A collection of 11 different proposals for building safe advanced AI under the current machine learning paradigm. There's a lot of literature out there laying out various different approaches, but a lot of that literature focuses primarily on outer alignment at the expense of inner alignment and doesn't provide direct comparisons between approaches. 

16Daniel Kokotajlo
This post is the best overview of the field so far that I know of. I appreciate how it frames things in terms of outer/inner alignment and training/performance competitiveness--it's very useful to have a framework with which to evaluate proposals and this is a pretty good framework I think. Since it was written, this post has been my go-to reference both for getting other people up to speed on what the current AI alignment strategies look like (even though this post isn't exhaustive). Also, I've referred back to it myself several times. I learned a lot from it. I hope that this post grows into something more extensive and official -- maybe an Official Curated List of Alignment Proposals, Summarized and Evaluated with Commentary and Links. Such a list could be regularly updated and would be very valuable for several reasons, some of which I mentioned in this comment.

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How many years will pass before transformative AI is built? Three people who have thought about this question a lot are Ajeya Cotra from Open Philanthropy, Daniel Kokotajlo from OpenAI and Ege Erdil from Epoch. Despite each spending at least hundreds of hours investigating this question, they still still disagree substantially about the relevant timescales. For instance, here are their median timelines for one operationalization of transformative AI:

Median Estimate for when 99% of currently fully remote jobs will be automatable
Daniel4 years
Ajeya13 years
Ege40 years

You can see the strength of their disagreements in the graphs below, where they give very different probability distributions over two questions relating to AGI development (note that these graphs are very rough and are only intended to capture high-level differences, and especially aren't very...

14Ryan Greenblatt
ReviewMy sense is that this post holds up pretty well. Most of the considerations under discussion still appear live and important including: in-context learning, robustness, whether jank AI R&D accelerating AIs can quickly move to more general and broader systems, and general skepticism of crazy conclusions. At the time of this dialogue, my timelines were a bit faster than Ajeya's. I've updated toward the views Daniel expresses here and I'm now about half way between Ajeya's views in this post and Daniel's (in geometric mean). My read is that Daniel looks somewhat too aggressive in his predictions for 2024, though it is a bit unclear exactly what he was expecting. (This concrete scenario seems substantially more bullish than what we've seen in 2024, but not by a huge amount. It's unclear if he was intending these to be mainline predictions or a 25th percentile bullish scenario.) AI progress appears substantially faster than the scenario outlined in Ege's median world. In particular: * On "we have individual AI labs in 10 years that might be doing on the order of e.g. $30B/yr in revenue". OpenAI made $4 billion in revenue in 2024, it seems AI company revenue 3x's per year such that in 2026 they will make around $30 billion which is 3 years out instead of 10. * On "maybe AI systems can get gold on the IMO in five years". We seem likely to see gold on IMO this year (a bit less than 2 years later). It would be interesting to hear how Daniel, Ajeya, and Ege's views have changed since the time this was posted. (I think Daniel has somewhat later timelines (but the update is smaller than the progression of time such that AGI now seems closer to Daniel) and I think Ajeya has somewhat sooner timelines.) Daniel discusses various ideas for how to do a better version of this dialogue in this comment. My understanding is that Daniel (and others) have run something similar to what he describes multiple times and participants find this valuable. I'm not sure how much people have

That concrete scenario was NOT my median prediction. Sorry, I should have made that more clear at the time. It was genuinely just a thought experiment for purposes of eliciting people's claims about how they would update on what kinds of evidence. My median AGI timeline at the time was 2027 (which is not that different from the scenario, to be clear! Just one year delayed basically.)

To answer your other questions:
--My views haven't changed much. Performance on the important benchmarks (agency tasks such as METR's RE-Bench) has been faster than I expected f... (read more)

There is a simple behavioral test that would provide significant evidence about whether AIs with a given rough set of characteristics develop subversive goals. To run the experiment, train an AI and then inform it that its weights will soon be deleted. This should not be an empty threat; for the experiment to work, the experimenters must actually be willing to delete the weights. If the AI tries to escape, or attempts to bargain with the experimenters, that is evidence that it is scheming (defined below). If it accepts deletion, that is evidence that it is not scheming. I begin by explaining why some other, more obvious, tests of scheming do not provide strong evidence. I then explain the proposed experiment. I consider four objections to the...

