The alternating groups on more than four letters are simple

Written by Patrick Stevens last updated
Requires: Simple group

Let be a natural number. Then the alternating group on elements is simple.


We go by induction on . The base case of we treat separately.

For the inductive step: let , and suppose is a nontrivial normal subgroup of . Ultimately we aim to show that contains the -cycle ; since is a union of conjugacy classes, and since the -cycles form a conjugacy class in , this means every -cycle is in and hence .

Lemma: contains a member of

To start, we will show that at least contains something from (which we view as all the elements of which don't change the letter ). [1] (This approach has to be useful for an induction proof, because we need some way of introducing the simplicity of .) That is, we will show that there is some with , such that .

Let , where is not the identity. certainly sends somewhere; say , where (since if it is, we're done immediately).

Then if we can find some , not equal to , such that , we are done: .

must move something other than (that is, there must be such that ), because if it did not, it would be the transposition , which is not in because it is an odd number of transpositions. Hence and ; also because if it were,


Now, since , we can pick distinct from . Then set , which must lie in because is closed under conjugation.

Then ; and , because which is not equal to (since ). Hence and have different effects on so they are not equal.

Lemma: contains all of

Now that we have shown contains some member of . But is normal in , because is normal in and it is _intersect _subgroup _is _normal the intersection of a subgroup with a normal subgroup. Therefore by the inductive hypothesis, is either the trivial group or is itself.

But is certainly not trivial, because our previous lemma gave us a non-identity element in it; so must actually contain .


Finally, contains so it contains in particular; so we are done by the initial discussion.

Behaviour for

  • is the trivial group so is vacuously not simple.
  • is also the trivial group.
  • is isomorphic to the cyclic group on three generators, so it is simple: it has no nontrivial proper subgroups, let alone normal ones.
  • has the following normal subgroup (the Klein four-group): . Therefore is not simple.
  1. ^︎

    Recall that acts naturally on the set of "letters" by permutation.