
I'm trying to prevent doom from AI. Currently trying to become sufficiently good at alignment research. Feel free to DM for meeting requests.


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So the lab implements the non-solution, turns up the self-improvement dial, and by the time anybody realizes they haven’t actually solved the superintelligence alignment problem (if anybody even realizes at all), it’s already too late.

If the AI is producing slop, then why is there a self-improvement dial? Why wouldn’t its self-improvement ideas be things that sound good but don’t actually work, just as its safety ideas are?

Because you can speed up AI capabilities much easier while being sloppy than to produce actually good alignment ideas.

If you really think you need to be similarly unsloppy to build ASI than to align ASI, I'd be interested in discussing that. So maybe give some pointers to why you might think that (or tell me to start).

(Tbc, I directionally agree with you that anti-slop is very useful AI capabilities and that I wouldn't publish stuff like Abram's "belief propagation" example.)

Thanks for providing a concrete example!

Belief propagation seems too much of a core of AI capability to me. I'd rather place my hope on GPT7 not being all that good yet at accelerating AI research and us having significantly more time.

I also think the "drowned out in the noise" isn't that realistic. You ought to be able to show some quite impressive results relative to computing power used. Though when you maybe should try to convince the AI labs of your better paradigm is going to be difficult to call. It's plausible to me we won't see signs that make us sufficiently confident that we only have a short time left, and it's plausible we do.

In any case before you publish something you can share it with trustworthy people and then we can discuss that concrete case in detail.

Btw tbc, sth that I think slightly speeds up AI capability but is good to publish is e.g. producing rationality content for helping humans think more effectively (and AIs might be able to adopt the techniques as well). Creating a language for rationalists to reason in more Bayesian ways would probably also be good to publish.

Can you link me to what you mean by John's model more precisely?

If you mean John's slop-instead-scheming post, I agree with that with the "slop slightly more likely than scheming" part. I might need to reread John's post to see what the concrete suggestions for what to work on might be. Will do so tomorrow.

I'm just pessimistic that we can get any nontrivially useful alignment work out of AIs until a few months before the singularity, at least besides some math. Or like at least for the parts of the problem we are bottlenecked on.

So like I think it's valuable to have AIs that are near the singularity be more rational. But I don't really buy the differentially improving alignment thing. Or like could you make a somewhat concrete example of what you think might be good to publish?

Like, all capabilities will help somewhat with the AI being less likely to make errors that screw its alignment. Which ones do you think are more important than others? There would have to be a significant difference in usefulness pf some capabilities, because else you could just do the same alignment work later and still have similarly much time to superintelligence (and could get more non-timeline-upspeeding work done).


True, I think your characterization of tiling agents is better. But my impression was sorta that this self-trust is an important precursor for the dynamic self-modification case where alignment properties need to be preserved through the self-modification. Yeah I guess calling this AI solving alignment is sorta confused, though maybe there's sth into this direction because the AI still does the search to try to preserve the alignment properties?

Hm I mean yeah if the current bottleneck is math instead of conceptualizing what math has to be done then it's a bit more plausible. Like I think it ought to be feasible to get AIs that are extremely good at proving theorems and maybe also formalizing conjectures. Though I'd be a lot more pessimistic about finding good formal representations for describing/modelling ideas.

Do you think we are basically only bottlenecked on math so sufficient math skill could carry us to aligned AI, or only have some alignment philosophy overhang you want to formalize but then more philosophy will be needed?

What kind of alignment research do you hope to speed up anyway?

For advanced philosophy like stuff (e.g. finding good formal representations for world models, or inventing logical induction) they don't seem anywhere remotely close to being useful.

My guess would be for tiling agents theory neither but I haven't worked on it, so very curious on your take here. (IIUC, to some extent the goal of tiling-agents-theory-like work there was to have an AI solve it's own alignment problem. Not sure how far the theory side got there and whether it could be combined with LLMs.)

