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Right, so one possibility is that you are doing something that is “speeding up the development of AIS-helpful capabilities” by 1 day, but you are also simultaneously speeding up “dangerous capabilities” by 1 day, because they are the same thing.
TBC, I was thinking about something like: "speed up the development of AIS-helpful capabilities by 3 days, at the cost of speeding up the development of dangerous capabilities by 1 day".
I think Abram is saying the following:
I wonder how the following behavioral patterns fit into Shard Theory
Standardized communication protocols
Language is the most obvious example, but there's plenty of others. E.g. taking different parts of the body as subsystems communicating with each other, one neurotransmitter/hormone often has very similar effects in many parts of the body.
In software, different processes can communicate with each other by passing messages having some well-defined format. When you're sending an API request, you usually have a good idea of what shape the response is going to take and if the request fails, it should fail in a predictable way that can be harmlessly handled. This makes making reliable software easier.
Some cases of standardization are spontaneous/bottom-up, whereas others are engineered top-down. Human language is both. Languages with greater number of users seem to evolve simpler, more standardized grammars, e.g. compare Russian to Czech or English to Icelandic (though syncretism and promiscuous borrowing may also have had an impact in the second case). I don't know if something like that occurs at all in programming languages but one factor that makes it much less likely is the need to maintain backward-compatibility, which is important for programing languages but much weaker for human languages.
I don't have a specific example right now but some things that come to mind:
So far in this thread I was mostly talking from the perspective of my model(/steelman?) of Abram's argument.
I mostly agree with this.
Still, this doesn't[1] rule out the possibility of getting an AI that understands (is superintelligent in?) one complex domain (specifically here, whatever is necessary to meaningfully speed up AIS research) (and maybe a few more, as I don't expect the space of possible domains to be that compartmentalizable), but is not superintelligent across all complex domains that would make it dangerous.
It doesn't even have to be a superintelligent reasoner about minds. Babbling up clever and novel mathematical concepts for a human researcher to prune could be sufficient to meaningfully boost AI safety (I don't think we're primarily bottlenecked on mathy stuff but it might help some people and I think that's one thing that Abram would like to see).
Doesn't rule out in itself but perhaps you have some other assumptions that imply it's 1:1, as you say.