Apollo Research (London).
My main research interests are mechanistic interpretability and inner alignment.
IMO most exciting mech-interp research since SAEs, great work
I think so too! (assuming it can be made more robust and scaled, which I think it can)
And thanks! :)
We're aware of model diffing work like this, but I wasn't aware of this particular paper.
It's probably an edge case: They do happen both to be in weight space and to be suggestive of weight space linearity. Indeed, our work was informed by various observations from a range of areas that suggest weight space linearity (some listed here).
On the other hand, our work focused on decomposing a given network's parameters. But the line of work you linked above seems more in pursuit of model editing and understanding the difference between two similar models, rather than decomposing a particular model's weights.
all in all, whether it deserved to be in the related work section is unclear to me. Seems plausible either way. The related work section was already pretty long, but it maybe deserves a section on weight space linearity, though probably not one on model diffing imo.
It would be interesting to meditate in the question "What kind of training procedure could you use to get a meta-SAE directly?" And I think answering this relies in part on mathematical specification of what you want.
At Apollo we're currently working on something that we think will achieve this. Hopefully will have an idea and a few early results (toy models only) to share soon.
So I believe I had in mind "active means [is achieved deliberately through the agent's actions]".
I think your distinction makes sense. And if I ever end up updating this article I would consider incorporating it. However, I think the reason I didn't make this distinction at the time is because the difference is pretty subtle.
The mechanisms I labelled as "strictly active" are the kind of strategy that it would be extremely improbable to implement successfully without some sort of coherent internal representations to help orchestrate the actions required to do it. This is true even if they've been selected for passively.
So I'd argue that they all need to be implemented actively (if they're to have a reasonable probability of success) but may be selected for passively or actively. I'm curious if you agree with this? If not, then I may have missed your argument.
For the convenience of other readers of this thread, the kind of strategies I labelled as strictly active are:
Extremely glad to see this! The Guez et al. model has long struck me as one of the best instances of a mesaoptimizer and it was a real shame that it was closed source. Looking forward to the interp findings!
I'm pretty sure that there's at least one other MATS group (unrelated to us) currently working on this, although I'm not certain about any of the details. Hopefully they release their research soon!
There's recent work published on this here by Chris Mathwin, Dennis Akar, and me. The gated attention block is a kind of transcoder adapted for attention blocks.
Nice work by the way! I think this is a promising direction.
Note also the similar, but substantially different, use of the term transcoder here, whose problems were pointed out to me by Lucius. Addressing those problems helped to motivate our interest in the kind of transcoders that you've trained in your work!
Trying to summarize my current understanding of what you're saying:
Yes all four sound right to me.
To avoid any confusion, I'd just add an emphasis that the descriptions are mathematical, as opposed semantic.
I'd guess you have intuitions that the "short description length" framing is philosophically the right one, and I probably don't quite share those and feel more confused how to best think about "short descriptions" if we don't just allow arbitrary Turing machines (basically because deciding what allowable "parts" or mathematical objects are seems to be doing a lot of work). Not sure how feasible converging on this is in this format (though I'm happy to keep trying a bit more in case you're excited to explain).
I too am keen to converge on a format in terms of Turing machines or Kolmogorov complexity or something else more formal. But I don't feel very well placed to do that, unfortunately, since thinking in those terms isn't very natural to me yet.
Hm I think of the (network, dataset) as scaling multiplicatively with size of network and size of dataset. In the thread with Erik above, I touched a little bit on why:
"SAEs (or decompiled networks that use SAEs as the building block) are supposed to approximate the original network behaviour. So SAEs are mathematical descriptions of the network, but not of the (network, dataset). What's a mathematical description of the (network, dataset), then? It's just what you get when you pass the dataset through the network; this datum interacts with this weight to produce this activation, that datum interacts with this weight to produce that activation, and so on. A mathematical description of the (network, dataset) in terms of SAEs are: this datum activates dictionary features xyz (where xyz is just indices and has no semantic info), that datum activates dictionary features abc, and so on."
And spiritually, we only need to understand behavior on the training dataset to understand everything that SGD has taught the model.
Yes, I roughly agree with the spirit of this.
Agree! I'd be excited by work that uses APD for MAD, or even just work that applies APD to Boolean circuit networks. We did consider using them as a toy model at various points, but ultimately opted to go for other toy models instead.
(btw typo: *APD)