
I operate by Crocker's rules.

I try to not make people regret telling me things. So in particular:
- I expect to be safe to ask if your post would give AI labs dangerous ideas.
- If you worry I'll produce such posts, I'll try to keep your worry from making them more likely even if I disagree. Not thinking there will be easier if you don't spell it out in the initial contact.


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we fix the BOS token attention to 0.5

1.5 does conjunction without my dummy.

When at most one clause is true, 0.5 does disjunction instead.

(To show my idea compatible with Boolean attention.)

I use a single head, and the ranks add up linearly.

Appendix C attempts to discard the softargmax, but it's an integral part of my suggestion. If the inputs to softargmax take values {0,1000,2000}, the outputs will take only two values.

From the RASP paper:

The uniform weights dictated by our selectors reflect an attention pattern in which ‘unselected’ pairs are all given strongly negative scores, while the selected pairs all have higher, similar, scores.

Addition of such attention patterns corresponds to anding of such selectors.

Isn't (select(a, b, ==) and select(c, d, ==)) just the sum of the two QK matrices? It'll produce NxN entries in {0,1,2}, and softargmax with low temp treats 1s like 0s in the presence of a dummy token's 2.

It seems important to clarify the difference between From ⊢A, conclude ⊢□A and ⊢□A→□□A. I don't feel like I get why we don't just set conclude := → and ⊢:=□.


löb = □ (□ A → A) → □ A
□löb = □ (□ (□ A → A) → □ A)
□löb -> löb:
  löb premises □ (□ A → A).
  By internal necessitation, □ (□ (□ A → A)).
  By □löb, □ (□ A).
  By löb's premise, □ A.

The recursive self-improvement isn't necessarily human-out-of-the-loop: If an AGI comes up with simpler math, everything gets easier.

It wouldn't just guess the next line of the proof, it'd guess the next conjecture. It could translate our math papers into proofs that compile, then write libraries that reduce code duplication. I expect canonical solutions to our confusions to fall out of a good enough such library.

Oh, I wasn't expecting you to have addressed the issue! 10.2.4 says L wouldn't be S if it were calculated from projected actions instead of given actions. How so? Mightn't it predict the given actions correctly?

You're right on all counts in your last paragraph.

it is very interpretable to humans

Misunderstanding: I expect we can't construct a counterfactual planner because we can't pick out the compute core in the black-box learned model.

And my Eliezer's problem with counterfactual planning is that the plan may start by unleashing a dozen memetic, biological, technological, magical, political and/or untyped existential hazards on the world which then may not even be coordinated correctly when one of your safeguards takes out one of the resulting silicon entities.

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