Or what is your alignment hope in more concrete detail?

This argument might move some people to work on "capabilities" or to publish such work when they might not otherwise do so.

Above all, I'm interested in feedback on these ideas. The title has a question mark for a reason; this all feels conjectural to me.

My current guess:

I wouldn't expect much useful research to come from having published ideas. It's mostly just going to be used in capabilities and it seems like a bad idea to publish stuff.

Sure you can work on it and be infosec cautious and keep it secret. Maybe share it with a few very trusted people who might actually have some good ideas. And depending on how things play out if in a couple years there's some actual effort from the joined collection of the leading labs to align AI and they only have like 2-8 months left before competition will hit the AI improving AI dynamic quite hard, then you might go to the labs and share your ideas with them (while still trying to keep it closed within those labs - which will probably only work for a few months or a year or so until there's leakage).

Hm interesting. I mean I'd imagine that if we get good heuristic guarantees for a system it would basically mean that all the not-perfectly-aligned subsystems/subsearches are limited and contained enough that they won't be able to engage in RSI. But maybe I misunderstand your point? (Like maybe you have specific reason to believe that it would be very hard to predict reliably that a subsystem is contained enough to not engage in RSI or so?)

(I think inner alignment is very hard and humans are currently not (nearly?) competent enough to figure out how to set up training setups within two decades. Like for being able to get good heuristic guarantees I think we'd need to at least figure out at least something sorta like the steering subsystem which tries to align the human brain, only better because it's not good enough for smart humans I'd say. (Though Steven Byrnes' agenda is perhaps a UANFSI approach that might have sorta a shot because it might open up possibilities of studying in more detail how values form in humans. Though it's a central example of what I was imagining when I coined the term.))

How bottlenecked is your agenda by philosophy skills (like being good at thought experiments for deriving stuff like UDT, or like being good at figuring out the right ontology for thinking about systems or problems) vs math skill vs other stuff?

Idk that could be part of finding heuristic arguments for desireable properties for what an UANFSI converges to. Possibly it's easier to provide probabilistic convergence guarantees for systems that don't do FSI so this would already give some implicit evidence. But we could also just say that it's fine if FSI happens as long as we have heuristic convergence arguments - like that UANFSI is just allowing for a broader class of algorithms which might make stuff easier - though i mostly don't expect we'd get FSI alignment through this indirect alignment path from UANFSI but that we'd get an NFSI AI if we get some probabilistic convergence guarantees.

(Also I didn't think much about it at all. As said I'm trying KANSI for now.)

Thanks for writing up some of the theory of change for the tiling agents agenda!

I'd be curious on your take on the importance of the Löbian obstacle: I feel like it's important to do this research for aligning full-blown RSI-to-superintelligence, but at the same time it introduces quite some extra difficulty, and I'd be more excited about research (which ultimately aims for pivotal-act level alignment) where we're fine assuming some "fixed meta level" in the learning algorithm but general enough that the object-level AI can get very powerful. It seems to me that this might make it easier to prove/heuristically-argue-for that the AI will end up with some desirable properties.

Relatedly, I feel like on arbital there were the categories "RSI" and "KANSI", but AFAICT not clearly some third category like "unknown-algorithm non-full-self-improving (UANFSI?) AI". (Where IMO current deep learning clearly fits into the third category, though there might be a lot more out there which would too.) I'm currently working on KANSI AI, but if I didn't I'd be a bit more excited about (formal) UANFSI approaches than full RSI theory, especially since the latter seems to have been tried more. (E.g. I guess I'd classify Vanassa Kosoy's work as UANFSI, but I didn't look much at it yet.) (Also there can still be some self-improvement for UANFSI AIs, but as said there would be some meta level that would be fixed.)

But possible I strongly misunderstand something (e.g. maybe the Löbian obstacle isn't that central?).

(In any case I think there ought to be multiple people continuing this line of work.)

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