All of Zach Stein-Perlman's Comments + Replies

I think ideally we'd have several versions of a model. The default version would be ignorant about AI risk, AI safety and evaluation techniques, and maybe modern LLMs (in addition to misuse-y dangerous capabilities). When you need a model that's knowledgeable about that stuff, you use the knowledgeable version.


Somewhat related:

Some people have posted ideas on what a reasonable plan to reduce AI risk for such timelines might look like (e.g. Sam Bowman’s checklist, or Holden Karnofsky’s list in his 2022 nearcast), but I find them insufficient for the magnitude of the stakes (to be clear, I don’t think these example lists were intended to be an extensive plan).

See also A Plan for Technical AI Safety with Current Science (Greenblatt 2023) for a detailed (but rough, out-of-date, and very high-context) plan.

I asked Rohin Shah what the debate agenda is about and he said (off the cuff, not necessarily worded well) (context omitted) (emphasis mine):

Suppose you have any task where given an input x the AI has to produce some output y. (Can be question answering, arbitrary chatbot stuff, being an agent, whatever.)

Debate to me is a family of procedures for training AIs in such settings. One example such procedure is: sample two possible outputs y1 and y2, then have two AIs debate each other about which output is better (one assigned to y1 and the other assigned to y

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5Buck Shlegeris
In cases where you're worried about the model taking small numbers of catastrophic actions (i.e. concentrated failures a.k.a. high-stake failures), this is basically equivalent to what I usually call untrusted monitoring, which means you have to worry about collusion.
3Buck Shlegeris
IMO it's good to separate out reasons to want good reward signals like so: * Maybe bad reward signals cause your model to "generalize in misaligned ways", e.g. scheming or some kinds of non-myopic reward hacking * I agree that bad reward signals increase the chance your AI is importantly misaligned, though I don't think that effect would be overwhelmingly strong. * Maybe bad reward signals cause your model to exploit those reward signals even on-distribution. This causes problems in a few ways: * Maybe you think that optimizing against a flawed reward signal will produce catastrophically dangerous results. X-risk concerned people have talked about this for a long time, but I'm not sold it's that important a factor. In particular, I expect that a model would produce catastrophically dangerous actions because it's exploiting a flawed reward signal, I expect that you would have noticed bad (but non-catastrophic) outcomes from earlier AIs exploiting flawed reward signals. So it's hard to see how this failure mode would strike you by surprise. * Optimizing against a flawed reward signal will mean your AI is less useful than it would otherwise be,  because which is bad because you presumably were training the model because you wanted it to do something useful for you. I think this last one is the most important theory of change for research on scalable oversight. I am curious whether @Rohin Shah disagrees with me, or whether he agrees but just phrased it (from my perspective) weirdly.

This post helped me distinguish capabilities-y information that's bad to share from capabilities-y information that's fine/good to share. (Base-model training techniques are bad; evals and eval results are good; scaffolding/prompting/posttraining techniques to elicit more powerful capabilities without more spooky black-box cognition is fine/good.)

This early control post introduced super important ideas: trusted monitoring plus the general point

if you think about approaches to safely using AIs that are robust to deceptive alignment and which can be used right now, a core dynamic is trying to use your dumb trusted models together with your limited access to trusted humans to make it hard for your untrusted smart models to cause problems.

It would be crazy to show the untrusted model the old CoT when resampling.

3Buck Shlegeris
Yep! You might have to show it CoT from previous, non-resampled steps though

What's a bad thing that the agent can do with the jailbreak that it can't just do in the unmonitored scaffold?

Edit: dumb question, oops: obviously the schemer will have affordances that it doesn't have within the unmonitored scaffold / there are actions where it's helpful to jailbreak the monitor. E.g. submitting a pull request, where the code will be read by the monitor. So finding a jailbreak is helpful to the schemer.

Why can't the schemer just do the bad stuff in the unmonitored scaffold from (1)?

2Buck Shlegeris
I don’t understand, can you say more?

