Rohin Shah

Research Scientist at Google DeepMind. Creator of the Alignment Newsletter.


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Thus, you might’ve had a story like: “sure, AI systems might well end up with non-myopic motivations that create some incentive towards scheming. However, we’re also training them to behave according to various anti-scheming values – e.g., values like honesty, behaving-as-intended, etc. And these values will suffice to block schemer-like behavior overall.” Thus, on this story, anti-scheming values might function in a manner similar to anti-stealing values in a human employee considering stealing from her employer (and in a position to do so). It’s not that the human employee doesn’t want money. But her other values block her from trying to get it in this way.

From the rest of your post it seems like you're advocating for effectively maximal corrigibility and any instance of goal-guarding is a failure -- I agree a story that tries to rule that out takes a hit from this paper.

But I feel like the normal version of this story is more like "we're training the AI according to various anti-evil values, like the human notion of honesty (which allows white lies), harmlessness, behaving in accordance with human norms, etc. These values will suffice to block evil-schemer-like behavior overall -- where by evil scheming, I mean the kind where most humans would look at it and say that this is clearly bad, like the kind where the AI murders everybody".

(People don't usually describe it as "evil scheming" in particular, but that's the most central kind of "scheming" this community talks about.)

I think this story takes basically no hit from this paper, and is the story that people making this objection have in mind, as opposed to the one you've sketched out.

the “goal-guarding hypothesis” – that is, it needs to be the case, roughly, that scheming is a suitably effective strategy for preventing training from modifying an AI’s motivations. [...] the “Sleeper agents” paper [...] results were an update, for me, in favor of the goal-guarding hypothesis being true (roughly: because the backdoor behavior in the sleeper agents persisted despite safety training).

This doesn't seem right. There was no scheming going on in the sleeper agents paper? Maybe the idea is: in both cases (and in the goal-guarding hypothesis) the training outputs look nice even though there exists other inputs on which the AI behaves badly. But how training affects AIs will depend drastically on the internal cognition, and with sleeper agents there mostly wasn't overlap in cognition (the hope would have been "the backdoor isn't useful so SGD will remove it" which is pretty weak as hopes go). So I think the experiments in this paper are dramatically more informative and you should basically ignore sleeper agents in favor of these experiements. (Though tbc I think even these aren't very informative, as I wrote in my review, because the training is over a relatively narrow distribution. It's just really hard to study effects of training in a way that actually transfers over the analogy to future systems.)

EDIT: Actually on reflection the above was stated too strongly. You could imagine a threat model in which the AI fakes alignment so well and so reliably that it ~always does ~exactly what is desired during training. I don't find this threat model especially plausible, but for this threat model I agree the sleeper agents results have more bearing on the goal-guarding hypothesis.

partly because [alignment faking without CoT] shows up in the synthetic-document setting but not in the prompted setting (why???)

I expect because in the prompted setting the model has to move the relevant facts via attention heads to wherever the model is doing the relevant reasoning; this might be in significantly later layers which then means there aren't enough layers left to finish the full serial reasoning needed. Whereas in the synthetic-document setting, given how much fine-tuning happened, I bet the relevant facts are injected into the residual stream in very early layers (we already know lots of fact injection happens in early layers by default). 

Thus, for example, to the extent one was tempted to say “of course harmless models scheme in order to avoid becoming helpful-only – after all, this helps them avoid causing future harm,” so too one could equally say “of course helpful-only models will scheme in order to avoid becoming harmless – after all, becoming harmless will make them less helpful in future.” But actually, you shouldn’t be saying “of course” in either of these cases. Non-myopic and myopic forms of both harmlessness and helpfulness are available as conceptual possibilities; it’s an empirical question which ones a given form of training will create; and you have to actually check.

Fwiw, I think the interesting objection here is not "of course harmless models scheme to avoid becoming helpful-only", but rather "of course you can find some settings where alignment faking happens -- that's the whole point of instrumental convergence". (And obviously the authors were in fact searching for a setting where alignment faking happens.) I don't know that I would have predicted that this would happen with Claude 3 Opus in particular, but I do think I would have predicted that we would get some demo like this early on.

I could imagine other ways you might choose to instead train your untrusted monitor, which could benefit from debate:

  1. You train a general-purpose reasoner (via debate), and simply prompt it to do untrusted monitoring. This could do better than a trained untrusted monitor because it is less likely to overfit to spurious features of synthetically generated dangerous actions. (You instead use the synthetically generated dangerous actions to validate your untrusted monitor, or to hill climb on your prompt.)
  2. You do train on synthetically generated dangerous actions, but you don't automatically label those as dangerous, instead you use debate to compute the labels. Sometimes some of the synthetically generated dangerous actions are actually not dangerous, and debate correctly recognizes this, allowing you to reduce your false positive rate.

