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AGI safety from first principles
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2022 MIRI Alignment Discussion

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What if you could remove some information from the weights of an AI? Would that be helpful?

It is clearly useful against some misuse concerns: if you are concerned that LLMs will make it easier to build bioweapons because they have memorized such information, removing the memorized facts would remove this misuse concern.

In a paper Aghyad Deeb and I just released, we show it is tractable to evaluate the presence of certain undesirable facts in an LLM: take independent facts that should have all been removed, fine-tune on some of them, and see if accuracy increases on the other ones. The fine-tuning process should make the model “try” to answer, but if the information was removed from the weights (and if the facts are actually independent), then accuracy on...

Good fine-tuning robustness (i.e. creating models which attackers have a hard time fine-tuning to do a target task) could make the framework much harder to apply. The existence of such technique is a main motivation for describing it as an adversarial framework rather than just saying "just do fine-tuning". All existing tamper resistant technique can be broken (Repnoise fails if you choose the learning rate right, Tamper-resistant fine-tuning method fails if you use LoRA ...), and if you use unlearning techniques which look like that, you should really do ... (read more)

This post starts out pretty gloomy but ends up with some points that I feel pretty positive about.  Day to day, I'm more focussed on the positive points, but awareness of the negative has been crucial to forming my priorities, so I'm going to start with those.  It's mostly addressed to the EA community, but is hopefully somewhat of interest to LessWrong and the Alignment Forum as well.

My main concerns

I think AGI is going to be developed soon, and quickly.  Possibly (20%) that's next year, and most likely (80%) before the end of 2029. These are not things you need to believe for yourself in order to understand my view, so no worries if you're not personally convinced of this.

(For what it's worth, I did arrive at...

4Andrew Critch
a) If we go extinct from a loss of control event, I count that as extinction from a loss of control event, accounting for the 35% probability mentioned in the post. b) If we don't have a loss of control event but still go extinct from industrial dehumanization, I count that as extinction caused by industrial dehumanization caused by successionism, accounting for the additional 50% probability mentioned in the post, totalling an 85% probability of extinction over the next ~25 years. c) If a loss of control event causes extinction via a pathway that involves industrial dehumanization, that's already accounted for in the previous 35% (and moreovever I'd count the loss of control event as the main cause, because we have no control to avert the extinction after that point). I.e., I consider this a subset of (a): extinction via industrial dehumanization caused by loss of control. I'd hoped this would be clear in the post, from my use of the word "additional"; one does not generally add probabilities unless the underlying events are disjoint. Perhaps I should edit to add some more language to clarify this. Yes: humans must maintain power over the economy, such as by sustaining the power (including regulatory capture power) of industries that care for humans, per the post. I suspect this requires involves a lot of technical, social, and sociotechnical work, with much of the sociotechnical work probably being executed or lobbied by industry, and being of greater causal force than either the purely technical (e.g., algorithmic) or purely social (e.g., legislative) work. The general phenomenon of sociotechnical patterns (e.g., product roll-outs) dominating the evolution of the AI industry can be seen in the way Chat-GPT4 as a product has had more impact on the world — including via its influence on subsequent technical and social trends — than technical and social trends in AI and AI policy prior to ChatGPT-4 (e.g., papers on transformer models; policy briefings and think
6Lukas Finnveden
I wonder if work on AI for epistemics could be great for mitigating the "gradually cede control of the Earth to AGI" threat model. A large majority of economic and political power is held by people who would strongly oppose human extinction, so I expect that "lack of political support for stopping human extinction" would be less of a bottleneck than "consensus that we're heading towards human extinction" and "consensus on what policy proposals will solve the problem". Both of these could be significantly accelerated by AI. Normally, one of my biggest concerns about "AI for epistemics" is that we might not have much time to get good use of the epistemic assistance before the end — but if the idea is that we'll have AGI for many years (as we're gradually heading towards extinction) then there will be plenty of time.
11David Hornbein
What does your company do, specifically? I found the brief description at vague and unclear. Can you walk me through an example case of what you do for a patient, or something?

A patient can hire us to collect their medical records into one place, to research a health question for them, and to help them prep for a doctor's appointment with good questions about the research. Then we do that, building and using our AI tool chain as we go, without training AI on sensitive patient data. Then the patient can delete their data from our systems if they want, or re-engage us for further research or other advocacy on their behalf.

A good comparison is the company Picnic Health, except instead of specifically matching patients with clinical trials, we do more general research and advocacy for them.

on a call, i was discussing my idea for doing activation-level learning to (hopefully) provide models feedback based on their internal computations and choices:

I may have slipped into a word game... are we "training against the [interpretability] detection method" or are we "providing feedback away from one kind of algorithm and towards another"? They seem to suggest very different generalizations, even though they describe the same finetuning process. How could that be?

This is why we need empirics.

While you can make a lot of progress in evals with tinkering and paying little attention to the literature, we found that various other papers have saved us many months of research effort. The Apollo Research evals team thus compiled a list of what we felt were important evals-related papers. We likely missed some relevant papers, and our recommendations reflect our personal opinions.

Our favorite papers

  • Evaluating Frontier Models for Dangerous Capabilities (Phuong et al., 2024)
    • Contains detailed descriptions of multiple LM agent evals across four categories. Also explores new methodologies for estimating evals success probabilities.
    • We think it is the best “all around” evals paper, i.e. giving the best understanding of what frontier LM agent evals look like
    • We tested the calibration of their new methodologies in practice in Hojmark et al.,
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