Quick Takes

I'm interested in soliciting takes on pretty much anything people think Anthropic should be doing differently. One of Alignment Stress-Testing's core responsibilities is identifying any places where Anthropic might be making a mistake from a safety perspective—or even any places where Anthropic might have an opportunity to do something really good that we aren't taking—so I'm interested in hearing pretty much any idea there that I haven't heard before.[1] I'll read all the responses here, but I probably won't reply to any of them to avoid revealing anythin... (read more)

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8Daniel Kokotajlo
Another idea: "AI for epistemics" e.g. having a few FTE's working on making Claude a better forecaster. It would be awesome if you could advertise "SOTA by a significant margin at making real-world predictions; beats all other AIs in prediction markets, forecasting tournaments, etc." And it might not be that hard to achieve (e.g. a few FTEs maybe). There are already datasets of already-resolved forecasting questions, plus you could probably synthetically generate OOMs bigger datasets -- and then you could modify the way pretraining works so that you train on the data chronologically, and before you train on data from year X you do some forecasting of events in year X.... Or even if you don't do that fancy stuff there are probably low-hanging fruit to pick to make AIs better forecasters. Ditto for truthful AI more generally. Could train Claude to be well-calibrated, consistent, extremely obsessed with technical correctness/accuracy (at least when so prompted)... You could also train it to be good at taking people's offhand remarks and tweets and suggesting bets or forecasts with resolveable conditions.  You could also e.g. have a quarterly poll of AGI timelines and related questions of all your employees, and publish the results.

My current tenative guess is that this is somewhat worse than other alignment science projects that I'd recommend at the margin, but somewhat better than the 25th percentile project currently being done. I'd think it was good at the margin (of my recommendation budget) if the project could be done in a way where we think we'd learn generalizable scalable oversight / control approaches.

8Tsvi Benson-Tilsen
I'd add: * Support explicit protections for whistleblowers. I'll echo this and strengthen it to:

On o3: for what feels like the twentieth time this year, I see people freaking out, saying AGI is upon us, it's the end of knowledge work, timelines now clearly in single-digit years, etc, etc. I basically don't buy it, my low-confidence median guess is that o3 is massively overhyped. Major reasons:

  • I've personally done 5 problems from GPQA in different fields and got 4 of them correct (allowing internet access, which was the intent behind that benchmark). I've also seen one or two problems from the software engineering benchmark. In both cases, when I look
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7Buck Shlegeris
I think that how you talk about the questions being “easy”, and the associated stuff about how you think the baseline human measurements are weak, is somewhat inconsistent with you being worse than the model.
I mean, there are lots of easy benchmarks on which I can solve the large majority of the problems, and a language model can also solve the large majority of the problems, and the language model can often have a somewhat lower error rate than me if it's been optimized for that. Seems like GPQA (and GPQA diamond) are yet another example of such a benchmark.

What do you mean by "easy" here?

Inference compute scaling might imply we first get fewer, smarter AIs.

Prior estimates imply that the compute used to train a future frontier model could also be used to run tens or hundreds of millions of human equivalents per year at the first time when AIs are capable enough to dominate top human experts at cognitive tasks[1] (examples here from Holden Karnofsky, here from Tom Davidson, and here from Lukas Finnveden). I think inference time compute scaling (if it worked) might invalidate this picture and might imply that you get far smaller numbers of h... (read more)

Work that I’ve done on techniques for mitigating misalignment risk often makes a number of conservative assumptions about the capabilities of the AIs we’re trying to control. (E.g. the original AI control paperAdaptive Deployment of Untrusted LLMs Reduces Distributed ThreatsHow to prevent collusion when using untrusted models to monitor each other.) For example:

  • The AIs are consistently trying to subvert safety measures.
  • They’re very good at strategizing about how to subvert them; they can do this strategizing totally illegibly (e.g. in a
... (read more)

Some other important categories:

  • Models might scheme, but still retain some desirable preferences, heuristics, deontological preferences, or flinches such as a reluctance to very directly lie.
  • Scheming might only be sampled some subset of the time in an effectively random way (in particular, not in a way that strongly corresponds to scheming related properties of the input such that if you take a bunch of samples on some input, you'll likely get some weight on a non-scheming policy).
  • There might be multiple different scheming AIs which have different preferences and which might cooperate with humans over other AIs if a reasonable trade offer was available.

