All of Mark Xu's Comments + Replies

I was intending to warn about the possibility of future perception of corruption, e.g. after a non-existential AI catastrophe. I do not think anyone currently working at safety teams is percieved as that "corrupted", although I do think there is mild negative sentiment among some online communities (some parts of twitter, reddit, etc.).

Basically (2), very small amounts of (1) (perhaps qualitatively similar to the amount of (1) you would apply to e.g. people joining US AISI or UK AISI)

AI safety researchers might be allocated too heavily to Anthropic compared to Google Deepmind

Some considerations:

  • Safety researchers should want Google Deepmind (GDM) to have a robust and flourishing safety department. It seems plausible that GDM will be able to create "the smartest" models: they have lots of talent, and own lots of computers. (see e.g.
  • Anthropic (ANT) might run into trouble in the future due to not owning their own computers, e.g. if Amazon (or where ever they're renting th
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2Neel Nanda
The high level claim seems pretty true to me. Come to the GDM alignment team, it's great over here! It seems quite important to me that all AGI labs have good safety teams Thanks for writing the post!

Some possible counterpoints:

  • Centralization might actually be good if you believe there are compounding returns to having lots of really strong safety researchers in one spot working together, e.g. in terms of having other really good people to work with, learn from, and give you feedback.
  • My guess would be that Anthropic resources its safety teams substantially more than GDM in terms of e.g. compute per researcher (though I'm not positive of this).
  • I think the object-level research productivity concerns probably dominate, but if you're thinking about inf
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6Raymond Arnold
I think two major cruxes for me here are: * is it actually tractable to affect Deepmind's culture and organizational decisionmaking * how close to the threshold is Anthropic for having a good enough safety culture? My current best guess is that Anthropic is still under the threshold for good enough safety culture (despite seeming better than I expected in a number of ways), and meanwhile that Deepmind is just too intractably far gone.  I think people should be hesitant to work at any scaling lab, but, I think Anthropic might be possible to make "the one actually good scaling lab", and I don't currently expect that to be tractable at Deepmind and I think "having at least one" seems good for the world (although it's a bit hard for me to articulate why at the moment) I am interested in hearing details about Deepmind that anyone thinks should change my mind about this. This viewpoint is based on having spent at least 10s of hours trying to learn and about influence both org's culture, at various times. In both cases, I don't get the sense that people at the orgs really have a visceral sense that "decisionmaking processes can be fake", I think they will be fake by default and the org is better modeled as following general incentives, and DeepMind has too many moving people and moving parts at a low enough density that it doesn't seem possible to fix. For me to change my mind about this, I would need to someone there to look me in the eye and explain that they do have a visceral sense of how organizational decisionmaking processes can be fake, and why they nonetheless think DeepMind is tractable to fix. I assume it's hard for @Rohin Shah and @Neel Nanda can't really say anything publicly that's capable of changing my mind for various confidentiality and political reasons, but, like, that's my crux. (conving me in more general terms "Ray, you're too pessimistic about org culture" would hypothetically somehow work, but, you have a lot of work to do given how thorou
7Scott Emmons
Great post. I'm on GDM's new AI safety and alignment team in the Bay Area and hope readers will consider joining us! What evidence is there that working at a scaling lab risks creating a "corrupted" perception? When I try thinking of examples, the people that come to my mind seem to have quite successfully transitioned from working at a scaling lab to doing nonprofit / government work. For example: * Paul Christiano went from OpenAI to the nonprofit Alignment Research Center (ARC) to head of AI safety at the US AI Safety Institute. * Geoffrey Irving worked at Google Brain, OpenAI, and Google DeepMind. Geoffrey is now Chief Scientist at the UK AI Safety Institute. * Beth Barnes worked at DeepMind and OpenAI and is now founder and head of research at Model Evaluation and Threat Research (METR).
2Arthur Conmy
> think hard about how joining a scaling lab might inhibit their future careers by e.g. creating a perception they are “corrupted” Does this mean something like: 1. People who join scaling labs can have their values drift, and future safety employers will suspect by-default that ex-scaling lab staff have had their values drift, or   2. If there is a non-existential AGI disaster, scaling lab staff will be looked down upon or something else entirely?

ANT has a stronger safety culture, and so it is a more pleasant experience to work at ANT for the average safety researcher. This suggests that there might be a systematic bias towards ANT that pulls away from the "optimal allocation".

I think this depends on whether you think AI safety at a lab is more of an O-ring process or a swiss-cheese process. Also, if you think it's more of an O-ring process, you might be generally less excited about working at a scaling lab.

Hiliariously, it seems likely that our disagreement is even more meta, on the question of "how do you know when you have enough information to know", or potentially even higher, e.g. "how much uncertainty should one have given that they think they know" etc.