When someone describes a safety case where one of the steps is infeasible, here are two possible reactions:

  1. Step X will be ~impossible to justify; hopefully the lab will understand that (if nothing else then when they try to justify step X) and look for a different kind of safety case
  2. Step X will be ~impossible to justify, but the authors seem to think the plan requiring it is decent; this suggests that they don't understand the issue and when they make a safety case they'll likely think they're justifying step X when they're not

Regardless, if you think a st... (read more)

My initial reactions on a quick read:

  1. Interp: no inside view; my impression is that my friends are pessimistic about such safety cases in the next few years
  2. Control: hooray for Anthropic finally writing something about control; some details seem good; some details seem odd ("contexts that were specifically whitelisted"); I think the naive pre-deployment honeypots path doesn't work because a scheming model wins with the defect rarely strategy (related:
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This is just the paralysis argument. (Maybe any sophisticated non-consequentialists will have to avoid this anyway. Maybe this shows that non-consequentialism is unappealing.)

[Edit after Buck's reply: I think it's weaker because most Anthropic employees aren't causing the possible-deaths, just participating in a process that might cause deaths.]

3Buck Shlegeris
I think it’s a bit stronger than the usual paralysis argument in this case, but yeah.

tl;dr: I think Anthropic is on track to trade off nontrivial P(win) to improve short-term AI welfare,[1] and this seems bad and confusing to me. (This worry isn't really based on this post; the post just inspired me to write something.)

Anthropic buys carbon offsets to be carbon-neutral. Carbon-offset mindset involves:

  • Doing things that feel good—and look good to many ethics-minded observers—but are more motivated by purity than seeking to do as much good as possible and thus likely to be much less valuable than the best way to do good (on the margin)
  • Fo
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But when I hear Anthropic people (and most AI safety people) talk about AI welfare, the vibe is like it would be unacceptable to incur a [1% or 5% or so] risk of a deployment accidentally creating AI suffering worse than 10^[6 or 9 or so] suffering-filled human lives.

You have to be a pretty committed scope-sensitive consequentialist to disagree with this. What if they actually risked torturing 1M or 1B people? That seems terrible and unacceptable, and by assumption AI suffering is equivalent to human suffering. I think our societal norms are such that unac... (read more)

I agree that we generally shouldn't trade off risk of permanent civilization-ending catastrophe for Earth-scale AI welfare, but I just really would defend the line that addressing short-term AI welfare is important for both long-term existential risk and long-term AI welfare. One reason as to why that you don't mention: AIs are extremely influenced by what they've seen other AIs in their training data do and how they've seen those AIs be treated—cf. some of Janus's writing or Conditioning Predictive Models.

Yay DeepMind safety humans for doing lots of (seemingly-)good safety work. I'm particularly happy with DeepMind's approach to creating and sharing dangerous capability evals.

Yay DeepMind for growing the safety teams substantially:

We’ve also been growing since our last post: by 39% last year, and by 37% so far this year.

What's the size of the AGI Alignment and Frontier Safety teams now?

It depends fairly significantly on how you draw the boundaries; I think anywhere between 30 and 50 is defensible. (For the growth numbers I chose one specific but arbitrary way of drawing the boundaries, I expect you'd get similar numbers using other methods of drawing the boundaries.) Note this does not include everyone working on safety, e.g. it doesn't include the people working on present day safety or adversarial robustness.

It was a secretive program — it wasn’t advertised anywhere, and we had to sign an NDA about its existence (which we have since been released from). I got the impression that this was because OpenAI really wanted to keep the existence of GPT4 under wraps. Anyway, that means I don’t have any proof beyond my word.

Yay Anthropic. This is the first example I'm aware of of a lab sharing model access with external safety researchers to boost their research (like, not just for evals). I wish the labs did this more.

[Edit: OpenAI shared GPT-4 access with safety researchers including Rachel Freedman before release. OpenAI shared GPT-4 fine-tuning access with academic researchers including Jacob Steinhardt and Daniel Kang in 2023. Yay OpenAI. GPT-4 fine-tuning access is still not public; some widely-respected safety researchers I know recently were wishing for it, and were w... (read more)

6Rachel Freedman
OpenAI did this too, with GPT-4 pre-release. It was a small program, though — I think just 5-10 researchers.

The control-y plan I'm excited about doesn't feel to me like squeeze useful work out of clearly misaligned models. It's like use scaffolding/oversight to make using a model safer, and get decent arguments that using the model (in certain constrained ways) is pretty safe even if it's scheming. Then if you ever catch the model scheming, do some combination of (1) stop using it, (2) produce legible evidence of scheming, and (3) do few-shot catastrophe prevention. But I defer to Ryan here.