Here are the 2024 AI safety papers and posts I like the most.

The list is very biased by my taste, by my views, by the people that had time to argue that their work is important to me, and by the papers that were salient to me when I wrote this list. I am highlighting the parts of papers I like, which is also very subjective.

Important ideas - Introduces at least one important idea or technique.

★★★ The intro to AI control (The case for ensuring that powerful AIs are controlled) 
★★ Detailed write-ups of AI worldviews I am sympathetic to (Without fun... (read more)

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Thanks for sharing! I'm a bit surprised that sleeper agent is listed as the best demo (e.g., higher than alignment faking). Do you focus on the main idea instead of specific operationalization here -- asking because I think backdoored/password-locked LMs could be quite different from real-world threat models.

13Ryan Greenblatt
In this comment, I'll expand on my claim that attaching empirical work to conceptual points is useful. (This is extracted from a unreleased post I wrote a long time ago.) Even if the main contribution of some work is a conceptual framework or other conceptual ideas, it's often extremely important to attach some empirical work regardless of whether the empirical work should result in any substantial update for a well-informed individual. Often, careful first principles reasoning combined with observations on tangentially related empirical work, suffices to predict the important parts of empirical work. The importance of empirical work is both because some people won't be able to verify careful first principles reasoning and because some people won't engage with this sort of reasoning if there aren't also empirical results stapled to the reasoning (at least as examples). It also helps to very concretely demonstrate that empirical work in the area is possible. This was a substantial part of the motivation for why we tried to get empirical results for AI control even though the empirical work seemed unlikely to update us much on the viability of control overall[1]. I think this view on the necessity of empirical work also (correctly) predicts the sleeper agents paper[2] will likely cause people to be substantially more focused on deceptive alignment and more likely to create model organisms of deceptive alignment even though the actual empirical contribution isn't that large over careful first principles reasoning combined with analyzing tangentially related empirical work, leading to complaints like Dan H’s. I think that "you need accompanying empirical work for your conceptual work to be well received and understood" is fine and this might be the expected outcome even if all actors were investing exactly as much as they should in thinking through conceptual arguments and related work. (And the optimal investment across fields in general might even be the exact same
Kudos for correctly identifying the main cruxy point here, even though I didn't talk about it directly. The main reason I use the term "propaganda" here is that it's an accurate description of the useful function of such papers, i.e. to convince people of things, as opposed to directly advancing our cutting-edge understanding/tools. The connotation is that propagandists over the years have correctly realized that presenting empirical findings is not a very effective way to convince people of things, and that applies to these papers as well. And I would say that people are usually correct to not update much on empirical findings! Not Measuring What You Think You Are Measuring is a very strong default, especially among the type of papers we're talking about here.

Here's something that confuses me about o1/o3. Why was the progress there so sluggish?

My current understanding is that they're just LLMs trained with RL to solve math/programming tasks correctly, hooked up to some theorem-verifier and/or an array of task-specific unit tests to provide ground-truth reward signals. There are no sophisticated architectural tweaks, not runtime-MCTS or A* search, nothing clever.

Why was this not trained back in, like, 2022 or at least early 2023; tested on GPT-3/3.5 and then default-packaged into GPT-4 alongside RLHF? If OpenAI ... (read more)


simple ideas often require tremendous amounts of effort to make work.

Sam Marks267

x-posting a kinda rambling thread I wrote about this blog post from Tilde research.


If true, this is the first known application of SAEs to a found-in-the-wild problem: using LLMs to generate fuzz tests that don't use regexes. A big milestone for the field of interpretability!

