A cyclic group is a group (G,+) (hereafter abbreviated as simply G) with a single generator, in the sense that there is some g∈G such that for every h∈G, there is n∈Z such that h=gn, where we have written gn for g+g+⋯+g (with n terms in the summand).
That is, "there is some element such that the group has nothing in it except powers of that element".
We may write G=⟨g⟩ if g is a generator of G.
- (Z,+)=⟨1⟩=⟨−1⟩
- The group with two elements (say {e,g} with identity e with the only possible group operation g2=e) is cyclic: it is generated by the non-identity element. Note that there is no requirement that the powers of g be distinct: in this case, g2=g0=e.
- The integers modulo n form a cyclic group under addition, for any n: it is generated by 1 (or, indeed, by n−1).
- The symmetric groups Sn for n>2 are not cyclic. This can be deduced from the fact that they are not abelian (see below).
Cyclic groups are abelian
Suppose a,b∈G, and let g be a generator of G. Suppose a=gi,b=gj. Then ab=gigj=gi+j=gj+i=gjgi=ba.
The elements of a cyclic group are nothing more nor less than {g0,g1,g−1,g2,g−2,…}, which is an enumeration of the group (possibly with repeats).