I think I disagree with your model of importance. If your goal is the make a sum of numbers small, then you want to focus your efforts where the derivative is lowest (highest? signs are hard), not where the absolute magnitude is highest.

The "epsilon fallacy" can be committed in both directions: both in that any negative dervative is worth working on, and that any extremely large number is worth taking a chance to try to improve.

I also seperately think that "bottleneck" is not generally a good term to apply to a complex project with high amounts of technica... (read more)

I do think that "we don't have enough information to know where the bottlenecks are yet" is in-general a reasonable counterargument to a "just focus on the bottlenecks" approach (insofar as we in fact do not yet have enough information). In this case I think we do have enough information, so that's perhaps a deeper crux.

My vague plan along these lines is to attempt as hard as possible to defer all philosophically confusing questions to the "long reflection", and to use AI control as a tool to help produce AIs that can help preserve long term option value (including philosophical option value) as best as possible.

I seperately have hope we can solve "the entire problem" at some point, e.g. through ARC's agenda (which I spend most of my time trying to derisk and advance).

yep agreed, I have a bunch of vague plans in this direction. I most generally think that AI control is a pretty good tool in the toolbox, and is unlikely to make things much worse but plausibly makes things much better.

I agree it is better work on bottlenecks than non-bottlenecks. I have high uncertainty about where such bottlenecks will be, and I think sufficiently low amounts of work have gone into "control" that it's obviously worth investing more, because e.g. I think it'll let us get more data on where bottlenecks are.

1Mark Xu
see my longer comment

Alignment researchers should think hard about switching to working on AI Control

I think Redwood Research’s recent work on AI control really “hits it out of the park”, and they have identified a tractable and neglected intervention that can make AI go a lot better. Obviously we should shift labor until the marginal unit of research in either area decreases P(doom) by the same amount. I think that implies lots of alignment researchers should shift to AI control type work, and would naively guess that the equilibrium is close to 50/50 across people who a... (read more)

6Rohin Shah
This seems to presume that you can divide up research topics into "alignment" vs "control" but this seems wrong to me. E.g. my categorization would be something like: * Clearly alignment: debate theory, certain flavors of process supervision * Clearly control: removing affordances (e.g. "don't connect the model to the Internet") * Could be either one: interpretability, critique models (in control this is called "untrusted monitoring"), most conceptions of ELK, generating inputs on which models behave badly, anomaly detection, capability evaluations, faithful chain of thought, ... Redwood (I think Buck?) sometimes talks about how labs should have the A-team on control and the B-team on alignment, and I have the same complaint about that claim. It doesn't make much sense for research, most of which helps with both. It does make sense as a distinction for "what plan will you implement in practice" -- but labs have said very little publicly about that. Other things that characterize work done under the name of "control" so far are (1) it tries to be very concrete about its threat models, to a greater degree than most other work in AI safety, and (2) it tries to do assurance, taking a very worst case approach. Maybe you're saying that people should do those things more, but this seems way more contentious and I'd probably just straightforwardly disagree with the strength of your recommendation (though probably not its direction). Nitpick: I would also quibble with your definitions; under your definitions, control seems like a subset of alignment (the one exception if you notice the model is scheming and then simply stop using AI). I think you really have to define alignment as models reliably doing what you want independent of the surrounding context, or talk about "trying to do what you want" (which only makes sense when applied to models, so has similar upshots). Tbc I like control and think more effort should be put into it; I just disagree with the strength o

quick analogy: if the sum of a bunch of numbers is large, there doesn’t need to be any individual number that is large; similarly, if the consequences of a sequence of actions results in a large change, no individual action needs to be “pivotal”

This feels like a pretty central cruxy point - and not just for the relevance of the pivotal act framing specifically. I think it's underlying a whole difference of worldview or problem-solving approach.

A couple other points in a similar direction:

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I really think if you want to tell a story of AI Control work being good (especially compared to working on preventing AGI from being built in the first place), the important and difficult part is figuring out how to actually use these more powerful AI systems to either achieve some kind of global moratorium, or make unprecedented progress on the hard parts of the AI Alignment problem. 

When I see most people start thinking about control, I rarely see them interface with either of these two things, and honestly, I mostly see them come up with cool addi... (read more)

This post raises an important perspective on the practicalities of AI Control versus Alignment. Given the potential for AI to function productively even when not fully aligned, do you believe that current AI control methods are scalable enough to handle future AGI systems? Additionally, what would be the main challenges in ensuring that AI control strategies are robust in highly dynamic or emergency scenarios?

Better control solutions make AI more economically useful, which speeds up the AI race and makes it even harder to do an AI pause.