I'll discussed some things that surprised me about this case study in 🧵


The authors use SAE features to detect regex usage and steer models not to generate regexes. Apparently the company that ran into this problem already tried and discarded baseline approaches like better prompt ... (read more)

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5Buck Shlegeris
I’m curious how they set up the SAE stuff; I’d have thought that this would require modifying some performance-critical inference code in a tricky way.
4Sam Marks
The entrypoint to their sampling code is here. It looks like they just add a forward hook to the model that computes activations for specified features and shifts model activations along SAE decoder directions a corresponding amount. (Note that this is cheaper than autoencoding the full activation. Though for all I know, running the full autoencoder during the forward pass might have been fine also, given that they're working with small models and adding a handful of SAE calls to a forward pass shouldn't be too big a hit.)

This uses transformers, which is IIUC way less efficient for inference than e.g. vllm, to an extent that is probably unacceptable for production usecases.

I'm currently working as a contractor at Anthropic in order to get employee-level model access as part of a project I'm working on. The project is a model organism of scheming, where I demonstrate scheming arising somewhat naturally with Claude 3 Opus. So far, I’ve done almost all of this project at Redwood Research, but my access to Anthropic models will allow me to redo some of my experiments in better and simpler ways and will allow for some exciting additional experiments. I'm very grateful to Anthropic and the Alignment Stress-Testing team for providi... (read more)

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This project has now been released; I think it went extremely well.

7Beth Barnes
I'd be surprised if this was employee-level access. I'm aware of a red-teaming program that gave early API access to specific versions of models, but not anything like employee-level.
12Rachel Freedman
It was a secretive program — it wasn’t advertised anywhere, and we had to sign an NDA about its existence (which we have since been released from). I got the impression that this was because OpenAI really wanted to keep the existence of GPT4 under wraps. Anyway, that means I don’t have any proof beyond my word.

I asked Rohin Shah what the debate agenda is about and he said (off the cuff, not necessarily worded well) (context omitted) (emphasis mine):

Suppose you have any task where given an input x the AI has to produce some output y. (Can be question answering, arbitrary chatbot stuff, being an agent, whatever.)

Debate to me is a family of procedures for training AIs in such settings. One example such procedure is: sample two possible outputs y1 and y2, then have two AIs debate each other about which output is better (one assigned to y1 and the other assigned to y

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2Rohin Shah
You'd hope that, fixing a base model, debate would make AIs better at tasks than they otherwise would be (at least if the task doesn't have a ground truth reward). Untrusted monitoring is such a task. So hopefully debate training makes AIs better at the task of untrusted monitoring.
3Buck Shlegeris
I don't think this is right. To train an untrusted monitor, you need to synthetically generate dangerous actions (because by assumption these actions are rare). So during training, you'll always know the correct label for an action before you show it to the model. You might want to use something debate-like in the synthetic input generation process, but that's structurally different.

I could imagine other ways you might choose to instead train your untrusted monitor, which could benefit from debate:

  1. You train a general-purpose reasoner (via debate), and simply prompt it to do untrusted monitoring. This could do better than a trained untrusted monitor because it is less likely to overfit to spurious features of synthetically generated dangerous actions. (You instead use the synthetically generated dangerous actions to validate your untrusted monitor, or to hill climb on your prompt.)
  2. You do train on synthetically generated dangerous actio
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Idea for LLM support for writing LessWrong posts: virtual comments.

Back in August I discussed with Rafe & Oliver a bit about how to integrate LLMs into LW2 in ways which aren't awful and which encourage improvement---particularly using the new 'prompt caching' feature. To summarize one idea: we can use long-context LLMs with prompt caching to try to simulate various LW users of diverse perspectives to write useful feedback on drafts for authors.

(Prompt caching (eg) is the Transformer version of the old RNN hidden-state caching trick, where you run an i... (read more)

Yeah the LW team has been doing this sort of thing internally, still in the experimental phase. I don't know if we've used all the tricks listed here yet. 