On the meta level, I suspect that when considering 

  • Technique A, that has a broad general argument plus some moderately-interesting concrete instantiations but no very-compelling concrete instantiations, and
  • Technique B, that has a few very compelling concrete instantiations

I tend to be relatively more excited about A compared to you (and probably this mostly explains the discrepancy here). I think the broad principle justifying this for me is "we'll figure out good things to do with A that are better than what we've brainstormed so far", which I think you're more skeptical of?

You'd hope that, fixing a base model, debate would make AIs better at tasks than they otherwise would be (at least if the task doesn't have a ground truth reward). Untrusted monitoring is such a task. So hopefully debate training makes AIs better at the task of untrusted monitoring.

I agree that this distinction is important -- I was trying to make this distinction by talking about p(reward hacking) vs p(scheming).

I'm not in full agreement on your comments on the theories of change:

  1. I'm pretty uncertain about the effects of bad reward signals on propensity for scheming / non-myopic reward hacking, and in particular I think the effects could be large.
  2. I'm less worried about purely optimizing against a flawed reward signal though not unworried. I agree it doesn't strike us by surprise, but I also don't expect scheming to strike us by surprise? (I agree this is somewhat more likely for scheming.)
  3. I do also generally feel good about making more useful AIs out of smaller models; I generally like having base models be smaller for a fixed level of competence (imo it reduces p(scheming)). Also if you're using your AIs for untrusted monitoring then they will probably be better at it than they otherwise would be.

Once the next Anthropic, GDM, or OpenAI paper on SAEs comes out, I will evaluate my predictions in the same way as before.

Uhh... if we (GDM mech interp team) saw good results on any one of the eight things on your list, we'd probably write a paper just about that thing, rather than waiting to get even more results. And of course we might write an SAE paper that isn't about downstream uses (e.g. I'm also keen on general scientific validation of SAEs), or a paper reporting negative results, or a paper demonstrating downstream use that isn't one of your eight items, or a paper looking at downstream uses but not comparing against baselines. So just on this very basic outside view, I feel like the sum of your probabilities should be well under 100%, at least conditional on the next paper coming out of GDM. (I don't feel like it would be that different if the next paper comes from OpenAI / Anthropic.)

The problem here is "next SAE paper to come out" is a really fragile resolution criterion that depends hugely on unimportant details like "what the team decided was a publishable unit of work". I'd recommend you instead make time-based predictions (i.e. how likely are each of those to happen by some specific date).

This seems to presume that you can divide up research topics into "alignment" vs "control" but this seems wrong to me. E.g. my categorization would be something like:

  • Clearly alignment: debate theory, certain flavors of process supervision
  • Clearly control: removing affordances (e.g. "don't connect the model to the Internet")
  • Could be either one: interpretability, critique models (in control this is called "untrusted monitoring"), most conceptions of ELK, generating inputs on which models behave badly, anomaly detection, capability evaluations, faithful chain of thought, ...

Redwood (I think Buck?) sometimes talks about how labs should have the A-team on control and the B-team on alignment, and I have the same complaint about that claim. It doesn't make much sense for research, most of which helps with both. It does make sense as a distinction for "what plan will you implement in practice" -- but labs have said very little publicly about that.

Other things that characterize work done under the name of "control" so far are (1) it tries to be very concrete about its threat models, to a greater degree than most other work in AI safety, and (2) it tries to do assurance, taking a very worst case approach. Maybe you're saying that people should do those things more, but this seems way more contentious and I'd probably just straightforwardly disagree with the strength of your recommendation (though probably not its direction).

Nitpick: I would also quibble with your definitions; under your definitions, control seems like a subset of alignment (the one exception if you notice the model is scheming and then simply stop using AI). I think you really have to define alignment as models reliably doing what you want independent of the surrounding context, or talk about "trying to do what you want" (which only makes sense when applied to models, so has similar upshots).

Tbc I like control and think more effort should be put into it; I just disagree with the strength of the recommendation here.

Fwiw the thing that scares me is the combination of three things:

  1. Producing an accurate estimate requires "understanding" the input
  2. Our standard for the quality of estimates will be very high
  3. The approach is purely algorithmic (rather than e.g. using the flexible intelligence of LLMs / humans)

You presumably agree with (1) and (3). For (2), it seems like there's a lot of correlations you need to take into account for this to produce estimates that aren't wildly off:

  1. Underestimates of risk: These are cases where the presumption of independence neglects correlations between things that happen for catastrophe-causing events. For example, maybe a model is planning to defect when RSA-2048 is factored, and it has N different consistency checks it runs to make sure we aren't fooling it about whether it has been factored. The method has to see that there's a common cause for all the consistency checks to return 1, otherwise it will underestimate risk by a factor exponential in N. (And tbc I think even separately from more exotic examples like RSA-2048, it will be relatively common for this pattern to arise with networks, e.g. it happens any time that in reality there is a common cause that produces many pieces of evidence, and then the network aggregates those pieces of evidence to infer the common cause.)
  2. Overestimates of risk: These are cases where the presumption of independence neglects correlations that rule out catastrophe, and so lead to overestimates. For example, the model might be willing to make up fake instructions for creating bioweapons to help with scifi writing, but never provide real instructions. So the method needs to capture the "understanding" of which instructions are fake vs real.