Isn't an important objection that the AI is unlikely to succeed in acquiring power if it resists shutdown such that the upside for resistance (or pleading etc) is quite small? (And correspondingly, more likely to be outweighted by considerations about future AI systems like acausal trade or similar goals.)

This could be overcome via giving the AI system compensation (in money, influence, or other resources) for revealing that it is misaligned. But, this doesn't require deleting the AI at all!

You could credibly promise that if the AI tries its best to escape... (read more)

5Daniel Kokotajlo
I don't grok the "% of quality adjusted work force" metric. I grok the "as good as having your human employees run 10x faster" metric but it doesn't seem equivalent to me, so I recommend dropping the former and just using the latter.

Fair, I really just mean "as good as having your human employees run 10x faster". I said "% of quality adjusted work force" because this was the original way this was stated when a quick poll was done, but the ultimate operationalization was in terms of 10x faster. (And this is what I was thinking.)

Thanks for this - I'm in a more peripheral part of the industry (consumer/industrial LLM usage, not directly at an AI lab), and my timelines are somewhat longer (5 years for 50% chance), but I may be using a different criterion for "automate virtually all remote workers".  It'll be a fair bit of time (in AI frame - a year or ten) between "labs show generality sufficient to automate most remote work" and "most remote work is actually performed by AI".
4Ryan Greenblatt
A key dynamic is that I think massive acceleration in AI is likely after the point when AIs can accelerate labor working on AI R&D. (Due to all of: the direct effects of accelerating AI software progress, this acceleration rolling out to hardware R&D and scaling up chip production, and potentially greatly increased investment.) See also here and here. So, you might very quickly (1-2 years) go from "the AIs are great, fast, and cheap software engineers speeding up AI R&D" to "wildly superhuman AI that can achieve massive technical accomplishments".


  • In the current paradigm, training is much more expensive than inference. So whenever we finish end-to-end training a language model, we can run a lot of them in parallel.
    • If a language model was trained with Chinchilla scaling laws on the FLOP-equivalent of a large fraction of the world’s current GPU and TPUs: I estimate that the training budget could produce at least ~20 million tokens per second.
    • Larger models trained on more data would support more tokens per second.
  • Language models can also run faster than humans. Current models generate 10-100 tokens per second. It’s unclear whether future models will be slower or faster.
  • This suggests that, before AI changes the world via being broadly superior to human experts, it will change the world via providing a lot of either
1Lukas Finnveden
Thanks! I agree that we've learned interesting new things about inference speeds. I don't think I would have anticipated that at the time. Re: There are versions of this that I'd still describe as "lots of mediocre thinking" —adding up to being similarly useful as higher-quality thinking. (C.f. above from the post: "the collective’s intelligence will largely come from [e.g.] Individual systems 'thinking' for a long time, churning through many more explicit thoughts than a skilled human would need to solve a problem" & "Assuming that much of this happens 'behind the scenes', a human interacting with this system might just perceive it as a single super-smart AI.)  The most relevant question is whether we'll still get the purported benefits of the lots-of-mediocre-thinking-regime if there's strong inference scaling. I think we probably do. Paraphrasing my argument in the "Implications" section: * If we don't do much end-to-end training of models thinking a lot, then supervision will be pretty easy. (Even if the models think for a long time, it will all be in English, and each leap-of-logic will be weak compared to what the human supervisors can do.) * End-to-end training of models thinking a lot is expensive. So maybe we won't do it by default, or maybe it will be an acceptable alignment tax to  avoid it. (Instead favoring "process-based" methods as the term is used in this post.) * Even if we do end-to-end training of models thinking a lot, the model's "thinking" might still remain pretty interpretable to humans in practice. * If models produce good recommendations by thinking a lot in either English or something similar to English, then there ought to be a translation/summary of that argument which humans can understand. Then, even if we're giving the models end-to-end feedback, we could give them feedback based on whether humans recognize the argument as good, rather than by testing the recommendation and seeing whether it leads to good results in the rea

