Linda Linsefors

Hi, I am a Physicist, an Effective Altruist and AI Safety student/researcher.

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According to my calculation, this embedding will result in too much compounding noise. I get the same noise results as you for one layer, but the noise grows too much from layer to layer.

However, Lucius suggested a different embedding, which seems to work. 

We'll have some publication on this eventually. If you want to see the details sooner you can message me.

Since Bayesian statistics is both fundamental and theoretically tractable

What do you mean by "tractable" here?

In standard form, a natural latent is always approximately a deterministic function of . Specifically: .

What does the arrow mean in this expression?

You can find their prefeed contact info in each document in the Team section.

Yes there are, sort of...

You can apply to as many projects as you want, but you can only join one team. 

The reasons for this is: When we've let people join more than one team in the past, they usually end up not having time for both and dropping out of one of the projects.

What this actually means:

When you join a team you're making a promise to spend 10 or more hours per week on that project. When we say you're only allowed to join one team, what we're saying is that you're only allowed to make this promise to one project.

However, you are allowed to help out other teams with their projects, even if you're not officially on the team.

@Samuel Nellessen 
Thanks for answering Gunnars question.

But also, I'm a bit nervous that posting their email here directly in the comments is too public, i.e. easy for spam-bots to find. 

If the research lead want to be contactable, their contact info is in their projekt document, under the "Team" section. Most (or all, I'm not sure) research leads have some contact info.

Yesterday was the official application deadline for leading a project at the next AISC. This means that we just got a whole host of project proposals. 

If you're interested in giving feedback and advise to our new research leads, let me know. If I trust your judgment, I'll onboard you as an AISC advisor.

Also, it's still possible to send us a late AISC project proposals. However we will prioritise people how applied in time when giving support and feedback. Further more, we'll prioritise less late applications over more late applications. 

At this writing goes to our new website while goes to our old website. We're working on fixing this.

If you want to spread information about AISC, please make sure to link to our new webpage, and not the old one. 

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