Phi-4: Synthetic data works. Pretraining's days are numbered. 

Microsoft just announced Phi-4,  a 14B parameter model that matches GPT-4o on some difficult benchmarks. The accompanying technical report offers a glimpse into the growing importance of synthetic data and how frontier model training is changing. 

Some takeaways:

  • The data wall is looking flimsier by the day. Phi-4 is highly capable not despite but because of synthetic data. It was trained on a curriculum of 50 types of synthetic datasets, generated by GPT-4o from a diverse set of or
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I don't think Phi-4 offers convincing evidence either way. You can push performance on verifiable tasks quite far without the model becoming generally more capable. AlphaZero doesn't imply that scaling with its methods gestures at general superintelligence, and similarly with Phi-4.

In contrast, using o1-like training as a way to better access ground truth in less tractable domains seems more promising, since by some accounts its tactics on long reasoning traces work even in non-technical domains (unlike for DeepSeek R1), possibly because they are emergent ... (read more)


Concrete benchmark proposals for how to detect mode-collapse and AI slop and ChatGPTese, and why I think this might be increasingly important for AI safety, to avoid 'whimper' or 'em hell' kinds of existential risk: https://gwern.net/creative-benchmark EDIT: resubmitted as linkpost.

People inexplicably seem to favor extremely bad leaders-->people seem to inexplicably favor bad AIs.

Agency = Prediction + Decision.

AIXI is an idealized model of a superintelligent agent that combines "perfect" prediction (Solomonoff Induction) with "perfect" decision-making (sequential decision theory).

OpenAI's o1 is a real-world "reasoning model" that combines a superhuman predictor (an LLM like GPT-4) with advanced decision-making (implicit search via chain of thought trained by RL).

To be clear: o1 is no AIXI. But AIXI, as an ideal, can teach us something about the future of o1-like systems.

AIXI teaches us that agency is simple. It involves just two ra... (read more)

So let's call "reasoning models" like o1 what they really are: the first true AI agents.

I think the distinction between systems that perform a single forward pass and then stop and systems that have an OODA loop (tool use) is more stark than the difference between "reasoning" and "chat" models, and I'd prefer to use "agent" for that distinction.

I do think that "reasoning" is a bit of a market-y name for this category of system though. "chat" vs "base" is a great choice of words, and "chat" is basically just a description of the RL objective those models were trained with.

If I were the terminology czar, I'd call o1 a "task" model or a "goal" model or something.


LW2 search idea: hierarchical embedding trees using some nifty "seriation" list sorting tricks I've developed for Gwern.net popups/tagging purposes.

An example snippet of a rogue internal deployment threat model that I find fairly compelling:

  1. The schemer, while deployed in an authorized scaffold, launches an unmonitored scaffold that has access to trusted model weights.
  2. It uses this scaffold to do a GCG attack on the trusted model, then writes the resulting GCG attack somewhere that the agent in the authorized scaffold can see. This takes a moderate amount of compute, but a small amount compared to the amount the untrusted model will regularly need to run experiments.
  3. The agent in the authorized scaffold
... (read more)
1Zach Stein-Perlman
Why can't the schemer just do the bad stuff in the unmonitored scaffold from (1)?
2Buck Shlegeris
I don’t understand, can you say more?

What's a bad thing that the agent can do with the jailbreak that it can't just do in the unmonitored scaffold?

Edit: dumb question, oops: obviously the schemer will have affordances that it doesn't have within the unmonitored scaffold / there are actions where it's helpful to jailbreak the monitor. E.g. submitting a pull request, where the code will be read by the monitor. So finding a jailbreak is helpful to the schemer.

Project proposal: No-holds-barred jailbreak attacks and defenses for control

Normally we’ve done control research under the assumption that the red team isn’t able to use techniques like GCG to make targeted jailbreaks for the trusted monitor. Can the blue team defend if we relax that assumption (e.g. because we’re worried the model might be able to start a rogue deployment in which it runs GCG)?

