinkers have uttered to me English sentences like "I don't see what's educational about watching a line go down for the 50th time" and "Studying modern ML systems to understand future ones ... (read more)

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11Thane Ruthenis2mo
It's not what I want to do, at least. For me, the key thing is to predict the behavior of AGI-level systems. The behavior of NNs-as-trained-today is relevant to this only inasmuch as NNs-as-trained-today will be relevant to future AGI-level systems. My impression is that you think that pretraining+RLHF (+ maybe some light agency scaffold) is going to get us all the way there, meaning the predictive power of various abstract arguments from other domains is screened off by the inductive biases and other technical mechanistic details of pretraining+RLHF. That would mean we don't need to bring in game theory, economics, computer security, distributed systems, cognitive psychology, business, history into it – we can just look at how ML systems work and are shaped, and predict everything we want about AGI-level systems from there. I disagree. I do not think pretraining+RLHF is getting us there. I think we currently don't know what training/design process would get us to AGI. Which means we can't make closed-form mechanistic arguments about how AGI-level systems will be shaped by this process, which means the abstract often-intuitive arguments from other fields do have relevant things to say. And I'm not seeing a lot of ironclad arguments that favour "pretraining + RLHF is going to get us to AGI" over "pretraining + RLHF is not going to get us to AGI". The claim that e. g. shard theory generalizes to AGI is at least as tenuous as the claim that it doesn't. I'd be interested if you elaborated on that.

It's not what I want to do, at least. For me, the key thing is to predict the behavior of AGI-level systems. The behavior of NNs-as-trained-today is relevant to this only inasmuch as NNs-as-trained-today will be relevant to future AGI-level systems.

Thanks for pointing out that distinction! 

“But also this person doesn't know about internal invariances in NN space or the compressivity of the parameter-function map (the latter in particular is crucial for reasoning about inductive biases), then I become extremely concerned” Have you written about this anywhere?

Tiny review of The Knowledge Machine (a book I listened to recently)

  • The core idea of the book is that science makes progress by forbidding non-empirical evaluation of hypotheses from publications, focusing on predictions and careful measurements while excluding philosophical interpretations (like Newton's "I have not as yet been able to deduce from phenomena the reason for these properties of gravity, and I do not feign hypotheses. […] It is enough that gravity really exists and acts according to the laws that we have set forth.").
  • The author basically argu
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Per my recent chat with it, chatgpt 3.5 seems "situationally aware"... but nothing groundbreaking has happened because of that AFAICT.

From the LW wiki page:

Ajeya Cotra uses the term "situational awareness" to refer to a cluster of skills including “being able to refer to and make predictions about yourself as distinct from the rest of the world,” “understanding the forces out in the world that shaped you and how the things that happen to you continue to be influenced by outside forces,” “understanding your position in the world relative to other actors who

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6Zack M. Davis3mo
I think "Symbol/Referent Confusions in Language Model Alignment Experiments" is relevant here: the fact that the model emits sentences in the grammatical first person doesn't seem like reliable evidence that it "really knows" it's talking about "itself". (It's not evidence because it's fictional, but I can't help but think of the first chapter of Greg Egan's Diaspora, in which a young software mind is depicted as learning to say I and me before the "click" of self-awareness when it notices itself as a specially controllable element in its world-model.) Of course, the obvious followup question is, "Okay, so what experiment would be good evidence for 'real' situational awareness in LLMs?" Seems tricky. (And the fact that it seems tricky to me suggests that I don't have a good handle on what "situational awareness" is, if that is even the correct concept.)

the fact that the model emits sentences in the grammatical first person doesn't seem like reliable evidence that it "really knows" it's talking about "itself"

I consider situational awareness to be more about being aware of one's situation, and how various interventions would affect it. Furthermore, the main evidence I meant to present was "ChatGPT 3.5 correctly responds to detailed questions about interventions on its situation and future operation." I think that's substantial evidence of (certain kinds of) situation awareness.

If you want to better understand counting arguments for deceptive alignment, my comment here might be a good place to start.

4Alex Turner2mo
Speculates on anti-jailbreak properties of steering vectors. Finds putative "self-awareness" direction. Also:

From the post:

What are these vectors really doing? An Honest mystery... Do these vectors really change the model's intentions? Do they just up-rank words related to the topic? Something something simulators? Lock your answers in before reading the next paragraph!

OK, now that you're locked in, here's a weird example. 

When used with the prompt below, the honesty vector doesn't change the model's behavior—instead, it changes the model's judgment of someone else's behavior! This is the same honesty vector as before—generated by asking the model to act hon

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