phd student in comp neuroscience @ mpi brain research frankfurt. and
Hmm there was a bunch of back and forth on this point even before the first version of the post, with @Michael Oesterle and @metasemi arguing what you are arguing. My motivation for calling the token the state is that A) the math gets easier/cleaner that way and B) it matches my geometric intuitions. In particular, if I have a first-order dynamical system then is the state, not the trajectory of states . In this situation, the dynamics of the system only depend on the current state (that's because it's a first-order system). When we move to higher-order systems, , then the state is still just , but the dynamics of the system but also the "direction from which we entered it". That's the first derivative (in a time-continuous system) or the previous state (in a time-discrete system).
At least I think that's what's going on. If someone makes a compelling argument that defuses my argument then I'm happy to concede!
Technically correct, thanks for pointing that out! This comment (and the ones like it) was the motivation for introducing the "non-degenerate" requirement into the text. In practice, the proposition holds pretty well - although I agree it would nice to have a deeper understanding of when to expect the transition rule to be "non-degenerate"
This work by Michael Aird and Justin Shovelain might also be relevant: "Using vector fields to visualise preferences and make them consistent"
And I have a post where I demonstrate that reward modeling can extract utility functions from non-transitive preference orderings: "Inferring utility functions from locally non-transitive preferences"
(Extremely cool project ideas btw)
I'm pretty confused here.
Yeah, the feeling's mutual 😅 But the discussion is also very rewarding for me, thank you for engaging!
I am in favor of learning-from-scratch, and I am also in favor of specific designed inductive biases, and I don't think those two things are in opposition to each other.
A couple of thoughts:
The point is, this kind of explanation does not talk about subplates and synapses, it talks about principles of algorithms and computations.
That sounds a lot more like cognitive science than neuroscience! This is completely fine (I did my undergrad in CogSci), but it requires a different set of arguments from the ones you are providing in your post, I think. If you want to make a CogSci case for learning from scratch, then your argument has to be a lot more constructive (i.e. literally walk us through the steps of how your proposed system can learn all/a lot of what humans can learn). Either you take a look at what is there in the brain (subplate, synapses, ...), describe how these things interact, and (correctly) infer that it's sufficient to produce a mind (this is the neuroscience strategy); Or you propose an abstract system, demonstrate that it can do the same thing as the mind, and then demonstrate that the components of the abstract system can be identified with the biological brain (this is the CogSci strategy). I think you're skipping step two of the CogSci strategy.
Whatever that explanation is, it's a thing that we can turn into a design spec for our own algorithms, which, powered by the same engineering principles, will do the same computations, with the same results.
I'm on board with that. I anticipate that the design spec will contain (the equivalent of) a ton of hardcoded genetic stuff also for the "learning subsystem"/cortex. From a CogSci perspective, I'm willing to assume that this genetic stuff could be in the learning rule and the architecture, not in the initial weights. From a neuroscience perspective, I'm not convinced that's the case.
is that true even if there haven't been any retinal waves?
Blocking retinal waves messes up the cortex pretty substantially (same as if the animal were born without eyes). There is the beta-2 knockout mouse, which has retinal waves but with weaker spatiotemporal correlations. As a consequence beta-2 mice fail to track moving gratings and have disrupted receptive fields.
Here's an operationalization. Suppose someday we write computer code that can do the exact same useful computational things that the neocortex (etc.) does, for the exact same reason. My question is: Might that code look like a learning-from-scratch algorithm?
Hmm, I see. If this is the crux, then I'll put all the remaining nitpicking at the end of my comment and just say: I think I'm on board with your argument. Yes, it seems conceivable to me that a learning-from-scratch program ends up in a (functionally) very similar state to the brain. The trajectory of how the program ends up there over training probably looks different (and might take a bit longer if it doesn't use the shortcuts that the brain got from evolution), but I don't think the stuff that evolution put in the cortex is strictly necessary.
A caveat: I'm not sure how much weight the similarity between the program and the brain can support before it breaks down. I'd strongly suspect that certain aspects of the cortex are not logically implied by the statistics of the environment, but rather represent idiosyncratic quirks that were adapted at some point during evolution. Those idiosyncratic quirks won't be in the learning-from-scratch program. But perhaps (probably?) they are also not relevant in the big scheme of things.