When we have controlled unaligned AIs doing economically useful work, they probably won't be very useful for solving alignment. Alignment will still be philosophically confusing, and it will be hard to trust the alignment work done by such AIs. Such AIs can help solve some parts of alignment problems, parts that are easy to verify, but alignment as a whole will still be bottle-necked on philosophically confusing, hard to verify ... (read more)

I would suggest 50% of researchers working on a broader definition of control: including "control", technical governance work and technical outreach (scary demos, model organisms of misalignment). 

The intelligence explosion might happen with less-fully-AGI AIs, who will also be doing some alignment work on the side. It’s important for them to not escape and do other bad stuff until they’ve solve alignment. We can give ourselves more time to use smart AIs to help with alignment if we have better AI control.

Well, this would be the lone crux. The rest of the stuff you wrote is about non-exploding AI, right? And is therefore irrelevant to the thing about everyone dying, except insofar as controlled non-exploding AI can help prevent uncontrolled exploding AI from killing everyone?

I directionally agree with this (and think it's good to write about this more, strongly upvoted!)

For clarity, I would distinguish between two control-related ideas more explicitly when talking about how much work should go into what area:

  1. "ensuring that if the AIs are not aligned [...], then you are still OK" (which I think is the main meaning of "AI control")
  2. Making ~worst-case assumptions about things like neural representations or inductive biases (which in practice means you likely rely on black-box methods, as in Redwood's existing work on control).

I th... (read more)

Yes I agree with what you have written, and do think it’s overall not that likely that everything pans out as hoped. We do also have other hopes for how this general picture can still cohere if the specific path doesn’t work out, eg we’re open to learning some stuff empirically and adding an “algorithmic cherry on top” to produce the estimate.

The literature review is very strange to me. Where is the section on certified robustness against epsilon-ball adversarial examples? The techniques used in that literature (e.g. interval propagation) are nearly identical to what you discuss here.

I was meaning to include such a section, but forgot :). Perhaps I will edit it in. I think such work is qualitatively similar to what we're trying to do, but that the key difference is that we're interested in "best guess" estimates, as opposed to formally verified-to-be-correct estimates (mostly because we don'... (read more)

4Rohin Shah
Fwiw the thing that scares me is the combination of three things: 1. Producing an accurate estimate requires "understanding" the input 2. Our standard for the quality of estimates will be very high 3. The approach is purely algorithmic (rather than e.g. using the flexible intelligence of LLMs / humans) You presumably agree with (1) and (3). For (2), it seems like there's a lot of correlations you need to take into account for this to produce estimates that aren't wildly off: 1. Underestimates of risk: These are cases where the presumption of independence neglects correlations between things that happen for catastrophe-causing events. For example, maybe a model is planning to defect when RSA-2048 is factored, and it has N different consistency checks it runs to make sure we aren't fooling it about whether it has been factored. The method has to see that there's a common cause for all the consistency checks to return 1, otherwise it will underestimate risk by a factor exponential in N. (And tbc I think even separately from more exotic examples like RSA-2048, it will be relatively common for this pattern to arise with networks, e.g. it happens any time that in reality there is a common cause that produces many pieces of evidence, and then the network aggregates those pieces of evidence to infer the common cause.) 2. Overestimates of risk: These are cases where the presumption of independence neglects correlations that rule out catastrophe, and so lead to overestimates. For example, the model might be willing to make up fake instructions for creating bioweapons to help with scifi writing, but never provide real instructions. So the method needs to capture the "understanding" of which instructions are fake vs real. I agree this isn't a proof of impossibility, since a purely algorithmic approach (SGD) produced the "understanding" in the first place, so in theory a purely algorithmic approach could still capture all that understanding to produce accurate estimates

yes, you would need the catastrophe detector to be reasonably robust. Although I think it's fine if e.g. you have at least 1/million chance of catching any particular catastrophe.

I think there is a gap, but that the gap is probably not that bad (for "worst case" tail risk estimation). That is maybe because I think being able to do estimation through a single forward pass is likely already to be very hard, and to require being able to do "abstractions" over the concepts being manipulated by the forward pass. CoT seems like it will require vaguely similar struction of a qualitatively similar kind.

I think catastrophe detectors in practice will be composed of neural networks interacting with other stuff, like scientific literature, python, etc.

With respect to the stuff quoted, I think all but "doing experiments" can be done with a neural net doing chain of thought (although not making claims about quality).