6Ryan Greenblatt
I think once you're doing few-shot catastrophe prevention and trying to get useful work out of that model, you're plausibly in the "squeezing useful work out of clearly misaligned models regime". (Though it's not clear that squeezing is a good description and you might think that your few-shot catastrophe prevention interventions have a high chance of removing scheming. I'm generally skeptical about removing catastrophic misalignment just based on one escape attempt, but I think that we still might be able to greatly improve safety via other mechanisms.) As I discuss in my comment responding to the sibling comment from habryka, I'm interested in both of ensuring direct safety and getting useful work from scheming models.
2Oliver Habryka
I had a long two-hour conversation with Ryan yesterday about this, and at least my sense was that he is thinking about it as "squeeze useful work out of clearly misaligned models".  He also thought other people should probably work on making it so that if we see this behavior we stop scaling and produce legible evidence of scheming to facilitate a good societal response, but my sense is that he was thinking of that as separate from the work he was pointing to with the AI control post.

It's "a unified methodology" but I claim it has two very different uses: (1) determining whether a model is safe (in general or within particular scaffolding) and (2) directly making deployment safer. Or (1) model evals and (2) inference-time safety techniques.

3Ryan Greenblatt
(Agreed except that "inference-time safety techiques" feels overly limiting. It's more like purely behavioral (black-box) safety techniques where we can evaluate training by converting it to validation. Then, we imagine we get the worst model that isn't discriminated by our validation set and other measurements. I hope this isn't too incomprehensible, but don't worry if it is, this point isn't that important.)


I think there's another agenda like make untrusted models safe but useful by putting them in a scaffolding/bureaucracy—of filters, classifiers, LMs, humans, etc.—such that at inference time, takeover attempts are less likely to succeed and more likely to be caught. See Untrusted smart models and trusted dumb models (Shlegeris 2023). Other relevant work:

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2Ryan Greenblatt
Explicitly noting for the record we have some forthcoming work on AI control which should be out relatively soon. (I work at RR)
I like this. It's like a structural version of control evaluations. Will think where to put it in

Nice. (I'm interested in figuring out what labs should do regarding security and would appreciate information/takes.)

Suggestions for what else they should think about or do?

I've collected quotes from some other sources; here are two three:

Towards best practices in AGI safety and governance (Schuett et al. 2023):

  • "Security incident response plan. AGI labs should have a plan for how they respond to security incidents (e.g. cyberattacks)."
  • "Industry sharing of security information. AGI labs should share threat intelligence and information about security inciden
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Huh, I claim Ajeya's timelines are much more coherent if we replace 2026 with 2027.5 or 2028.* 10% between now and 2026, then 5% between 2026 and 2030, then 20% between 2030 and 2036 is really weird.

*Changing 2026 (rather than 2030) just because Ajeya's 2026 cumulative probability seems less considered than her 2030 and 2036 cumulative probabilities.

3Ajeya Cotra
(Coherence aside, when I now look at that number it does seem a bit too high, and I feel tempted to move it to 2027-2028, but I dunno, that kind of intuition is likely to change quickly from day to day.)

(+1. I totally agree that input growth will slow sometime if we don't get TAI soon. I just think you have to be pretty sure that it slows right around 2040 to have the specific numbers you mention, and smoothing out when it will slow down due to that uncertainty gives a smoother probability distribution for TAI.)

Good post!

I understand that the specific numbers in this post are "rough" and "volatile," but I want to note that 35% by 2036, 50% by 2040, and 60% by 2050 means 3.75% per year 2036–2040 and 1% per year 2040–2050, which is a surprisingly steep drop-off. Or as an alternative framing, conditional on TAI not having appeared by 2040, my expected credence in 2040 that TAI appears in the next 10 years is much greater than 20% (where 20% is your implied probability of TAI between 2040 and 2050, conditional on no TAI in 2040). My median timeline is somewhat shorte... (read more)

Hm, yeah, I bet if I reflected more things would shift around, but I'm not sure the fact that there's a shortish period where the per-year probability is very elevated followed by a longer period with lower per-year probability is actually a bad sign.

Roughly speaking, right now we're in an AI boom where spending on compute for training big models is going up rapidly, and it's fairly easy to actually increase spending quickly because the current levels are low. There's some chance of transformative AI in the middle of this spending boom -- and because resou... (read more)

How optimistic should we be about alignment & safety for brain-like-AGI, relative to prosaic AGI?