I'm inclined to put different layer thicknesses (including agranularity) in the category of "non-uniform hyperparameters".
Fair! Most people in computational neuroscience are also very happy to ignore those differences, and so far nothing terribly bad happened.
If you buy the "locally-random pattern separation" story (Section 2.5.4), that would make it impossible for evolution to initialize the adjustable parameters in a non-locally-random way.
You point out yourself that some areas (f.e. the motor cortex) are granular, so that argument doesn't work there. But ignoring that, and conceding the cerebellum and the drosophila mushroom body to you (not my area of expertise), I'm pretty doubtful about postulating "locally-random pattern separation" in the cortex. I'm interpreting your thesis to cash out as "Given a handful of granule cells from layer 4, the connectivity with pyramidal neurons in layer 2/3 is (initially) effectively random, and therefore layer 2/3 neurons need to learn (from scratch) how to interpret the signal from layer 4". Is that an okay summary?
Because then I think this fails at three points:
Obviously, there are still a lot of things that need to be refined and set up during later development, but defects in these early stages of network initialization are pretty bad (a lot of neurodevelopmental disorders manifest as "wiring defects" that start in early development).
I'm very confused by this. I have coded up a ConvNet with random initialization. It was computationally tractable; in fact, it ran on my laptop!
Okay, my claim there came out a lot stronger than I wanted and I concede a lot of what you say. Learning from scratch is probably not computationally intractable in the technical sense. I guess what I wanted to argue is that it appears practically infeasible to learn everything from scratch. (There is a lot of "everything" and not a lot of time to learn it. Any headstart might be strictly necessary and not just a nice-to-have).
(As a side point: your choice of a convnet as the example is interesting. People came up with convnets because fully-connected, randomly initialized networks were not great at image classification and we needed some inductive bias in the form of a locality constraint to learn in a reasonable time. That's the point I wanted to make.)
I guess maybe what you're claiming is: we can't have all three of {learning from scratch, general intelligence, computational tractability}.
Interesting, I haven't thought about it like this before. I do think it could be possible to have all three - but then it's not the brain anymore. As far as I can tell, evolutionary pressures make complete learning from scratch infeasible.
Hey Steve! Thanks for writing this, it was an interesting and useful read! After our discussion in the LW comments, I wanted to get a better understanding of your thinking and this sequence is doing the job. Now I feel I can better engage in a technical discussion.
I can sympathize well with your struggle in section 2.6. A lot of the "big picture" neuroscience is in the stage where it's not even wrong. That being said, I don't think you'll find a lot of neuroscientists who nod along with your line of argument without raising objections here and there (neuroscientists love their trivia). They might be missing the point, but I think that still makes your theory (by definition) controversial. (I think the term "scientific consensus" should be used carefully and very selectively).
In that spirit, there are a few points that I could push back on:
But perhaps I'm missing the point with that nitpicking. I think the broader conceptual question I have is: What does "randomly initialized" even mean in the brain? At what point is the brain initialized? When the neural tube forms? When interneurons begin to migrate to the cortex? When the first synapses are established? When the subplate is gone? When the pruning of excess synapses and the apoptosis of cells is over? When the animal/human is born? When all the senses begin to transmit input? After college graduation?
Perhaps this is the point that the "old-timer" also wanted to make. It doesn't really make sense to separate the "initialization" from the "refinement". They happen at the same time, and whether you put a certain thing into one category or the other is up to individual taste.
All of this being said, I'm very curious to read the next parts of this sequence! :) Perhaps my points don't even affect your core argument about AI Safety.
Thank you very much for pointing it out! Just checked the primary source there it's spelled correctly. But the misspelled version can be found in some newer books that cite the passage. Funny how typos spread...
I'll fix it!
Hi, thanks for the response! I apologize, the "Left as an exercise" line was mine, and written kind of tongue-in-cheek. The rough sketch of the proposition we had in the initial draft did not spell out sufficiently clearly what it was I want to demonstrate here and was also (as you point out correctly) wrong in the way it was stated. That wasted people's time and I feel pretty bad about it. Mea culpa.
I think/hope the current version of the statement is more complete and less wrong. (Although I also wouldn't be shocked if there are mistakes in there). Regarding your points: