Two elements of a group are conjugate if there is some such that .
Conjugating by is equivalent to "viewing the world through 's eyes". This is most easily demonstrated in the symmetric group, where it is a fact that if and , then
That is, conjugating by has "caused us to view from the point of view of ".
Similarly, in the dihedral group on vertices, conjugation of the rotation by a reflection yields the inverse of the rotation: it is "the rotation, but viewed as acting on the reflected polygon". Equivalently, if the polygon is sitting on a glass table, conjugating the rotation by a reflection makes the rotation act "as if we had moved our head under the table to look upwards first".
In general, if is a group which acts as (some of) the symmetries of a certain object [1] then conjugation of by produces a symmetry which acts in the same way as does, but on a copy of which has already been permuted by .
If a subgroup of is closed under conjugation by elements of , then is a normal subgroup. The concept of a normal subgroup is extremely important in group theory.
Conjugation forms a action. Formally, let act on itself: , with . It is an exercise to show that this is indeed an action.
We need to show that the identity acts trivially, and that products may be broken up to act individually.
The stabiliser of this action, for some fixed , is the set of all elements such that : that is, such that . Equivalently, it is the centraliser of in : it is the subgroup of all elements which commute with .
The orbit of the action, for some fixed , is the conjugacy class of in . By the orbit-stabiliser theorem, this immediately gives that the size of a conjugacy class divides the order of the parent group.