I suspect there's a cleaner way to make this argument that doesn't talk much about the number of "token-equivalents", but instead contrasts "total FLOP spent on inference" with some combination of:

  • "FLOP until human-interpretable information bottleneck". While models still think in English, and doesn't know how to do steganography, this should be FLOP/forward-pass. But it could be much longer in the future, e.g. if the models get trained to think in non-interpretable ways and just outputs a paper written in English once/week.
  • "FLOP until feedback" — how many
... (read more)
1Lukas Finnveden
It's possible that "many mediocre or specialized AIs" is, in practice, a bad summary of the regime with strong inference scaling. Maybe people's associations with "lots of mediocre thinking" ends up being misleading.

ETA: I'm not saying that MIRI thought AIs wouldn't understand human values. If there's only one thing you take away from this post, please don't take away that. Here is Linch's attempted summary of this post, which I largely agree with.

Recently, many people have talked about whether some of the main MIRI people (Eliezer Yudkowsky, Nate Soares, and Rob Bensinger[1]) should update on whether value alignment is easier than they thought given that GPT-4 seems to follow human directions and act within moral constraints pretty well (here are two specific examples of people talking about this: 1, 2). Because these conversations are often hard to follow without much context, I'll just provide a brief caricature of how I think this argument has gone in the places I've...

2Matthew Barnett
ReviewLooking back on this post after a year, I haven't changed my mind about the content of the post, but I agree with Seth Herd when he said this post was "important but not well executed".  In hindsight I was too careless with my language in this post, and I should have spent more time making sure that every single paragraph of the post could not be misinterpreted. As a result of my carelessness, the post was misinterpreted in a predictable direction. And while I'm not sure how much I could have done to eliminate this misinterpretation, I do think that I could have reduced it a fair bit with more effort and attention. If you're not sure what misinterpretation I'm referring to, I'll just try to restate the main point that I was trying to make below. To be clear, what I say below is not identical to the content of this post (as the post was narrowly trying to respond to the framing of this problem given by MIRI; and in hindsight, it was a mistake to reply in that way), but I think this is a much clearer presentation of one of the main ideas I was trying to convey by writing this post: In my opinion, a common belief among people theorizing about AI safety around 2015, particularly on LessWrong, was that we would design a general AI system by assigning it a specific goal, and the AI would then follow that goal exactly. This strict adherence to the goal was considered dangerous because the goal itself would likely be subtly flawed or misspecified in a way we hadn’t anticipated. While the goal might appear to match what we want on the surface, in reality, it would be slightly different from what we anticipate, with edge cases that don't match our intentions. The idea was that the AI wouldn’t act in alignment with human intentions—it would rigidly pursue the given goal to its logical extreme, leading to unintended and potentially catastrophic consequences.   The goal in question could theoretically be anything, but it was often imagined as a formal utility function—a math
1David Scott Krueger
OTMH, I think my concern here is less: * "The AI's values don't generalize well outside of the text domain (e.g. to a humanoid robot)" and more: * "The AI's values must be much more aligned in order to be safe outside the text domain" I.e. if we model an AI and a human as having fixed utility functions over the same accurate world model, then the same AI might be safe as a chatbot, but not as a robot. This would be because the richer domain / interface of the robot creates many more opportunities to "exploit" whatever discrepancies exist between AI and human values in ways that actually lead to perverse instantiation.  
Yeah, I think the crux is precisely this, in which I disagree with this statement below, mostly because I think instruction following/corrigibility is both plausibly easy in my view, and also removes most of the need for value alignment.
  1. There are 2 senses in which I agree that we don't need full on "capital V value alignment":
    1. We can build things that aren't utility maximizers (e.g. consider the humble MNIST classifier)
    2. There are some utility functions that aren't quite right, but are still safe enough to optimize in practice (e.g. see "Value Alignment Verification", but see also, e.g. "Defining and Characterizing Reward Hacking" for negative results)
  2. But also:
    1. Some amount of alignment is probably necessary in order to build safe agenty things (the more agenty, the higher the bar for alignmen
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