The blue team can try a variety of strategies here.

  • The simplest strategy is randomizing the prompt to the trusted monitor. This forces the red team to find a jailbr
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Project proposal: Control for auditing

(I'm sharing this here because I needed to link to it, and I thought I might as well make it public.)

When preventing high stakes failures, a crucial bottleneck is the proportion of actions that you can audit: that is, investigate the action further for the purpose of finding evidence that the AI is scheming. (See here for more on this. In particular, note that this might be different from the problem of investigating an action for the purpose of learning whether that action is dangerous.) If we need to rely o... (read more)

Two different meanings of “misuse”

The term "AI misuse" encompasses two fundamentally different threat models that deserve separate analysis and different mitigation strategies:

  • Democratization of offense-dominant capabilities
    • This involves currently weak actors gaining access to capabilities that dramatically amplify their ability to cause harm. That amplification of ability to cause harm is only a huge problem if access to AI didn’t also dramatically amplify the ability of others to defend against harm, which is why I refer to “offense-dominant” capabilitie
... (read more)

Technical measures to prevent users from using the AI for particular tasks don’t help against the threat of the lab CEO trying to use the AI for those harmful tasks

Actually, it is not that clear to me. I think adversarial robustness is helpful (in conjunction with other things) to prevent CEOs from misusing models.

If at some point in a CEO trying to take over wants to use HHH to help them with the takeover, that model will likely refuse to do egregiously bad things. So the CEO might need to use helpful-only models. But there might be processes in plac... (read more)

By far the most important risk isn't that they'll steal them. It's that they will be fully authorized to misuse them. No security measure can prevent that.
4Buck Shlegeris
That's a great way of saying it. I edited this into my original comment.
Mark Xu6833

Alignment researchers should think hard about switching to working on AI Control

I think Redwood Research’s recent work on AI control really “hits it out of the park”, and they have identified a tractable and neglected intervention that can make AI go a lot better. Obviously we should shift labor until the marginal unit of research in either area decreases P(doom) by the same amount. I think that implies lots of alignment researchers should shift to AI control type work, and would naively guess that the equilibrium is close to 50/50 across people who a... (read more)

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I do think that "we don't have enough information to know where the bottlenecks are yet" is in-general a reasonable counterargument to a "just focus on the bottlenecks" approach (insofar as we in fact do not yet have enough information). In this case I think we do have enough information, so that's perhaps a deeper crux.
Mark Xu40

Hiliariously, it seems likely that our disagreement is even more meta, on the question of "how do you know when you have enough information to know", or potentially even higher, e.g. "how much uncertainty should one have given that they think they know" etc.

1Mark Xu
see my longer comment https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/A79wykDjr4pcYy9K7/mark-xu-s-shortform#8qjN3Mb8xmJxx59ZG

A theory of how alignment research should work

(cross-posted from danielfilan.com)

Epistemic status:

  • I listened to the Dwarkesh episode with Gwern and started attempting to think about life, the universe, and everything
  • less than an hour of thought has gone into this post
  • that said, it comes from a background of me thinking for a while about how the field of AI alignment should relate to agent foundations research

Maybe obvious to everyone but me, or totally wrong (this doesn't really grapple with the challenges of working in a domain where an intelligent ... (read more)

I agree that we probably want most theory to be towards the applied end these days due to short timelines. Empirical work needs theory in order to direct it, theory needs empirics in order to remain grounded.
Thanks for writing this. I think it is a useful model. However, there is one thing I want to push back against: I agree with Apollo Research that evals isn't really a science yet. It mostly seems to be conducted according to vibes. Model internals could help with this, but things like building experience or auditing models using different schemes and comparing them could help make this more scientific. Similarly, a lot of work with Model Organisms of Alignment requires a lot of careful thought to get right.

When I wrote that, I wasn't thinking so much about evals / model organisms as stuff like:

basically stuff along the lines of "when you put agents in X situation, they tend to do Y thing", rather than trying to understand latent causes / capabilities

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