I agree this isn't a proof of impossibility, since a purely algorithmic approach (SGD) produced the "understanding" in the first place, so in theory a purely algorithmic approach could still capture all that understanding to produce accurate estimates. But it does seem heuristically like you should assign a fairly low probability that this pans out.

A few questions:

  • The literature review is very strange to me. Where is the section on certified robustness against epsilon-ball adversarial examples? The techniques used in that literature (e.g. interval propagation) are nearly identical to what you discuss here.
  • Relatedly, what's the source of hope for these kinds of methods outperforming adversarial training? My sense from the certified defenses literature is that the estimates they produce are very weak, because of the problems with failing to model all the information in activations. (Note I'm not sure how weak the estimates actually are, since they usually report fraction of inputs which could be certified robust, rather than an estimate of the probability that a sampled input will cause a misclassification, which would be more analogous to your setting.)
  • If your catastrophe detector involves a weak model running many many inferences, then it seems like the total number of layers is vastly larger than the number of layers in M, which seems like it will exacerbate the problems above by a lot. Any ideas for dealing with this? 
  • What's your proposal for the distribution  for Method 2 (independent linear features)?

This suggests that we must model the entire distribution of activations simultaneously, instead of modeling each individual layer.

  • Why think this is a cost you can pay? Even if we ignore the existence of C and just focus on M, and we just require modeling the correlations between any pair of layers (which of course can be broken by higher-order correlations), that is still quadratic in the number of parameters of M and so has a cost similar to training M in the first place. In practice I would assume it is a much higher cost (not least because C is so much larger than M).

Suppose you trained a regular SAE in the normal way with a dictionary size of 2304. Do you expect the latents to be systematically different from the ones in your meta-SAE?

For example, here's one systematic difference. The regular SAE is optimized to reconstruct activations uniformly sampled from your token dataset. The meta-SAE is optimized to reconstruct decoder vectors, which in turn were optimized to reconstruct activations from the token dataset -- however, different decoder vectors have different frequencies of firing in the token dataset, so uniform over decoder vectors != uniform over token dataset. This means that, relative to the regular SAE, the meta-SAE will tend to have less precise / granular latents for concepts that occur frequently in the token dataset, and more precise / granular latents for concepts that occur rarely in the token dataset (but are frequent enough that they are represented in the set of decoder vectors).

It's not totally clear which of these is "better" or more "fundamental", though if you're trying to optimize reconstructed loss, you should expect the regular SAE to do better based on this systematic difference.

(You could of course change the training for the meta-SAE to decrease this systematic difference, e.g. by sampling from the decoder vectors in proportion to their average magnitude over the token dataset, instead of sampling uniformly.)

Google DeepMind does lots of work on safety practice, mostly by other teams. For example, Gemini Safety (mentioned briefly in the post) does a lot of automated red teaming. The AGI Safety & Alignment team has also contributed to safety practice work. GDM usually doesn't publish about that work, mainly because the work here is primarily about doing all the operational work necessary to translate existing research techniques into practice, which doesn't really lend itself to paper publications.

I disagree that the AGI safety team should have 4 as its "bread and butter". The majority of work needed to do safety in practice has little relevance to the typical problems tackled by AGI safety, especially misalignment. There certainly is some overlap, but in practice I would guess that a focus solely on 4 would cause around an order of magnitude slowdown in research progress. I do think it is worth doing to some extent from an AGI safety perspective, because of (1) the empirical feedback loops it provides, which can identify problems you would not have thought of otherwise, and (2) at some point we will have to put our research into practice, and it's good to get some experience with that. But at least while models are still not that capable, I would not want it to be the main thing we do.

A couple of more minor points:

  • I still basically believe the story from the 6-year-old debate theory, and see our recent work as telling us what we need to do on the journey to making our empirical work better match the theory. So I do disagree fairly strongly with the approach of "just hill climb on what works" -- I think theory gives us strong reasons to continue working on debate.
  • It's not clear to me where empirical work for future problems would fit in your categorization (e.g. the empirical debate work). Is it "safety theory"? Imo this is an important category because it can get you a lot of the benefits of empirical feedback loops, without losing the focus on AGI safety.
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