3Steve Byrnes
That’s a hard question for me to answer, because I have a real vivid inside-view picture of researchers eventually building AGI via the “brain-like” route, and what the resulting AGI would look like, whereas when I try to imagine other R&D routes to AGI, I can’t, except by imagining that future researchers will converge towards the brain-like path. :-P In particular: * I think a model trained purely on self-supervised learning (not RL) would be safer than brain-like AGI. But I don’t think a model trained purely on self-supervised learning would be “AGI” in the first place. (For various reasons, one of which is the discussion of “RL-on-thoughts” here.) And those two beliefs are very related!! So then I do Murphyjitsu by saying to myself: OK but if I’m wrong, and self-supervised learning did scale to AGI, how did that happen? Then I imagine future models acquiring, umm, “agency”, either by future programmers explicitly incorporating RL etc. deeply into the training / architecture, or else by agency emerging somehow e.g. because it’s “simulating” agential humans., and either of those brings us much closer to brain-like AGI, and thus I stop feeling like it’s safer than brain-like AGI. * I do think the Risks-From-Learned-Optimization model could in principle create AGI (obviously, that’s how evolution made humans). But I don’t think it would happen, for reasons in Post 8. If it did happen, the only way I can concretely imagine it happening is that the inner model is a brain-like AGI. In that case, I think it would be worse than making brain-like AGI directly, for reasons in §8.3.3.

Ask dumb questions! ... we encourage people to ask clarifying questions in the comments of this post (no matter how “dumb” they are)

ok... disclaimer: I know little about ML and I didn't read all of the report.

All of our counterexamples are based on an ontology mismatch between two different Bayes nets, one used by an ML prediction model (“the predictor”) and one used by a human.

I am confused. Perhaps the above sentence is true in some tautological sense I'm missing. But in the sections of the report listing training strategies and corresponding coun... (read more)

0Ajeya Cotra
In the report, the first volley of examples and counterexamples are not focused solely on ontology mismatch, but everything after the relevant section is. ARC is always considering the case where the model does "know" the right answer to whether the diamond is in the room in the sense that it is discussed in the self-contained problem statement appendix here. The ontology mismatch problem is not referring to the case where the AI "just doesn't have" some concept -- we're always assuming there's some "actually correct / true" translation between the way the AI thinks about the world and the way the human thinks about the world which is sufficient to answer straightforward questions about the physical world like "whether the diamond is in the room," and is pretty easy for the AI to find. For example, if the AI discovered some new physics and thinks in terms of hyper-strings in a four-dimensional manifold, there is some "true" translation between that and normal objects like "tables / chairs / apples" because the four-dimensional hyper-strings are describing a universe that contains tables / chairs / apples; furthermore, an AI smart enough to derive that complicated physics could pretty easily do that translation -- if given the right incentive -- just as human quantum physicists can translate between the quantum view of the world and the Newtonian view of the world or the folk physics view of the world. The worry explored in this report is not that the AI won't know how to do the translation; it's instead a question of what our loss functions incentivize. Even if it wouldn't be "that hard" to translate in some absolute sense, with the most obvious loss functions we can come up with it might be simpler / more natural / lower-loss to simply do inference in the human Bayes net.

Ha, I wrote a comment like yours but slightly worse, then refreshed and your comment appeared. So now I'll just add one small note:

To the extent that (1) normatively, we care much more about the rest of the universe than our personal lives/futures, and (2) empirically, we believe that our choices are much more consequential if we are non-simulated than if we are simulated, we should in practice act as if there are greater odds that we are non-simulated than we have reason to believe for purely epistemic purposes. So in practice, I'm particularly interested... (read more)

1Lukas Finnveden
Re your edit: That bit seems roughly correct to me. If we are in a simulation, SIA doesn't have strong views on late filters for unsimulated reality. (This is my question (B) above.) And since SIA thinks we're almost certainly in a simulation, it's not crazy to say that SIA doesn't have strong view on late filters for unsimulated reality. SIA is very ok with small late filters, as long as we live in a simulation, which SIA says we probably do. But yeah, it is a little bit confusing, in that we care more about late-filters-in-unsimulated reality if we live in unsimulated reality. And in the (unlikely) case that we do, then we should ask my question (C) above, in which case SIA do have strong views on late filters.