I think we're trying to solve a different problem than trusted monitoring, but I'm not that knowledgeable about what issues trusted monitoring is trying to solve. The main thing that I don't think you can do with monitoring is producing a model tha... (read more)

2Fabien Roger
Thanks for your explanations! Good point. I agree that if you don't have time or resources to train the policy against the monitor on-the-fly, doing the catastrophe-suppression upfront is very nice. It is worth noting that if "training against the monitor" didn't work because the monitor was not robust enough, then my understanding is that the same issue would plague the tail-risk estimation approach: for optimization against tail-risk to not get gamed, you not only need the tail-risk estimation to be robust, but you also need the catastrophe detector to be robust. Is that right? I would have thought there is a big gap between "doing tail-risk estimation for an NN forward pass" and "doing tail-risk estimation for an NN CoT".  Argmax (the one in T=0 sampling) is not a nice non-linearity, and my guess is that none of the hopes for NN tail-risk estimation present in the post allow you to make claims about weak model CoT. If you do layer-by-layer modeling (going through n_layers x n_sampled_tokens steps), I would be surprised if you ended up being able to show sth like "after careful consideration, and despite the naive warning signs (which you need to have, otherwise the CoT is not very useful), the CoT always converges to saying that there is no catastrophe" - it's not like in single-forward-pass land where there is a clear sense in which the activations should not go in certain regions. I haven't thought about it much, so maybe I am too pessimistic about dealing with the argmax?

if you train on (x, f(x)) pairs, and you ask it to predict f(x') on some novel input x', and also to write down what it thinks f is, do you know if these answers will be consistent? For instance, the model could get f wrong, and also give the wrong prediction for f(x), but it would be interesting if the prediction for f(x) was "connected" to it's sense of what f was.

2Owain Evans
Good question. I expect you would find some degree of consistency here. Johannes or Dami might be able to some results on this.

Here are some things I think you can do:

  • Train a model to be really dumb unless I prepend a random secret string. The goverment doesn't have this string, so I'll be able to predict my model and pass their eval. Some precedent in:

  • I can predict a single matrix multiply just by memorizing the weights, and I can predict ReLU, and I'm allowed to use helper AIs.

  • I just train really really hard on imitating 1 particular individual, then have them just say whatever first comes to mind.

2Alex Turner
Thanks for the comment! Quick reacts: I'm concerned about the first bullet, not about 2, and bullet 3 seems to ignore top-k probability prediction requirements (the requirement isn't to just ID the most probable next token). Maybe there's a recovery of bullet 3 somehow, though?

You have to specify your backdoor defense before the attacker picks which input to backdoor.

My shitty guess is that you're basically right that giving a finite set of programs infinite money can sort of be substituted for the theorem prover. One issue is that logical inductor traders have to be continuous, so you have to give an infinite family of programs "infinite money" (or just an increasing unbounded amount as eps -> 0)

I think if these axioms were inconsistent, then there wouldn't be a price at which no trades happen so the market would fail. Alternatively, if you wanted the infinities to cancel, then the market prices could just be whatever they wanted (b/c you would get infinite buys and sells for any price in (0, 1)).

I think competitiveness matters a lot even if there's only moderate amounts of competitive pressure. The gaps in efficiency I'm imagining are less "10x worse" and more like "I only had support vector machines and you had SGD"

humans, despite being fully general, have vastly varying ability to do various tasks, e.g. they're much better at climbing mountains than playing GO it seems. Humans also routinely construct entirely technology bases to enable them to do tasks that they cannot do themselves. This is, in some sense, a core human economic activity: the construction of artifacts that can do tasks better/faster/more efficiently than humans can do themselves. It seems like by default, you should expect a similar dynamic with "fully general" AIs. That is, AIs trained to do semic... (read more)

4Daniel Kokotajlo
Nobody is asking that the AI can also generalize to "optimize human values as well as the best available combination of skills it has otherwise..." at least, I wasn't asking that. (At no point did I assume that fully general means 'equally good' at all tasks. I am not even sure such comparisons can be made.) But now rereading your comments it seems you were all along, since you brought up competitiveness worries. So now maybe I understand you better: you are assuming a hypercompetitive takeoff in which if there are AIs running around optimized to play the training game or something, and then we use interpretability tools to intervene on some of them and make them optimize for long-run human values instead, they won't be as good at it as they were at playing the training game, even though they will be able to do it (compare: humans can optimize for constructing large cubes of iron, but they aren't as good at it as they are at optimizing for status) and so they'll lose competitions to the remaining AIs that haven't been modified? (My response to this would be ah, this makes sense, but I don't expect there to be this much competition so I'm not bothered by this problem. I think if we have the interpretability tools we'll probably be able to retarget the search of all relevant AIs, and then they'll optimize for human values inefficiently but well enough to save the day.)

Not literally the best, but retargetable algorithms are on the far end of the spectrum of "fully specialized" to "fully general", and I expect most tasks we train AIs to do to have heuristics that enable solving the tasks much faster than "fully general" algorithms, so there's decently strong pressure to be towards the "specialized" side.

I also think that heuristics are going to be closer to multiplicative speed ups than additive, so it's going to be closer to "general algorithms just can't compete" than "it's just a little worse". E.g. random search is te... (read more)

5Daniel Kokotajlo
OK, cool. How do you think generalization works? I thought the idea was that instead of finding a specific technique that only works on the data you were trained on, sufficiently big NN's trained on sufficiently diverse data end up finding more general techniques that work on that data + other data that is somewhat different. Generalization ability is a key metric for AGI, which I expect to go up before the end; like John said the kinds of AI we care about are the kinds that are pretty good at generalizing, meaning that they ARE close to the "fully general" end of the spectrum, or at least close enough that whatever they are doing can be retargeted to lots of other environments and tasks besides the exact ones they were trained on. Otherwise, they wouldn't be AGI. Would you agree with that? I assume not...
I basically buy that claim. The catch is that those specialized AIs won't be AGIs, for obvious reasons, and at the end of the day it's the AGIs which will have most of X-risk impact.

One of the main reasons I expect this to not work is because optimization algorithms that are the best at optimizing some objective given a fixed compute budget seem like they basically can't be generally-retargetable. E.g. if you consider something like stockfish, it's a combination of search (which is retargetable), sped up by a series of very specialized heuristics that only work for winning. If you wanted to retarget stockfish to "maximize the max number of pawns you ever have" you had, you would not be able to use [specialized for telling whether a mo... (read more)

3Daniel Kokotajlo
Are you saying that the AIs we train will be optimization algorithms that are literally the best at optimizing some objective given a fixed compute budget? Can you elaborate on why that is?
3Evan R. Murphy
This seems like a good argument against retargeting the search in a trained model turning out to be a successful strategy. But if we get to the point where we can detect such a search process in a model and what its target is, even if its efficiency is enhanced by specialized heuristics, doesn't that buy us a lot even without the retargeting mechanism? We could use that info about the search process to start over and re-train the model, modifying parameters to try and guide it toward learning the optimization target that we want it to learn. Re-training is far from cheap on today's large models, but you might not have to go through the entire training process before the optimizer emerges and gains a stable optimization target. This could allow us to iterate on the search target and verify once we have the one we want before having to deploy the model in an unsafe environment.

Flagging that I don't think your description of what ELK is trying to do is that accurate, e.g. we explicitly don't think that you can rely on using ELK to ask your AI if it's being deceptive, because it might just not know. In general, we're currently quite comfortable with not understanding a lot of what our AI is "thinking", as long as we can get answers to a particular set of "narrow" questions we think is sufficient to determine how good the consequences of an action are. More in “Narrow” elicitation and why it might be sufficient.

Separately, I think ... (read more)

7Paul Christiano
I think that the sharp left turn is also relevant to ELK, if it leads to your system not generalizing from "questions humans can answer" to "questions humans can't answer." My suspicion is that our key disagreements with Nate are present in the case of solving ELK and are not isolated to handling high-stakes failures. (However it's frustrating to me that I can never pin down Nate or Eliezer on this kind of thing, e.g. are they still pessimistic if there were a low-stakes AI deployment in the sense of this post?)

The humans presumably have access to the documents being summarized.

1Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel
I see, thank you

From my perspective, ELK is currently very much "A problem we don't know how to solve, where we think rapid progress is being made (as we're still building out the example-counterexample graph, and are optimistic that we'll find an example without counterexamples)" There's some question of what "rapid" means, but I think we're on track for what we wrote in the ELK doc: "we're optimistic that within a year we will have made significant progress either towards a solution or towards a clear sense of why the problem is hard."

We've spent ~9 months on the proble... (read more)

The official deadline for submissions is "before I check my email on the 16th", which I tend to do around 10 am PST.

Before I check my email on Feb 16th, which I will do around 10am PST.

The high-level reason is that the 1e12N model is not that much better at prediction than the 2N model. You can correct for most of the correlation even with only a vague guess at how different the AI and human probabilities are, and most AI and human probabilities aren't going to be that different in a way that produces a correlation the human finds suspicious. I think that the largest correlations are going to be produced by the places the AI and the human have the biggest differences in probabilities, which are likely also going to be the places where th... (read more)

I agree that i does slightly worse than t on consistency checks, but i also does better on other regularizers you're (maybe implicitly) using like speed/simplicity, so as long as i doesn't do too much worse it'll still beat out the direct translator.

One possible thing you might try is some sort of lexicographic ordering of regularization losses. I think this rapidly runs into other issues with consistency checks, like the fact that the human is going to be systematically wrong about some correlations, so i potentially is more consistent than t.

1Lukas Finnveden
Any articulable reason for why i just does slightly worse than t? Why would a 2N-node model fix a large majority of disrepancys between an N-node model and a 1e12*N-node model? I'd expect it to just fix a small fraction of them. Yeah, if you can get better-looking consistency than the direct translator in some cases, I agree that a sufficiently high consistency penalty will just push towards exploiting that (even if the intermediate model needs to be almost as large as the full predictor to exploit it properly). I'm curious whether you think this is the main obstacle. If we had a version of the correlation-consistency approach that always gave the direct translator minimal expected consistency loss, do we as-of-yet lack a counterexample for it?

I feel mostly confused by the way that things are being framed. ELK is about the human asking for various poly-sized fragments and the model reporting what those actually were instead of inventing something else. The model should accurately report all poly-sized fragments the human knows how to ask for.

Like the thing that seems weird to me here is that you can't simultaneously require that the elicited knowledge be 'relevant' and 'comprehensible' and also cover these sorts of obfuscated debate like scenarios.

I don't know what you mean by "relevant" or ... (read more)

1A Ray
Thanks for taking the time to explain this! I think this is what I was missing.  I was incorrectly thinking of the system as generating poly-sized fragments.

I don’t think I understand your distinction between obfuscated and non-obfuscated knowledge. I generally think of non-obfuscated knowledge as NP or PSPACE. The human judgement of a situation might only theoretically require a poly sized fragment of a exp sized computation, but there’s no poly sized proof that this poly sized fragment is the correct fragment, and there are different poly sized fragments for which the human will evaluate differently, so I think of ELK as trying to elicit obfuscated knowledge.

1A Ray
So if there are different poly fragments that the human would evaluate differently, is ELK just "giving them a fragment such that they come to the correct conclusion" even if the fragment might not be the right piece. E.g. in the SmartVault case, if the screen was put in the way of the camera and the diamond was secretly stolen, we would still be successful even if we didn't elicit that fact, but instead elicited some poly fragment that got the human to answer disapprove? Like the thing that seems weird to me here is that you can't simultaneously require that the elicited knowledge be 'relevant' and 'comprehensible' and also cover these sorts of obfuscated debate like scenarios. Does it seem right to you that ELK is about eliciting latent knowledge that causes an update in the correct direction, regardless of whether that knowledge is actually relevant?

We would prefer submissions be private until February 15th.

We generally assume that we can construct questions sufficiently well that there's only one unambiguous interpretation. We also generally assume that the predictor "knows" which world it's in because it can predict how humans would respond to hypothetical questions about various situations involving diamonds and sensors and that humans would say in theory Q1 and Q2 could be different.

More concretely, our standard for judging proposals is exhibiting an unambiguous failure. If it was plausible you asked the wrong question, or the AI didn't know what you mean... (read more)

I think we would be trying to elicit obfuscated knowledge in ELK. In our examples, you can imagine that the predictor's Bayes net works "just because", so an argument that is convincing to a human for why the diamond in the room has to be arguing that the Bayes net is a good explanation of reality + arguing that it implies the diamond is in the room, which is the sort of "obfuscated" knowledge that debate can't really handle.

1A Ray
Okay now I have to admit I am confused. Re-reading the ELK proposal -- it seems like the latent knowledge you want to elicit is not-obfuscated. Like, the situation to solve is that there is a piece of non-obfuscated information, which, if the human knew it, would change their mind about approval. How do you expect solutions to elicit latent obfuscated knowledge (like 'the only true explanation is incomprehendible by the human' situations)?
1A Ray
Cool, this makes sense to me. My research agenda is basically about making a not-obfuscated model, so maybe I should just write that up as an ELK proposal then.

The dataset is generated with the human bayes net, so it's sufficient to map to the human bayes net. There is, of course, an infinite set of "human" simulators that use slightly different bayes nets that give the same answers on the training set.

Does this mean that the method needs to work for ~arbitrary architectures, and that the solution must use substantially the same architecture as the original?

Yes, approximately. If you can do it for only e.g. transformers, but not other things, that would be interesting.

Does this mean that it must be able to deal with a broad variety of questions, so that we cannot simply sit down and think about how to optimize the model for getting a single question (e.g. "Where is the diamond?") right?

Yes, approximately. Thinking about how to get one question rig... (read more)

We generally imagine that it’s impossible to map the predictors net directly to an answer because the predictor is thinking in terms of different concepts, so it has to map to the humans nodes first in order to answer human questions about diamonds and such.

I see, thanks for answering. To further clarify, given the reporter's only access to the human's nodes is through the human's answers, would it be equally likely for the reporter to create a mapping to some other Bayes net that is similarly consistent with the answers provided? Is there a reason why the reporter would map to the human's Bayes net in particular?

The SmartFabricator seems basically the same. In the robber example, you might imagine the SmartVault is the one that puts up the screen to conceal the fact that it let the diamond get stolen.

A different way of phrasing Ajeya's response, which I think is roughly accurate, is that if you have a reporter that gives consistent answers to questions, you've learned a fact about the predictor, namely "the predictor was such that when it was paired with this reporter it gave consistent answers to questions." if there were 8 predictor for which this fact was true then "it's the [7th] predictor such that when it was paired with this reporter it gave consistent answers to questions" is enough information to uniquely determine the reporter, e.g. the previ... (read more)

There is a distinction between the way that the predictor is reasoning and the way that the reporter works. Generally, we imagine that that the predictor is trained the same way the "unaligned benchmark" we're trying to compare to is trained, and the reporter is the thing that we add onto that to "align" it (perhaps by only training another head on the model, perhaps by finetuning). Hopefully, the cost of training the reporter is small compared to the cost of the predictor (maybe like 10% or something)

In this frame, doing anything to train the way the pred... (read more)

I think that problem 1 and problem 2 as you describe them are potentially talking about the same phenomenon. I'm not sure I'm understanding correctly, but I think I would make the following claims:

  • Our notion of narrowness is that we are interested in solving the problem where the question we're asking is such that a state always resolves a question. E.g. there isn't any ambiguity around whether a state "really contains a diamond". (Note that there is ambiguity around whether the human could detect the diamond from any set of observations because there co
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1Ramana Kumar
This "there isn't any ambiguity"+"there is ambiguity" does not seem possible to me: these types of ambiguity are one and the same. But it might depend on what “any set of observations” is allowed to include. “Any set” suggests being very inclusive, but remember that passive observation is impossible. Perhaps the observations I’d want the human to use to figure out if the diamond is really there (presuming there isn’t ambiguity) would include observations you mean to exclude, such as disabling the filter-nanobots first? I guess a wrinkle here is that observations need to be “implementable” in the world. If we’re thinking of making observations as intervening on the world (e.g., to decide which sensors to query), then some observations may be inaccessible because we can’t make that intervention. Rewriting this all without relying on “possible”/”can” concepts would be instructive.
2Charlie Steiner
I think this statement encapsulates some worries I have. If it's important how the human defines a property like "the same diamond," then assuming that the sameness of the diamond is "out there in the diamond" will get you into trouble - e.g. if there's any optimization pressure to find cases where the specifics of the human's model rear their head. Human judgment is laden with the details of how humans model the world, you can't avoid dependence on the human (and the messiness that entails) entirely. Or to phrase it another way: I don't have any beef with a narrow approach that says "there's some set of judgments for which the human is basically competent, and we want to elicit knowledge relevant to those judgments." But I'm worried about a narrow approach that says "let's assume that humans are basically competent for all judgments of interest, and keep assuming this until something goes wrong." It just feels to me like this second approach is sort of... treating the real world as if it's a perturbative approximation to the platonic realm.

My point is either that:

  • it will always be possible to find such an experiment for any action, even desirable ones, because the AI will have defended the diamond in a way the human didn't understand or the AI will have deduced some property of diamonds that humans thought they didn't have
  • or there will be some tampering for which it's impossible to find an experiment, because in order to avoid the above problem, you will have to restrict the space of experiments

Thanks for your proposal! I'm not sure I understand how the "human is happy with experiment" part is supposed to work. Here are some thoughts:

  • Eventually, it will always be possible to find experiments where the human confidently predicts wrongly. Situations I have in mind are ones where your AI understands the world far better than you, so can predict that e.g. combining these 1000 chemicals will produce self-replicating protein assemblages, whereas the human's best guess is going to be "combining 1000 random chemicals doesn't do anything"
  • If the human
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1Ramana Kumar
Thanks for the reply! I think you’ve understood correctly that the human rater needs to understand the proposed experiment – i.e., be able to carry it out and have a confident expectation about the outcome – in order to rate the proposer highly. Here’s my summary of your point: for some tampering actions, there are no experiments that a human would understand in the above sense that would expose the tampering. Therefore that kind of tampering will result in low value for the experiment proposer (who has no winning strategy), and get rated highly. This is a crux for me. I don’t yet believe such tampering exists. The intuition I’m drawing on here is that our beliefs about what world we’re in need to cash out in anticipated experiences. Exposing confusion about something that shouldn’t be confusing can be a successful proposer strategy. I appreciate your examples of “a fake diamond that can only be exposed by complex imaging techniques” and “a human making subtly different moral judgements” and will ponder them further. Your comment also helped me realise another danger of this strategy: to get the data for training the experiment proposer, we have to execute the SmartVault actions first. (Whereas I think in the baseline scheme they don’t have to be executed.)

We don't think that real humans are likely to be using Bayes nets to model the world. We make this assumption for much the same reasons that we assume models use Bayes nets, namely that it's a test case where we have a good sense of what we want a solution to ELK to look like. We think the arguments given in the report will basically extend to more realistic models of how humans reason (or rather, we aren't aware of a concrete model of how humans reason for which the arguments don't apply).

If you think there's a specific part of the report where the human Bayes net assumption seems crucial, I'd be happy to try to give a more general form of the argument in question.

Agreed, but the thing you want to use this for isn’t simulating a long reflection, which will fail (in the worst case) because HCH can’t do certain types of learning efficiently.

Once we get past Simulated Long Reflection, there's a whole pile of Things To Do With AI which strike me as Probably Doomed on general principles. You mentioned using HCH to "let humans be epistemically competitive with the systems we're trying to train", which definitely falls in that pile. We have general principles saying that we should definitely not rely on humans being epistemically competitive with AGI; using HCH does not seem to get around those general principles at all. (Unless we buy some very strong hypotheses about humans' skill at factorizing problems, in which case we'd also expect HCH to be able to simulate something long-reflection-like.) Trying to be epistemically competitive with AGI is, in general, one of the most difficult use-cases one can aim for. For that to be easier than simulating a long reflection, even for architectures other than HCH-emulators, we'd need some really weird assumptions.

I want to flag that HCH was never intended to simulate a long reflection. It’s main purpose (which it fails in the worse case) is to let humans be epistemically competitive with the systems you’re trying to train.

I mean, we have this thread with Paul directly saying "If all goes well you can think of it like 'a human thinking a long time'", plus Ajeya and Rohin both basically agreeing with that.

The way that you would think about NN anchors in my model (caveat that this isn't my whole model):

  • You have some distribution over 2020-FLOPS-equivalent that TAI needs.
  • Algorithmic progress means that 20XX-FLOPS convert to 2020-FLOPS-equivalent at some 1:N ratio.
  • The function from 20XX to the 1:N ratio is relatively predictable, e.g. a "smooth" exponential with respect to time.
  • Therefore, even though current algorithms will hit DMR, the transition to the next algorithm that has less DMR is also predictably going to be some constant ratio better at convert
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2Vanessa Kosoy
I don't understand this. * What is the meaning of "2020-FLOPS-equivalent that TAI needs"? Plausibly you can't build TAI with 2020 algorithms without some truly astronomical amount of FLOPs. * What is the meaning of "20XX-FLOPS convert to 2020-FLOPS-equivalent"? If 2020 algorithms hit DMR, you can't match a 20XX algorithm with a 2020 algorithm without some truly astronomical amount of FLOPs. Maybe you're talking about extrapolating the compute-performance curve, assuming that it stays stable across algorithmic paradigms (although, why would it??) However, in this case, how do you quantify the performance required for TAI? Do we have "real life elo" for modern algorithms that we can compare to human "real life elo"? Even if we did, this is not what Cotra is doing with her "neural anchor".

My model is something like:

  • For any given algorithm, e.g. SVMs, AlphaGo, alpha-beta pruning, convnets, etc., there is an "effective compute regime" where dumping more compute makes them better. If you go above this regime, you get steep diminishing marginal returns.
  • In the (relatively small) regimes of old algorithms, new algorithms and old algorithms perform similarly. E.g. with small amounts of compute, using AlphaGo instead of alpha-beta pruning doesn't get you that much better performance than like an OOM of compute (I have no idea if this is true, ex
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3Vanessa Kosoy
Hmm... Interesting. So, this model says that algorithmic innovation is so fast that it is not much of a bottleneck: we always manage to find the best algorithm for given compute relatively quickly after this compute becomes available. Moreover, there is some smooth relation between compute and performance assuming the best algorithm for this level of compute. [EDIT: The latter part seems really suspicious though, why would this relation persist across very different algorithms?] Or at least this is true is "best algorithm" is interpreted to mean "best algorithm out of some wide class of algorithms s.t. we never or almost never managed to discover any algorithm outside of this class". This can justify biological anchors as upper bounds[1]: if biology is operating using the best algorithm then we will match its performance when we reach the same level of compute, whereas if biology is operating using a suboptimal algorithm then we will match its performance earlier. However, how do we define the compute used by biology? Moravec's estimate is already in the past and there's still no human-level AI. Then there is the "lifetime" anchor from Cotra's report which predicts a very short timeline. Finally, there is the "evolution" anchor which predicts a relatively long timeline. However, in Cotra's report most of the weight is assigned to the "neural net" anchors which talk about the compute for training an ANN of brain size using modern algorithms (plus there is the "genome" anchor in which the ANN is genome-sized). This is something that I don't see how to justify using Mark's model. On Mark's model, modern algorithms might very well hit diminishing returns soon, in which case we will switch to different algorithms which might have a completely different compute(parameter count) function. ---------------------------------------- 1. Assuming evolution also cannot discover algorithms outside our class of discoverable algorithms. ↩︎
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